Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Libspeak: or "The Rabbi Test"

Leftists and liberals (they're not quite the same thing) like to speak in code: Libspeak. In which the left/libs will use words and terms that seem straightforward - but which hold quite different meanings for left/libs. Sometimes these diverge radically from reality.

Simple words, like "yes" or "no" or "truth" can hold a complex of meanings for leftists. "Racism" is one example. "Racism" implies a moral and intellectual superiority (their own), as well as a plethora of anti-White, anti-capitalism, anti-Gentile, anti-Christian, etc. sentiments.

Those with ears that hear and eyes that see will often find Libspeak being used by various institutions. Words/terms like: "conspiracy theorist... anti-Semite... right wing... societal inequity ... Russian collusion..." are dead giveaways.

Recently the AMA, The American Children's Hospital Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics came out, calling on the US "Department of Justice" to investigate and prosecute people who have spoken out against child "gender reassignment surgery"... for giving out "medical misinformation": https://www.foxnews.com/politics/american-medical-association-asks-doj-investigate-disinformation-gender-surgeries-minors

People like Matt Walsh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_fnh0oRUdQ

Walsh has been calling libs out for awhile. Now, he's really in their crosshairs. They want to shut him down. Or worse! Him and the growing number of influential people who are challenging official narratives.

I looked into Walsh's claims and some of the names at the top of the organizations he mentions in the video: The AMA - Dr. Jack Resneck Jr. Children's Hospitals Association - Dr. Mark Wietecha. American Academy of Pediatrics - Dr. Lee Beers.

So, I ran the "rabbi test" on them: that is, typing "rabbi" before someone's surname just to see who *might* be Jewish. Resneck and Beers got hits, but not Weitecha. However, "Beers" is the doctor's married name. Her maiden name is Savio, which got a couple of hits. So, it could be she's Jewish - as Italian Jews often adopted Italian sounding surnames. Often related to the cities in which they lived. Though that didn't necessarily apply to Southern Italy. You could be thinking you're talking to an Italian/Catholic when in truth the person is Jewish. I grew up in Connecticut and know this to be true.

The "rabbi test" is neither a conspiracy theory or paranoia. It's a question of pattern recognition; and the fact that disproportionate numbers of Jews seem to have found cushy penthouses in all kinds of globohomo groups: media organizations, homosexual organizations, feminist organizations, transsexual advocacy groups, colleges, universities, education associations, anti-First Amendment groups, anti-Second Amendment groups, Covid vaccine groups....

You can satisfy yourself regarding this with a short afternoon of research.

Whereas the Jews of a few generations ago worked hard to rise above the herd, today's Jews seem in large part to be trust fund babies. They didn't have to struggle like their great-grandparents did. Struggling builds character - and the Jews of today are quite lacking some color there. Think of Rahm Emanuel and Sara Silverman.

Unhappy with life in the way that people who've had it too easy often are, they seek some respite from their inner discomfort - by making others as unhappy as themselves.

What becomes apparent when studying the liberal mass media is that Jews dominate there... overwhelmingly. The rabbi test is helpful in sorting MSM matters out. The MSM typically tips its hand wherever the latest thing becomes important to Jews, e.g., Covid, the war in Ukraine, gun control, transgenderism, LGBTQ matters, etc. There will inevitably be a lie, double standard or self-contradiction in the story.

So, do Jews REALLY dominate the mass media of the World? Or is that just a "right-wing, anti-Semitic conspiracy theory"?

Judge for yourself:





I strongly recommend Brother Nathanael Kapner's website "Real Jew News" to anyone who wants to research these matters. There you'll find a multitude of article he's written concerning globohomoshlomo. Well written and carefully researched. There is no one else out there like him.

The perversion of language is one way the left is able to sell its evils to the weaker minded:
“Did God *really* say, 'You must not eat from *any* tree in the garden'?
"The woman said to the serpent, We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden; but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’
4 “You will *not certainly* die, the serpent said to the woman." - Genesis 3:1-4

I find it revealing how satan approached Eve first. Just as our current language perverts have targeted women in a special way with their lies.

The language perverters of today, and their defenders, are alive and well. "They Live", if you will.

Yep, doing well, but no good, and they're everywhere.

However, with a little practice you too can learn Libspeak and understand the hidden meanings of words and terms libs love to use - e.g., "systemic racism".

To help you in your truth quest dear reader, I've assembled some Libspeak-isms. What libs say vs what they are really saying. Study them. Learn them. Spread the message.

"Gender reassignment": Child abuse to be followed by surgical mutilation.
"Transgender": Socially engineered mental disorder.
"Anti-Semite": Someone Jews hate.
"LGBTQ rights": Let's destroy civilization.
"Diversity": Say hi to your new, totally unqualified Black boss.
"Inclusivity": Forced association with minorities.
"Women's health care": Child dismemberment.
"Equality": Anti-White favoritism.
"Tolerance": Sodomy.
"Hate": See 'anti-Semite' above.
"Justice": Freeing the guilty and jailing the innocent.
"Injustice": When judges rule against the latest thing.
"Passionate advocate": Show me the money.
"Democracy": Gulag.

Dear reader, congratulations! You are now ready to go out and decipher Libspeak on your own... and to teach others. Godspeed!



Blogger deb harvey said...

thank you!

October 21, 2022 at 11:18 AM  
Blogger Citizenfitz said...

You're welcome!

October 21, 2022 at 8:27 PM  

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