Sunday, December 17, 2023

Cry for Argentina

Many thanks to "the international hyenas" who posted this astute article at Brother Nathanael Kapner's excellent site, Real Jew News -


It is now Argentina’s turn to cry. The culprit, as is often the case, is Jewish money. Under its new Jewish president, Javier Milei, Argentina is being set up for a Wall Street looting epic. The strategy is laid out in the YouTube series, Confessions of an Economic Hitman:

Although you probably haven't heard much of anything about it, since Milei's recent election the value of the Argentinian Peso has dropped *50%*. Meaning that Argentinian assets are now a "half-off sale". If you are an investor with a few shekels to spare, there are bargains galore to be found in Argentina. With more to come.

Public expenditures are to be drastically cut also - "To effect the savings necessary to pay off international debt" - whilst interest rates are to be raised (to curb inflation). Both measures will further reduce domestic purchasing power and nose dive the economy into a depressionary spiral. Further reducing the price of Argentine's assets for monied up foreign investors.

Milei's economic policy is being called “shock therapy”. Does that sound familiar? It was coined by Dr. Jeffrey Sachs of Harvard in the 1990s to describe Russia's transition from communism to capitalism.

But "shock therapy" was a trick that ended up sending vast numbers of Russians into abject poverty... whilst concentrating the wealth of the nation in the hands of a few Jewish oligarchs - who were backed by the financiers of Wall Street and The City of London.

Under shock therapy, Russia’s vast natural resources fell under Western control; whilst its cash reserves ended up in bank accounts in NYC, Israel and London. Small wonder that the MSM painted Boris Yeltsin as an enlightened leader.

When Putin came to power shock therapy ended. Russia took back control of its natural resources, began to keep most of its wealth and imprisoned or exiled many of the Jewish oligarchs. Shortly thereafter the MSM campaign to demonize Russia as the mortal enemy of the so-called "liberal democracies" of the West kicked off.

Argentina is set to recieve a $40B IMF loan. Of course very, very little if any of that money will ever reach Argentinian shores (just ask Russia) but will instead be used to pay off outstanding loans - primarily to US banks and NY vulture funds. Meaning Argentina's sovereign debt will now be owned by the IMF instead of private entities.

With the Argentinian economy now sliding into a coma, its government will almost certainly default on the IMF loan, whereupon it will be forced to sell off its national assets to "foreign investors" at bargain basement prices, in order to raise the cash to pay down the debt.

Has any nation in the world ever benefited from intervention by US-UK controlled international financial agencies such as the IMF, World Bank, Bank For International Settlements etc.? Argentina will be no exception.

Milei has declared himself:
a) Neo liberal in economic policy (i.e. privatization or selling off of public utilities to Wall Street at bargain prices)
b) Neo-conservative in foreign policy (i.e. he supports the objectives of the US/UK/Israel axis)
c) A social conservative

The pro Israel and social conservative platform will appeal to the many Dispensationalist Pentecostals in Argentina, but will ultimately discredit the Christian faith since "social conservatism" will be associated with the economic disaster that is about to befall them.

Milei's, (he is a Jewish convert) first trip abroad was to NYC, to pray and give thanks for his electoral victory at the grave of Rabbi Menachem Schneerson. His first official state visit will be to Israel.

Argentina’s ambassador to the USA and the USA's ambassador to Argentina are also Jews. No doubt a mere coincidence.

To keep matters confused, the MSM characterizes Milei as “far right”. A rather strange twisting of language given that the “far right” considers Jews and their various schemes to be the cause of most of the World's problems - in line with the theses set forth in Henry Ford's book, The International Jew.

Milei's Argentina, like Zelensky’s Ukraine, is about to be looted and burned. Pity them for what they are about to suffer.


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