Friday, August 11, 2023

Gonzalo Lira, Double Agent?

Thanks to Ted Gorsline for pointing out Eliason's video. And many other things also.

George Eliason backs up Scott Ritter's claim that Gonzalo Lira is/was an SBU asset:

Eliason raises points only a liberal would try to dispute. Mainly this: it's *impossible* that the SBU didn't know exactly where Lira was and what he was doing all the while he was doing it. Thus, Lira was *allowed* to post his anti-Zelenskiy videos.

By the Zelenskiy regime.

Let that sink in.

So, why was Lira released after his arrests and allowed to continue posting his anti-Zelenskiy videos long after the SBU had him in their crosshairs?

To doxx his supporters.

Friends, Jim Morrison understated things... *very* strange days have found us: great swathes of mankind who refuse to see or hear the signs shouting and waving in front of their faces, Jews denouncing Putin for being "a Jew", Freemasons accusing other Freemasons of being Freemasons, pedophiles heading up anti-child trafficking agencies. Even Oprah is now under a cloud of suspicion.

Me? I got a kick out of Lira's videos. He's a well-spoken man and has interesting thoughts on many things. But he swore like a ship's parrot - which put me off. Show me the man or woman of dignity and worth who casually swears.... So I pretty much quit watching his Coach Red Pill Channel. Which he ultimately deleted for some reason.

But he popped back up again after the SMO had kicked off, reporting on the situation in Ukraine, where he lived. So, I began watching him once more. He was interesting as usual, and also had stopped swearing as much. His thoughts on what was going on in Ukraine contradicted the MSM stories - which were clearly biased (absurdly so) - and he raised interesting points that in the balance were quite reasonable; albeit overly enthusiastic about Russia's warmaking competency.

Before long Lira was arrested by the Ukrainian SBU, but then released. This was followed some months later by a second arrest, and then a second release. Upon which his passport, phone, motorcycle and some money were returned to him. ???

Then he posted a series of three brief videos documenting his plan to escape Ukraine for Hungary - by crossing a border checkpoint. And saying if we didn't hear from him within a day it meant he'd been arrested again. He hasn't been heard from since.

Although it humbles me to admit it, I might have misjudged Lira. I now believe the SBU got to him and he "flipped" for them. This probably happened after his first arrest; but he could have been an asset from the very start of the SMO, although I personally find that possibility less likely. But his arrests *and releases* by the notorious SBU are not easily believed. The question is: was he a willing accomplice? Or was he threatened? Or was his family threatened?

My take on GL is that we need to be careful about putting our trust in internet celebrities. Or ANY celebrities. Some of them are probably working for your enemies. If, as is claimed, Lira's followers were all the while being doxxed by tptb, it's a warning to the wise just how crafty tptb can be.

PS, Since posting this article YouTube has gassed Scott Ritter's channel.



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