Tuesday, November 21, 2023

You're Outta' Here, Soldier! Uh Oh... Wait!

The US military hasn't been meeting its recruitment goals for the past several years; with a 25% shortfall in 2022 and 2023. And 2024 looks to be even worse:

There are many reasons for this but the main reason is Gen Z *appears to be wising up*. They see no profit for themselves in being shipped off to fight in the latest war for Israel; or to further enrich Bill Gates, George Soros and Joe Biden with their blood. Or being ordered to take the latest Covid death jab and die of myocarditis or a blood clot at the age of 22. They're not buying into it. Well, good on them for that. There's hope for the future.

But this has created a conundrum for the US military. They're coming up very short in their recruiting goals. So what to do? Well, here's one thing they're doing: they're reaching out to the thousands of soldiers and sailors who were kicked out for refusing to get the jab (most of them got general rather than honorable discharges) and are offering to upgrade their discharges. More than that, they'll even let them re-enlist! So far, only 43 of the 8,000 military men and women who got sacked have taken them up on it:

How did it come to this? Simply put, the worldview of both civilian and senior military leadership within the Department of Defense runs counter to the needs of recruitment:

Although they'll never admit it the fact is the U.S. military has become a social justice petri dish. Many social justice elements, like DEI, are deeply interwoven into the modern military’s operating culture. Incompetent people are being promoted far above their paygrades; all while the heterosexual White men who managed to survive the winnowing processes are being lectured to in countless CRT sessions about how evil they are - and basically asked to either torture their consciences or get out. It's an unsustainable situation. One begging for correction.
                            Meanwhile, back in Russia

The cumulative result of woke ideology in America has been a generation subjected to a leftward paradigmatic shift and having little awareness of themselves or others. Our leaders have for the most part left the pale of Lee Greenwood's America. And more than left it... they actively hate it.

Recruiting commands have been forced to attempt to override their damaged brand name with greater incentives, such as more money for college and/or larger sign-on bonuses. But in a country where student loans are easily obtained and there are no consequences for non-payment (except a bad credit score) the U.S. military has had to find other incentives to inspire voluntary enlistment.

But many decades of marketing research have proved that incentives often don't work when the brand’s reputation is damaged. You can offer coupons for free cheeseburgers, but if the reputation of those cheeseburgers screams "E.coli" and no one has addressed the E.coli issue, then the coupons will go unused. This is especially true if there are alternatives to be had, a lesson that Bud Light recently learned.

Believe it or not, it used to be that one of the key drivers in military recruiting was the appeal to patriotism. This was the bread and butter of the military for over a century. Impressionable young men – especially Southern White men – were driven to join a military they saw as honorable. They joined to defend the Constitution and these United States. To these young men, who often came from families with a military lineage, the pinnacle of their lives was to fight to defend America against its enemies, foreign and domestic. But high level policy makers have targeted for extinction those most likely to sign up out of patriotism: White, Christian, heterosexual men:

It appears, albeit belatedly, that the woke US military establishment is beginning to wake up. A little. The US Army recently released the following commercial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m25KI4RAm4c

Did you notice? No Blacks, no butch women, no rainbows... anywhere. Be sure to read the comments. Brutal, yet funny. Strangely, the Army is letting them stay up. However, reading between the lines, like latter day Soviets, one could make the argument that what we're really watching there is a psy-op, quietly prepping us for another war. The kind of war where the elite need White, heterosexual men to do their fighting. The trannies, flamers and lesbians will get billeted to the rear

The people running things in the US and much of the World have for the most part left reality's orbit. Protected in their high-rise lives by multiple layers of security and almost no accountability, they have little functioning concept of the law of consequences. To them, every problem is a just phone call away from getting papered over.

Unfortunately, you and I (though hopefully many of them too) are going to pay the butcher's bill for their baloney.

Special thanks to Mr. Tom Shackleford at Identity Dixie for his presient thoughts and words on this matter.



Blogger U did not know that did u ? said...

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November 25, 2023 at 5:45 AM  
Blogger U did not know that did u ? said...



Come the end of his first week after labouring hard on a building site Paddy has retired to the local bar

He has decided to nurse his pint of beer while seated at the counter.

And, so pleased he is, too, to be adjacent to a lone young continental-looking woman

She is sporting a short hairstyle

Paddy has enthused himself to get friendly conversation going with this female.

But, his seasoned Irish emigrant colleagues on her far side are with faces of disapproval beaconing & gesticulating him to come over to them

And so he makes his excuses to the young lady :

"Hold on girl, I will be right back.
The lads want to tell me something."

Upon arriving over to them, they chastise him ;

"U should not be talking with her, Paddy.
She is a lesbian,"

Paddy retorts ;

"Ayre, get out of that, shur I'm not a bit racist."

Whereupon, Paddy returns to the young lady, & with sense of duty to bestow even more earnest cordiality, he leans in close to ask of her ;

"Listen, girl, what part of Lesbia are u from ?

November 25, 2023 at 5:50 AM  

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