Thursday, June 23, 2022

Errant Sense

"Where America once embodied the virtues of men it now embraces the vices of women."

"You’re not gonna like this, but your outrage at Russia is not real. It was put there by ppl who know you better than you do yourself. There have been dozens of wars w/millions of casualties in the last 20 years, and you didn’t care about any of them until you were told to." - Martyr Made

"The truth WILL set you free. But first it'll kick your ass."

“When a key unlocks a door then it is the right key.” - Lord Acton

"When one lock is opened by many keys, you have a s***** lock. But when one key opens many locks you have a master key."

Reality likes to drop by uninvited.

"More is achieved by persistence than brilliance."

Psyops are directed at two types: the impulsive, and those with no love for truth.

“You may lose soldiers but never lose a minute.” - Napoleon

"The jews are our misfortune"? Nope, they're our punishment.

When two plus two aren't adding up for you, it isn't two plus two's fault.

As Christians grow lax, satan attacks.

"A slave is someone who waits for another to free him." - Ezra Pound

Follow the herd and you end up in the slaughterhouse.

Time is a hard boss.

People don't like the truth because the truth can be painful.

"The least error at the start is multiplied later a hundredfold." - Aristotle

Your opponent may be closer to checkmating you than you are him.

People like the appearance of truth - just not its substance.

(Somewhat) Honest Abe Lincoln: “If you call a tail a leg, then how many legs does a dog have?
You: Five?
Abe: No. It has four. Because no matter what you call it, a tail will never be a leg.”

"The five stages of grief: 1. Denial. 2. Anger. 3. Bargaining. 4. Depression. 5. Paying in rubles."

"Heaven is beyond the stars, but hell is always underfoot." - Japanese Proverb



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