Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The Price of Freedom; or Based America

It's said that the US operates about 750 military installations in about 70 countries around the World. Or it could be 800. No one knows. No one. Not even the Pentagon. The entire rest of the World - all put together - operate 30 (or 78 depending on the source) overseas bases.
An audit was conducted in 2018 - when 1200 independent auditors were brought in to discover just how big the US military is; and how much it costs to operate. Even for 1200 auditors that nut was too big to crack.
A few years back David Vine PhD, a professor at American University in Washington DC wrote a book, Base Nation, on the subject. When the Pentagon's research arm, the Rand Corp was doing the math on all the US military bases, rather than use the Pentagon's own list they borrowed Vine's list. It was more authoritative than the Pentagon's.
As stated the US maintains a global archipelago of military bases. Some like Camp Humpreys in South Korea are huge - 3,454 acres. America operates many huge overseas facilities. However, many others are "lily pads". Lily pads are a recent development. They are small bases with perhaps only a few score personnel that the US plants in remote parts of Africa, South America, the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, Greenland... everywhere. Some lily pads are just runways in a distant country which the US could use as a staging area should trouble erupt nearby.
It costs scores of $$$billions annually to operate all these outposts of the American empire.

So why does the US have so many bases in far off places - like Sao Tome and the Seychelles. Places that not one American in 10, or maybe 100, could find on a map?

Let's ask Major General Smedley Butler: "The trouble with America is that when the dollar only earns 6 percent over here, then it gets restless and goes overseas to get 100 percent. Then the flag follows the dollar and the soldiers follow the flag."

Well, the US dollar definitely knows where the bases all are! Down to the penny. The dollar is *the reserve currency of the World*. In most of the World international business is conducted in dollars. Using dollars simplifies the transaction. The math is easy. The dollar is stable. Everyone else knows and is using it. It's easily converted into other currencies. Plus, the Saudis demand payment for their oil in dollars. All of this creates a demand for dollars. It's another example of "supply and demand" - but writ very large indeed.

The dollar has been weaponized by America to use against countries it doesn't like. Russia for example. The dollar can be used to succor a country; but it can also be used to cripple it. Therein lies a danger. When the US uses the dollar to bludgeon non-compliant countries, other countries are watching it apprehensively. Saying to themselves and one another: "We could be next!"

At the time this is being written the Chinese are negotiating with the Saudis about China paying for Saudi oil in yuan instead of dollars. If they strike a deal, that will put a dent in the dollar. And seeing that America has poisoned the dollar it’s likely a deal of some kind will be made. Probably a smallish one. At first. Trial balloon stuff.

When Russia wins the Russo-Ukraine war, and it will win - irrespective of whatever foolishness the mockingbird media might have us believe - US prestige will take a serious hit. Also, the dollar will be exposed as being vincible - and other nations will realize they have options. Perhaps the yuan. They will then without question start getting off the bus en masse. The dollar's implosion will follow. Think of the Twin Towers. They stood majestically athwart New York skies all those years. Until the fateful day. And unlikely as it seemed (no steel skyscraper had ever fallen due to a fire before - or since!) the collapse was swift and immense.
I recall watching a documentary about the Afghan war. An American officer was going from village to village to try and warm the local's hearts with tales of American freedom and democracy. In one village the elder wasn't buying it. He said to the officer: "Alexander the Great was here. But he's gone. The Mongols were here. They're gone. The British were here. They're gone. The Russians were here. They're gone. Now you're here... and you will be gone too." He understood things.

The American global empire still has fangs and claws - but the lion is old and sick. When the creatures it preyed upon in its glory days understand this they will naturally come out to return the favor.

It's time to start storing food and water. And praying like we mean it.



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