Friday, May 10, 2024

According to Exorcists, Some Things Demons Especially Love and Hate

                                        Know your enemy

People who've died and gone to Hell, then come back to life, say demons are not cookie cutter cut-outs. They're very different from one another. Still, many of them do look like this.


Us - They hate us, people, with an incredible level of malice. Every one of us. They blame us for their fall from grace. And God shows us the mercy he refuses them.

Humility - Because the humble stand as an infuriating contradiction to their unGodly pride.

Purity and chastity - Because they hate all that is good and Godly.

Christianity - Christianity causes them problems. Other religions... not so much.

The One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church - Because it was founded by Christ and still remains a huge obstacle to their infernal plans.

Holy Confession - Confession makes it difficult for them to lasso and corral us.

The Holy Eucharist - Holy things cause them pain. Especially the Holy Eucharist.

Devotion to the Virgin Mary - They're terrified of the BVM. Saint Joseph too.

Praying the Rosary - The Rosary connects us to the BVM in a personal and powerful way.

Marian Apparitions - Her apparitions thwart their evil plans.

Obedience to the Pope - Catholic unity poses a threat to the Demonic Kingdom.

Contemplative prayer - It brings us closer to God.

Catholic exorcism - Once cast out the demons are humiliated - and ferociously ridiculed by the other demons.

Catholic exorcists (in general) - Because they have authority over them.

Christian chants: The demons have put a lot of stock into corrupting music; and because they hate beauty they also hate beautiful music.

Speaking out against evil - Like roaches, demons cannot stand the light.


Hatred - They draw power from hatred. And from all evils. They're like nourishment to them.

Pride - If they can get someone wrapped up in themselves the rest is easy.

Profanation of consecrated hosts - The demons rejoice and draw much power from this sacrilege.

Killing of children e.g., abortion - They draw power from the profanation of life and innocence.

Sexually abusing children - They revel in malice and draw great power from this perversion.

Holy objects/water - Holy things serve as unwelcome reminders of their own filthy sinfulness.

Divorce - It disrupts the family, and therefore a good and healthy social order.

Indecent women - Because they drag many others to Hell with them.

Witchcraft - The witch/psychic is giving homage to the demons, which they crave.

Television - Television enables them to broadcast their diabolical messages easily.

Yoga - It often serves as an entry point for the demonic.

Priests and bishops who are Freemasons - Because they're subverting the Church from within.

Priests wearing secular clothes - In this they're denying the Lord.



Blogger Barnum said...

All true.

May 15, 2024 at 8:55 PM  

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