Sunday, February 11, 2024

Liars Will Lie

"When we asked the liars why they lied to us, the liars assured us they weren't lying."

Friends, look at the following article from MSNBC, then watch the video. Where did Senator Kennedy say, or imply, that he knows more about the southern border than "Border Chief" Jason Owens?

I can help here: In case you didn't notice, Owens himself was hardly overjoyed by the profferred "border deal". Furthermore, he was tapped by *the Biden administation*; which wants to squeeze as many brownies as it can down America's craw. Owens is going to do and say whatever it takes to preserve his retirement. He knows very well what can happen when you step out of line in DC.

It's simply a case of pattern recognition, folks: whatever is worse for White, middle-class America is exactly what the big guys are gonna' choose. Every! Single! Time! You can bet on it.

You might say, "But what about White liberals? Many of them voted for Biden.... Are you saying they're voting against their own best interests?"

That's exactly what I'm saying. A bad conscience is always accompanied by self contempt. Always.

Liberalism is more than just a political POV. It's a mental disorder - with a strong demonic element to it. Not to say liberals are all demon possessed (though many are) but that they're people under some type of demonic *oppression*.

My theory is it's because they're sex addicts/chronic masturbators; and rather than make the effort to overcome this vice, they decide it's THE WORLD that needs to be fixed! Hence, they come together in a great dysfunctional swarm, seeking to confuse and deceive humanity in such a way that their vices can't be easily spotlighted.

Because they're a prideful lot, libs generally won't repent and ask God for forgiveness. But in their hearts they know they deserve punishment for their many sins. So, they do self-destructive things - like voting for other liberals. They also swear a lot, drink a lot and use drugs, in an attempt to momentarily escape the burden of self.

But misery loves company. And so libs seek to drag everyone else down with them. Even their own children. Which is why they can almost always be found supporting - abortion for example - the greater evil.

Am I being "extreme"?

Well, think about it. As just one example I could give: even in the age of AIDS libs ALWAYS push for greater sexual license. But only up to a line. A line that Satan himself draws. Why would Satan draw a line regarding things when he'd definitely prefer not to? Because he knows that if he pushes things too far people might notice. But he also knows that with libs, their minds clouded by unabsolved sins, he can push things very far.

The lie imputed to Senator Kennedy is a standard propaganda psyop. The MSM's paymasters know that most people don't read past the headline. And those who do can be manipulated using carefully chosen slants and buzzwords, e.g. "conspiracy theorist"... "racist". Look up articles on "neuro-linguistic programming". There's some interesting stuff going on there.

But now, the same psychologists pushing neuro-linguistic programming, because they know to some degree it works, are telling us it's a "pseudo-science":, NLP%20contains%20numerous% 20factual%20errors.

The controlled mockingbird media (which includes all of the MSM outlets) simply regurgitate whatever their paymasters feed them. And the populace, to a significant degree, laps it up:

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - William J. Casey, CIA Director.

PS, I'd never recommend Wikipedia as an authoritative source, but it is a good place to start a line of inquiry.



Blogger U did not know that did u ? said...

This is another great article from u.

So many stimulating true observations & insights.

However I have difficulty in accepting the following dynamic as correct about "these"* liberals ;

You might say, "But what about White liberals?
Many of them voted for Biden....
Are you saying they're voting against their own best interests?"

That's exactly what I'm saying.
A bad conscience is always accompanied by self contempt. Always.

I perceive the "self-knowingly" self-destructive socio-economic-political decisions of "these" liberals as decisions to conform with the instructions in the aether coming from a particular avand-garde of the liberals ;
This avand-garde is the leadership.
And, they are mainly Jews.

They want to please these Jews.

Some of "these" liberals apparently have a bad conscience
Some apparently do no not.

Those with bad conscience prefer to :

project their guilt onto :
Catholics irrespective of race or ethnicity
by accusing them of social-wrongs ;
Social-wrongs as defined by the play-book of "these" liberals.

*"Original" liberals had the essential morals, but wanted freedom to pursue :

their talents

enquiries into any topic of intellectual knowledge

February 12, 2024 at 12:45 AM  
Blogger Citizenfitz said...

I hear you. Me? I see "liberals" as the foot soldiers of the left. The privates. Whereas the leadership of the left, the jews and some others, are the commanders.

The self disgust of the jews is of another sort than the self disgust of gentiles. Somehow, jews are able to continue functioning, without going bonkers, like gentiles tend to do.

Kind of like how some drug dealers don't become addicts themselves.

But I can promise you, in spite of that, like all other sinners, jews are definitely disgusted with themselves.

It just manifests differently.

February 12, 2024 at 2:13 PM  
Blogger U did not know that did u ? said...

These liberals are very materialistic

Why do they enable hostile demographics while knowing instinctively that these people are intent on :
vulgarly robbing them ?
legally ( e.g. through government taxes ) robbing them ?
sexually assaulting them ?
inter alia

February 12, 2024 at 9:44 PM  
Blogger Citizenfitz said...

The mystery of iniquity, my friend.

February 13, 2024 at 7:52 AM  

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