Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Unconfirmed - Russians Capture an American Lt. General?

Word on the street has it the Russians have captured an American lieutenant general named Roger Cloutier. Cloutier, it's alleged, was working with the Azov/Nazi Battalion in Mariupol, Ukraine. For anyone who doesn't know, an LTG is a very high ranking person in the US military. A "three star" general.

A number of bold attempts have recently been made by as yet unknown military units to fly helicopters into the Azovstal Iron and Steel Works, where the Azov Battalion is making its last stand. At least four helicopters were shot down. However, some may have succeeded in their dangerous mission. It's being alleged Cloutier may have been on one of the downed choppers.

The Ukrainians have minimal capacity or training to risk night missions with helicopters. So, the evidence points to one of the NATO nations being behind the operation. That they would attempt something as daredevil as this indicates that VIPs are likely involved.

Cloutier has a shadowy history. His name pops up in various capacities around the World: Africa, Syria, Turkey and now Ukraine. It's being alleged that he served as a military advisor/mediary between ISIS and it's foreign (NATO, Israeli and Saudi) backers. His Wikipedia article was edited very recently to remove some of the content: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Cloutier?msclkid=7450fb43b52a11ec9819cbd79f9528b9

If the story is true it's big news. For its part the msm has gone quiet regarding the rumor. This by itself is suspicious. Were it false the msm would almost certainly be all over it by now, deriding it as yet another "baseless conspiracy theory". This they haven't done.

For their part, the Russians have kept quiet too. An expected outcome would be for the Russians to put him on TV and show the World America's hand in the war - and the Azov Battalion atrocities. But diplomatically it likely makes more sense for Putin to use Cloutier as a bargaining chip. Being a former spy, and Kremlin survivor, Putin knows what levers work best.



Blogger Joseph Ostermeir said...

Can we confirm this?

April 8, 2022 at 12:25 PM  
Blogger Citizenfitz said...

The Pentagon will not comment on it. I think that says it all.

April 10, 2022 at 3:29 AM  

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