Friday, March 31, 2023

Random "Leftists Can't Meme" Saturday

"By their memes ye shall know them."

My dear friends, along with their other problems: paranoia, depression, narcissism, solipsism, gullibility, substance abuse, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, compulsive lying, projection, demonic possession, etc. Leftists... Can't... Meme.

This isn't to say they don't try. They do. But their efforts inevitably come up short. Notable solely for their laughable fails.

The reasons for this are debated. My own opinion is that of an old truism: "Sin blinds the intellect." As just one proof of this, leftists today are comedy blind. Their "comedians" aren't remotely funny. Unless you consider pink haired feminists angrily bellowing their chosen pronouns at a bunch of drunk college kids "funny". Well, in a way that is funny. Albeit unintentionally. Anyway, there are consequences for constantly lying, masturbating and fornicating. But leftists don't get it. Or the concept of consequences either for that matter.

No problem though, in a world of billions they still instinctually find and coalesce with others as blindly dysfunctional as themselves. Which isn't hard now given the global reach of the Internet. Unfortunately they are also motivated, well funded and organized.... And itching for a fight with "Christcucks".

Still, they're aware that they are losing the meme war. And it galls their narcissistic souls to realize they are inferior in ANYTHING to others. But it's a war they can't win.

The "usual suspects" are ginning the lefties up for trouble. The major news outlets consistently portray them as victims of a conspiracy of hate. This they uncritically accept. As one example NPR, which has always advocated for more gun control laws (except in the case of police, the IRS and the military) has suddenly shifted tack and is now encouraging trannys to gun up to defend themselves:

Things are going to get strange in the near future. Don't be surprised if you find yourself in the midst of rioting leftists this long, hot summer.

This is the kind of superhero myth leftists imagine of themselves. And they actually believe it.


By leftist standards this would be considered hilarious.

Must have been written by the diversity hire.

Trump lives rent free in leftist minds.

This one was probably written by a 20-something. And it took them a while.

Suddenly lefties are against Lenin and Mao?

Hitler again? Well, can't say I'm surprised.

This is just very sad. Reaching for a meme crown they will never wear.


Leftists find sexual connotations, and dirty words, the height of hilarity.

It's likely this groaner was written by some paper shuffler in the US State Dept. Still, if it were broadcast by the MSM it's a given that leftists would respond as expected.

This one is particularly odd seeing as leftists are all about sexual libertinism - though rejecting its microbiotic consequences. And yet two people who are examples of traditional mores (whether they live them or not is irrelevent for now) are damned as something that leftists objectively support. Figure that one out!

Girls, don't be taken in by leftists blandishments. They will turn on you too, and in a New York second, if you don't spout the correct slogans.

I could call the grammar cops on this.

If you're a Christian you probably know leftists hate you. But you probably don't know *how much* they hate you.

I was going to say my granddaughter could do better than this. But it occurred to me how that's comparing oranges to oranges. Because leftists are essentially adult sized children. And brats.

Even Alex Jones isn't safe from their anemic memeing.

In finishing this let me say I didn't go through the Internet and cherry pick only the worst leftists memes - while throwing out the good ones. They were ALL the worst. NONE were good. The ones above are fully representative of the leftist's humorless fanaticism.

As always my friends, feel free to forward this to as many of your contacts as you'd like. Especially any leftists you may know.



Blogger Truthist said...

Excellent textual composition ;
And, has world premières of profound thought-bytes no less.

I would write more -- including separate response to penultimate article -- but am greatly obstructed by technical difficulties presently.
Off-topic, here is more food-for-thought regarding current Russia ;
And, Russia throughout its history has never had epoch of "free-enterprise" for any citizen to perform ;
"Capitalism" being :
really "financialism"
not "free-enterprise".
Actually, capitalism should mean main-focus on the "capital" [ plant, & machines, & equipment, & tools ] factor of production.

The remaining 3 factors of production being :
enterprise [ E. ] [ thinking ]
land [ L ] [ resources ]
labor [ L. ]
Hence the acronym C.E.L.L..

April 2, 2023 at 3:07 AM  
Blogger Citizenfitz said...

Thats a good point: "Capitalism" really being "Financialism". Thanks for that.

I agree with you and Tim Fitzpatrick. If we had magic glasses we'd be shocked at seeing how many supposed anti - globalists are actually shilling for shekels.

Thanks for your kind words. And I hope you get your technical difficulties fixed soon.

April 2, 2023 at 8:37 AM  
Blogger Truthist said...

"Meme them until they cry ! ;
Then,- make Memes about them crying !"

The Art of War

April 8, 2023 at 4:17 AM  

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