Thursday, May 26, 2022

Grandmaster Putin

Putin is clearly a shrewd and forward looking man; and you underestimate him to your own misfortune. After years of talking down to him our so-called “leaders” are finally waking up to that.

Back when Bobby and Boris were front page news, we kids all took up playing chess. After a while I learned that you had better consider that your opponent was closer to checkmating you than you were him. The NATOstan buffoons appear to have believed all they needed to do was throw enough s*** at Russia and it’d be checkmate…. Game over. Never even considering that Putin might be a move ahead of them all the while. Well, they know now.

Austin and Milley didn’t call Russia seeking a ceasefire because Ukraine/NATO is winning.

Ukrainian troops aren’t blowing up bridges because they’re trying to prevent Russian troops from escaping.

Russia isn’t mocking NATO statements because they are looking for an exit out of Ukraine.

Henry Kissinger isn’t advising Zelensky to cede territory to Russia for peace because it’s Russia that is losing.



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