Monday, October 5, 2009

Hitching a Ride

A good trick you can pull is to hitch a ride on a Zionist media outlet - the Daily Telegraph for our example - to set up a blog of your own and use it to propagandize against Zionism and organized Jewry. You're using their their dime and time to get your point across, (which is quite satisfying) and it's really very simple:

Go to the Telegraph webpage:

In the upper right corner there's a "sign up" box. Clicking it will take you to the sign up page. You'll be prompted through the entire process. Choose an id that isn't already being used. You can enter a fake email address (they don't check that... yet). Once you've signed up and agreed to their terms, you're ready to start posting.

There are editors who investigate complaints, so it's a good idea to keep things somewhat off their radar - like using innocent sounding titles for your posts.

They will delete posts deemed offensive or that have inflammatory pictures included in them. I recommend saving all your posts to your pc's documents file because some of them will no doubt be pulled. If you re-post a deleted post, they will pull the plug on your blog immediately. Just be aware of that. Otherwise, depending on how provocative you feel, you can keep posting stuff there for a long time. However, if your blog should get shut down, just come back with a new id, password, email address and start all over again!


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