Thursday, April 28, 2022

A Jew - or not a Jew?

That is the question....

There's been something of an uptick in the number of people saying Vladimir Putin is a crypto-Jew.  I've been called names by people who think he's actually an agent of the JWO.

While I don't regard Putin with the veneration some do, the accusation does seem a bit far fetched.

IMHO he's a Russian nationalist who's awakened somewhat late to the intentions NATO has on Russia's vast resources and oil fields (there always seems to be an oil field involved, doesn't it?)

While he's caused the JWO problems regarding radical feminism, organized faggotry, Ukraine, Syria and Iran.... And while he imprisoned some Jewish oligarchs and forced others to flee, Putin certainly forced the jab on Russians, sat on his hands while the bombing campaign against Libya was being greenlighted in the UN. He also ran through a law against "holocaust denial". Not to mention he's ex-KGB.

And Russia has a central bank. Those here may remember what Lenin had to say about central banks.

So, the question in my mind is this: "Is Putin what he seems to be?"

The Jew owned international media clearly is hostile to him. But the Jew owned media is atheistic. The Zionist Jews on the other hand seem to view Putin in a different, less hostile, light.

The Putin puzzle is hard to sort out.

Is he really a Russian nationalist?

Or is he part Jewish - and playing his assigned role in the JWO?

But at the end of the day wouldn't that be just like the Jews? When all else fails, accuse someone of being... A JEW!



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