Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Tucker Carlson Gets it Wrong

I like Tucker Carlson more than I do probably anyone else in the MSM. He comes ready to fight and (usually) gets stuff right. That and liberals can't stand him. This speaks well of the man. However, apart from his irritating guffaw and serious questions about whether he wears a hairpiece, he does get things wrong occasionally.

Starting at 11:57 in the following clip and running for about 20 seconds after he makes an unforced doozy of an error:


Did you catch it?

For those few of you who didn't, let me explain: We are *not* all "morally equal". Neither are we "created morally equal". We're not physically, mentally or emotionally equal either.

The Virgin Mary is *not* the moral equal to Lindsey Graham. Or even Ana Kasparian for that matter. Or you. Or me. She is much, much more.

Neither are St. Francis Xavier, or any of the multitudes of saints, the "moral equals" of the rest of us.

Heaven is hierarchical. Think of it in terms of an aristocratic empire. There's the Emperor, God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). Subordinate to God are kings, princes, arch-dukes, dukes, marquises, counts, viscounts, barons, baronets.... Down to the lowliest peasant. And btw, most of those who make it into God's Empire do so as peasants. But even the lowliest peasant in Heaven is still far greater and better off than the greatest king or queen who ever lived.

The angels too are ordered hierarchically: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels, Angels:

In this sense, think of the Virgin Mary as a queen. THE queen. "Queen of Heaven" is one of the titles bestowed on her by God. Another is "Queen of the Universe". She merits these and all her other titles not because of her moral equivalence to us but because of her moral superiority - her virtue - which was and is perfect.

Are you a figure skater? No? Then how would it look if you took to the ice during the Olympics? It wouldn't go well for me. I'd be booed and laughed out of the arena.

The Virgin on the other hand is like a skater who throughout her life delivered perfect performances. Incredibly difficult and beautifully executed jumps and maneuvers. Not to mention graceful and flowing! And.she.did.it.every.time.

Morally speaking, you and I are like inept, amateur skaters in the celestial arena. We'll get points for trying, but....

Tucker seems to be an OK guy. Very smart and a good speaker too. But at the end of the day he's a protestant; and so theologically he's going to get some things wrong. This foolishness about us all being equal in the sight of God is one of them.



Blogger Joseph Ostermeir said...

The pre-Vatican II popes condemned as modernist error the idea that everyone is naturally equal, vs. fitting into a divinely pre-determined natural hierarchy. Not popular teaching with the cultural Marxists. Btw, check out Tucker's excellent recent interview with the conservative president of Hungary.

May 10, 2022 at 9:01 PM  
Blogger Citizenfitz said...

He caught flack in the msm for interviewing Orban. The same msm that calls Orban a "dictator" and his government a "regime". Even though he wins elections by a large margin.

May 11, 2022 at 10:21 AM  

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