Thursday, September 8, 2022


If you are a Christian, using Wikipedia can be annoying. Lots of anti-Christian innuendo there. One example of this is how one often sees "CE" (Common Era) instead of "AD". And "BCE" (Before Common Era) in place of "BC". Sometimes nasty, Christophobic falsehoods get incorporated into articles.

The Christophobia in the air nowadays isn't accidental. No one else gets heat like Christians - on whom open season seems to have been declared by "wokies". Hollywood, TV, the big publishing houses, the newspapers, the magazines, Buzzfeed, Vox.... They're all singing pretty much the same Christian hating tune - as if being conducted from offstage by an unseen hand.

They're getting quite bold about things too. The recent article in The Atlantic comparing the rosary to an assault weapon being one example:

BTW, meet the editor in chief of The Atlantic:


There are lots of examples of anti-Christianism at Wikipedia that I've found over the years; but don't take my word for it - it's there for anyone with some time on their hands... and eyes that can see.

Wikipedia isn't the worst either. Amazon's Alexa, which I don't have (government agencies can tap into it to listen in on you at home) is a raging Christ hater by some accounts.

However, if you didn't know, Wikipedia has an editing function. Just click on the "edit" button on the left hand side by the headings and get to work. You can sometimes alter the entire tone of a paragraph by changing only a few words. Or even one word.

As a rule, whenever I see CE or BCE at Wikipedia it gets changed.

Certain Wikipedia articles cannot be edited. Check out "Liz Truss" for example. One thing you'll have to be aware of is that if you spend too much time editing an article it'll attract the Wikipedia bots - who will likely revert the work you just did.

If it's a slow afternoon or evening and you're looking for something to do, I highly recommend going to Wikipedia. If enough people start editing out the anti-Christianism in their articles it's going to cause the devil problems.



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