Sunday, March 27, 2022

Snopes and Dopes

The Western msm likes to smear people, e.g., "conspiracy theorists". It's one of their favorite shitcks. In the rare instances when they do get called out on their bs they almost never retract or apologize. They just move on to the next load of bs. However, with the advent of the Internet they have been forced to confront the fact that people are waking up to their lying. What to do???

Lie even more of course.

"What the diference between a 'conspiracy theory' and an 'established fact'? One year." - Some witty guy

Unfortunately there are enough dummies in the world for the msm liars to continue gameing us. But they've had to develop some new tricks. One of these is online fact checking sites.

The online fact checking sites serve as a backstop to the msm's continual lying. When someone who's been made a fool of because they uncritically accepted a Washington Post story for something they uncritically felt, and want to prove how right they really are, there are now a number of fact check sites they can reference. Most of them spew the same liberal talking points that get liberals laughed at in the first place. But because the entire msm is spewing the same lies - almost as if they're all working in concert - the liberal, or neo-con for that matter, can march into a battle of wits thinking they're well armed.

Sites like...


Pro Publica:

Reuters Fact Check:

USA Today:

The Washington Post:


It's been demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt that the US DoD HAS been funding bioweapons research in Ukraine. At this juncture the Russians have found about thirty labs. There are no doubt more, yet undiscovered.

Victoria Nuland, the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs admitted this while giving sworn testimony before a US Senate committee:

Respect to Tucker Carlson for breaking this very important news. News that would otherwise have been quickly shoved down the memory hole.

Over a week after Nuland's testimony the msm was STILL lying about the bioweapons labs in Ukraine:

As of this writing the msm has suddenly gone dark about the "baseless" bioweapons claims.

Lying has become so endemic to the Tribe it appears to have encoded itself into their genes.


Monday, March 21, 2022

The Russians are Runnin'!

When your news feed pops up on your PC you are assured that Russia is reeling from one setback to another. It's just a matter of days until the Ukrainian Bikini Brigade chases the Russian hordes back to their borders.

They've been saying that for the past three and a half weeks.

Sounder reasoning than what's found in the msm of course says otherwise: the Russians are trying to minimize civilian and soldier's deaths, as well as infrastructure destruction, and are proceeding carefully and methodically.

The map below is from the French Ministry of Defense. It gives a truer picture of Russian territorial gains over the past weeks than what you'll find at Yahoo, Bing or any of the other msm outlets:


Creepy Joe - and Why They Lie

I'm a fairly uncomplicated person. Whenever the media or politicians etc, claim something is a fact, I assume they're lying. Automatically. Then walk it back from there. Happily, sometimes it turns out they're not lying. Sometimes.

It probably sounds pretty cynical, and that may be the case. But I'm right often enough. Enough to know that it's better to assume we're being lied to - and be proved wrong than to believe we're being told the truth - and be proved wrong. One thing I know for certain, beyond any shadow of doubt, is that the mainstream media is largely populated by liars. Gleeful liars.

Follow the reasoning: Jeff Bezos, e.g., owns the Washington Post. WaPo is a *very* influential newspaper. American politicals and bureaucrats of all stripes read it religiously.

Bezos' main game is Everyone knows that. What everyone doesn't know is that an Amazon subsidiary, Amazon Web Services, does a huge amount of business with the US government. Jeff Bezos is a BIG player! alone make him $$$billions a year. But Amazon Web Services may soon outperform The Washington Post is small potatoes compared to his other businesses. But it's still important and he uses it to enhance and advance his various stakes in the global economy. As I said, DC politicos all read the WaPo. And not just them: many other important people read it too.

Should some politico take a position for or against Bezos' interests the WaPo will dutifully take an interest in him.

If someone, say Bo Jiden, comes along - someone who will advance Bezos' dream of a worldwide commune of five hundred million obedient minions - he's going to get good press. No doubt about it. A team of reporters will be assigned to cover Jiden - and to cover for him. If any of these reporters dig up something the editors at WaPo don't like it'll get spiked. Do this too often and the reporter(s) will be called in for a heart to heart with their editor.

Suppose a reporter uncovers a dirty bomb story about a laptop once owned by the President's son. Lots of dirt. Emails detailing a globe spanning ring of grifting. And not only that: child pornography! And more than that: child abuse pornography...! What then? Given Bezos' investment in Jiden is that cat going to get let out of the bag?

Journalism majors come out of college owing a great deal of money. Just like the rest of us do. However, to get fully accredited as "journalists" - and land a paying job - they really need an MA. Another two years. By the time a journalism major graduates from their program, depending on the school they go to, they can easily have $125,000 in student debt. And it's going to take a looong time to pay that down. The big papers like WaPo pay their reporters reasonably well and our journalist has a degree from a prestigious school of journalism at a prestigious university so they take a job at WaPo.

But the new journalist soon learns that stories are expected to be covered from a "certain perspective". The factually correct stories he submits get sent back with "corrections" the editor wants. Corrections the new journalist knows are false. Or at least half truths. After a while in such a warped milieu the reporter is going to be faced with a choice: to go along - or get out.

An honest reporter WILL get out. Period. Jeff Bezos' business demands be damned. He'll find another way to pay off his college debt. It might not pay as well as WaPo or the others but at least he won't be having to lie anymore. So, props to him! His good angel won the tug of war.

But what of the journalists who take the deal? The George Wills, the Thomas Friedmans, the Keith Olbermans, the Brian Stelters...? How do they manage to look in their mirrors and not feel repelled by the once human thing looking back at them?

There's an economic principle called Gresham's Law: "Bad money drives out good." In short, counterfeit or debauched coinage tends to stay in circulation - while honest coin is kept. This results in a debased currency. Gresham's Law has its human application too. For our purpose: fake news drives out real news.

Honest journalists, departing as they do, leave the profession firmly in the hands of the grifters. These might start out simply wanting to get out from under the weight of their student debt. But after awhile they rise - and maybe start making real $$$. They also gain the applause of their fellow grifters, journalists and others, who tell them how great their last article was and what an inspiration they are! Still, like the demons who urge them on they know it's a lie. But also like the demons, the bigger the lie the bigger the applause. Maybe they justify it all to themselves by saying, "If the dumb sob's believe this stuff then they deserve to be lied to."

None of this is difficult to understand. It also explains why today the msm invariably sings whatever song the establishment is singing: the establishment signs their paychecks. QED.

It wasn't always this way in America. Maybe the last eighty years or so. Unfortunately, many people who get a newspaper don't read past the headlines. Those who do probably don't get past five or six paragraphs. And of those who do read the entire story, the story is still a pack of lies. Remember Nayira? The WMD's? Russian collusion? Trump lost the 2020 election fair and square? Covid? Nick Sandmann? Kyle Rittenhouse? The Hunter Biden laptop "Russian conspiracy"...? It's become so habitual for them the media will lie when the truth would serve them better.

Now we are being told that Russia, for no other reason than to sate the demented ego of Adolf Putler, has invaded a harmless, peace-loving neighbor - joyfully destroying everything in sight - and killing women, children and old people. Ignore how none of it makes any sense. The msm must suddenly be believed. Even as they now are being forced to admit their previous lies!

Well, there are plenty of gullibles in the world that shit will stick to.

However, in a very strange twist to recent events the msm has begun to shift tack with Bo Jiden... "Ready about! Hard a'lee!" His obvious befuddlement is now being discussed; and even more significantly his own son has come under attack. Hunter's laptop has become front page news in the mockingbird media - all over the world.

The sceptic in me smells a regime change coming. Will Creepy Joe soon find himself in the crosshairs of a "Russian Assassin"? Stranger things have happened in America.


Thursday, March 17, 2022

Give Us This Day Our Daily Lie

You can bet the wife and kids that Putin's speech was NOT mistranslated. Never! Not when he's threatening to use CHEMICAL WEAPONS!

"Putin on the Ritz." Vlad the Impaler Jr. loves his luxurious life so much that Lord Rothschild allowed photographer Mark Fiennes into Waddesdon Manor to document the Russian tyrants's lavish life of privilege and CHEMICAL WEAPONS

Yes friends, don't believe the baseless Russian propaganda saying Russia is winning. Putin is on the ropes - and will no doubt resort to using CHEMICAL WEAPONS against the suffering Ukrainians

For no reason whatsoever, evil Russians are planning on attacking women and children with CHEMICAL WEAPONS! And the Ukrainians are certainly NOT hiding regiments and artillery batteries among the civilian population. Now, move along

The Ukrainians are so brave! Stay strong, Ukraine! The only chance Evil Vlad has of winning his brutal war is to resort to CHEMICAL WEAPONS. Now, Believe as you're told - or be attacked by a mob of bots and shills

Hopefully, evil Putin won't use CHEMICAL WEAPONS on brave Elon

Evil Trump colluded with Evil Putin to GAS Rep. Kinzinger. Laughing GAS! Making him salute and retweet a troll tweet. Evil Trump and Putin may have looked on and laughed, but CHEMICAL WEAPONS are not funny!


Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The Price of Freedom; or Based America

It's said that the US operates about 750 military installations in about 70 countries around the World. Or it could be 800. No one knows. No one. Not even the Pentagon. The entire rest of the World - all put together - operate 30 (or 78 depending on the source) overseas bases.
An audit was conducted in 2018 - when 1200 independent auditors were brought in to discover just how big the US military is; and how much it costs to operate. Even for 1200 auditors that nut was too big to crack.
A few years back David Vine PhD, a professor at American University in Washington DC wrote a book, Base Nation, on the subject. When the Pentagon's research arm, the Rand Corp was doing the math on all the US military bases, rather than use the Pentagon's own list they borrowed Vine's list. It was more authoritative than the Pentagon's.
As stated the US maintains a global archipelago of military bases. Some like Camp Humpreys in South Korea are huge - 3,454 acres. America operates many huge overseas facilities. However, many others are "lily pads". Lily pads are a recent development. They are small bases with perhaps only a few score personnel that the US plants in remote parts of Africa, South America, the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, Greenland... everywhere. Some lily pads are just runways in a distant country which the US could use as a staging area should trouble erupt nearby.
It costs scores of $$$billions annually to operate all these outposts of the American empire.

So why does the US have so many bases in far off places - like Sao Tome and the Seychelles. Places that not one American in 10, or maybe 100, could find on a map?

Let's ask Major General Smedley Butler: "The trouble with America is that when the dollar only earns 6 percent over here, then it gets restless and goes overseas to get 100 percent. Then the flag follows the dollar and the soldiers follow the flag."

Well, the US dollar definitely knows where the bases all are! Down to the penny. The dollar is *the reserve currency of the World*. In most of the World international business is conducted in dollars. Using dollars simplifies the transaction. The math is easy. The dollar is stable. Everyone else knows and is using it. It's easily converted into other currencies. Plus, the Saudis demand payment for their oil in dollars. All of this creates a demand for dollars. It's another example of "supply and demand" - but writ very large indeed.

The dollar has been weaponized by America to use against countries it doesn't like. Russia for example. The dollar can be used to succor a country; but it can also be used to cripple it. Therein lies a danger. When the US uses the dollar to bludgeon non-compliant countries, other countries are watching it apprehensively. Saying to themselves and one another: "We could be next!"

At the time this is being written the Chinese are negotiating with the Saudis about China paying for Saudi oil in yuan instead of dollars. If they strike a deal, that will put a dent in the dollar. And seeing that America has poisoned the dollar it’s likely a deal of some kind will be made. Probably a smallish one. At first. Trial balloon stuff.

When Russia wins the Russo-Ukraine war, and it will win - irrespective of whatever foolishness the mockingbird media might have us believe - US prestige will take a serious hit. Also, the dollar will be exposed as being vincible - and other nations will realize they have options. Perhaps the yuan. They will then without question start getting off the bus en masse. The dollar's implosion will follow. Think of the Twin Towers. They stood majestically athwart New York skies all those years. Until the fateful day. And unlikely as it seemed (no steel skyscraper had ever fallen due to a fire before - or since!) the collapse was swift and immense.
I recall watching a documentary about the Afghan war. An American officer was going from village to village to try and warm the local's hearts with tales of American freedom and democracy. In one village the elder wasn't buying it. He said to the officer: "Alexander the Great was here. But he's gone. The Mongols were here. They're gone. The British were here. They're gone. The Russians were here. They're gone. Now you're here... and you will be gone too." He understood things.

The American global empire still has fangs and claws - but the lion is old and sick. When the creatures it preyed upon in its glory days understand this they will naturally come out to return the favor.

It's time to start storing food and water. And praying like we mean it.


Monday, March 14, 2022

Brother, Can You Spare a Prayer?

The mockingbird media continues running days or weeks old stories of the Russo-Ukraine war. From the same few sources. Bing may be the worst. Go there and type in “Putin is winning” - and watch what happens.

As a separate but not unrelated story to the war in Ukraine: my wife is a salaried RN with the third largest home health care company in America. Or I should say “was”. The company just eliminated her salaried position and is now going to pay her *per visit*. Which will entail a roughly 21% cut in her pay.

Medical care in the US is largely controlled by the government and insurance companies. And though her company has been unrealistically raising the performance bar for its field staff the last six years, I don’t think the timing of the pay cut is mere coincidence.

Job losses, pay cuts, rising prices, rising taxes…. It’ll probably come down to us having to choose between going hungry or cold. We’re in deep trouble.

Time to pray AND fast, friends. For ourselves, our families, our friends, our countries. Now more than ever.

“Where there is no prayer and fasting, there are the the demons.” - Theophan the Recluse


Friday, March 11, 2022

The Proof is in the Headlines... Ukraine is Winning!

Thank God we in the West have a free press! In spite of Russia's hacking, and censorship, and blaming others for what they themselves are doing, the truth is getting out!

Colin Powell returns to warn UN about Russian bio/chem laboratories in Ukraine

Teenage Ukrainian girl, Mayira, testifies about Russian atrocities before a joint session of Congress: "Russian soldiers are killing and eating our babies!"

Ukrainian army makes Russia pay dearly for its unprovoked war of aggression

Although badly outgunned and outnumbered the Ukrainians are holding their own

A multicultural Ukrainian soldier weeps for his fallen comrade

Captured Russian soldiers consider their future

Exhausted Ukrainian heroes don't have time to stop and celebrate their victory

Evil Russian soldiers resort to slaughtering Jewish women and children

Sneering Russians were told the Ukrainians would welcome them with open arms. They were wrong!

A deadly multicultural, Ukrainian warrior known only as "The Tigress" is sowing terror in the Russian conscript army

Increasingly frustrated by their lack of progress, Russia resorts to indiscriminate artillery and air strikes

Putin goes "total war" on the Ukrainian civilian population

Evil Russians are harvesting organs from the dead!

Outnumbered Ukrainians repulse a Russian attack

Russia using nuclear crematoria for disposing of victims

The "Ghost of Kyiv" - a mysterious pilot who singlehandedly destroyed the Russian air force

Battered but unbowed - heroic Ukrainian soldiers survey the day's success

Putin embarks on vicious war of extermination against Ukrainians

Captured Ukrainian civilians are forced into open air death camps... without food or water

Evil Russians are rounding up the Jews of Kharkiv? Fact!

Marja Slavonska, a warrior in the famous Ukrainian "Bikini Brigade", has single-handedly killed over a dozen Russian soldiers - with just an angry look!

Natalya Femfatal, a warrior of Ukraine's Bikini Brigade. Famous for luring Russian troops into provocative - and deadly - ambushes!

Bloodied but unbroken, Ukrainian Marines proudly raise their flag over Iwo Kyiv. Diversity is their strength! This is why Ukraine fights - and why it will win!


Thursday, March 10, 2022

It's All Russia's Fault!

Do you think this guy will be missing any meals after you're demoted to dumpster diver?

Mr. Lira lives in Ukraine. He's created a series of videos at YT addressing the realities of the Russo-Ukraine war; which I think have credibility:
1. The real reasons for the war.
2. The economic blowback that is headed our way when Russia wins. In fact it's already begun.
3. And why we in the once Christian European world will be losing lots of weight in the very near future.

The following video is brief. He curses a lot but it doesn't wreck his message. You should watch his other videos on the subject too, in which he gives detailed premises - with a troubling conclusion: we're screwed... we just don't feel it yet.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Psychocomical Warfare... Battle of the Memes

Leftists can't meme. They're too bitter, toxic and neurotic. That's the culture they swim in and it's seeped through into their mRNA. They're poisoned by their own poisonous-ness. It'd be sad if it weren't deserved.

This general enforces diversity, chosen pronouns and CRT in the US Army... as Putin conquers Ukraine.
               When you kick the seat of the guy in front of you.
                                        The Spook of Kiev
This, dear friends, is literally the best they can come up with.


Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Putin's Huge Gamble

If you're someone who turns on SiNNin' or Faux for your news you will be led to think that Russia has suffered enormous losses, yet still controls only the margins of Ukraine:

If on the other hand you're someone who asks questions, you realize the things the Western MSM assures you of do not add up: e.g., the Covington kid, the Covid crisis, the 2020 Presidential election, Kyle Rittenhouse, the "Ghost of Kiyv", etc. So, you look for news from other media sources. The other media sources may or may not be getting stuff right, but at least they're not CONSCIOUSLY LYING TO YOUR FACE.

I came across this map, marking the Russian advance as of March 7 2022, at Veterans Today:

If this is true, it's not looking good for Ukraine. Kiev will soon be encircled and: Game... Russia.


Vigano, Putin, Biden, Schwab,...

"What were once prosperous and independent nations, diverse in their respective ethnic, linguistic, cultural, and religious specificities, have now been transformed into a shapeless mass of people without ideals, without hopes, without faith, without even the strength to react against the abuses and crimes of those who govern them. A mass of corporate customers, slaves of the system of detailed control imposed by the pandemic farce, even in the face of evidence of the fraud. A mass of persons without individual identity, marked with QR codes like animals on an intensive farm, like products of a huge shopping center." - Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano

Archbishop Vigano is a Catholic prelate, and former apostolic nuncio to the United States, who "went rogue" a few years back with his expositions regarding the disgraced homosexual predator and ex-Cardinal, Theodore McCarrick. This contradicted the Vatican line that Pope Francis knew nothing at all about the accusations against McCarrick. After in essence calling Francis a liar, and documenting the lies, Vigano saw the prudence of quickly leaving Rome and - went into hiding.

He resurfaces periodically to deliver well written and incisive indictments of the Globo-homo-shlomo superstate and it's many permutations. He famously wrote an open letter to Donald Trump prior to the 2020 elections. His latest letter addresses the Russo-Ukraine war, the Plannedemic and the various players and substrates in the World's current crisis.

In language that reads more like a Lenten reflection than a political analysis Vigano lays out, imho, the best examination of the Ukrainian emergency by anyone, anywhere.


Monday, March 7, 2022

When asked why they lied, the liars assured us they were not lying

Michael Hoffman is a historian and author. He's written a good article about the Russo-Ukraine war - "NATO War Criminals Have No Moral Standing":

And Jimmy Dore has dug up a video of Condi admitting she is a war criminal: Watch it before jootoob takes it down.


Sunday, March 6, 2022

From Russia with Love

It’s almost impossible to get updated news regarding Russia’s advance into Ukraine. Just fluff about how Russian soldiers are deserting and committing suicide en masse after realizing their complicity in a great war crime:

Yet no maps detailing the current positions of the Russian armies?

I did come across a day old foreign article saying Kiev HAS been encircled. But the poor English indicated it was from a dubious source. Western media sources for their part continue pushing the plot that “The Russian attack has stalled due to fierce resistance by the outnumbered Ukrainians”. Yadda yadda….

You have to read between the lines of the msm these days. So, I think Kiev probably has been encircled. Because the msm is determinedly avoiding any mention of it. QED

This war is about more than just securing Russia’s borders. Putin has a larger end game in mind. He’s a man who plays his cards close to his chest - and plays them well - but logically we can assume he’s worked out deals; particularly with China and Saudi Arabia, that he believes will leverage Russia into the starring role on the European, and maybe the World, stage.

My prediction: Russia will win big in Ukraine then build big on it. Some have derisively claimed, "They’re just a gas station with nuclear weapons”. As someone who remembers the 1973 gasoline crisis I can promise that gas stations by themselves, even those without atom bombs, are very important places.

With it's hand firmly on Europe's gasoline nozzle, capital will begin flowing into Russia from the Western economies. Russia will assert its power through the control of oil and other key resources; and as Russia’s power rises Nato’s power will decline. Within five-ten years they'll become *the* power in Europe - if not the World.

However, the US, the UK and some others will continue to provoke the bear.

In any event it’s been prophesied that Russia will be God’s scourge against a godless world:
