Monday, April 22, 2024

Kudos to Candace!

As you may know by now, online celebrity Candace Owens has just converted to Catholicism. This is welcome news. Candace is a smart woman, a very good public speaker and has interesting and sometimes unexpected thoughts on our struggling world.

Liberals and phony conservatives hate her - which is a good sign you're on the Devil's s*** list; i.e., God has taken a shine to you.

The Catholic World is of course all a-flutter over this, and it is good news. Candace has taken a brave leap of faith. Brave because she stands to lose much, maybe more, than she gains.

This is because she has set a good example. The kind of example that Satan recognizes as dangerous to the status quo; and he's not happy. He's going to target her in a special way.

He let's others get by without too much of a fuss just because they are small fish. His strategy has always been to concentrate on the big fish. It's less work for him. He can get a lot more bang for his buck. One high profile bad example can lead thousands, or even millions, to Hell with them.

Candace is a halfway large fish. She has millions of fans and has been in the news a lot recently for saying things that required courage and for which she paid a significant price.

By becoming a Catholic she joins some other recent high-profile converts: Rob Schneider and Shia LeBeouf.

There are others kind of on the way too. Russell Brand recently led his vast audience in a rosary; and it apparently went over pretty well. Jordan Peterson has spoken of how his wife recently experienced a miraculous cure from a diagnosis of terminal cancer and converted to Catholicism. So, perhaps he too will be climbing aboard the Barque of Saint Peter before long.

But we shouldn't get too euphoric at the spectacle of celebrities walking up the Catholic gangway. They're not doing anything millions of others before them haven't done... and they still have a ways to go to prove themselves able-bodied Catholics. Not that they won't, but the seabeds of the World are littered with the bones of failed Catholics.

Still, it's a sign that things are starting to change.

And Catholic exorcists are reporting that the demons are in a state of heightened anxiety. They're now saying things like: "He is getting ready to take away our power!" "He" being God.

The demons have been around for a very long time, they have perfect memories, and they're also extremely smart. They're seeing signs that preceded previous debacles God laid on them.

So, if you're a Catholic you should remember to pray for new Catholics like Candace, Rob, Shia... and all the folks headed towards the Faith, like Russell Brand. But don't over-invest in the hoopla attending it all.


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