Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Some Good Advice

Tip o' the hat to Vern St. Cloud over at Identity Dixie for this gem!

Don't want to get drafted and sent off to die for Israel? Avoid military service with these simple tricks:

1. Have DIXIE installed as the ringtone on your phone.

2. Have a copy of MEIN KAMPF installed on your phone.

3. Wear a Confederate Battle Flag t-shirt to the induction center.

4. Upon arrival at the induction center, ask when breakfast will be served and say: “I’m hungry enough to kill a Mandingo fighter for a Hardee’s biscuit!”

5. Greet any colored officer or NCO with the phrase “Hey boy!”

6. Whistle at any attractive female officer.

7. Tell anyone who’ll listen that the holocaust never happened and even if it did you’re sure that the Jews asked for it.

8. Tell anyone who’ll listen that the American Colonists were right to burn homosexuals.

9. Tell anyone who’ll listen that you hear voices who tell you to do “bad things, man”.

10. Request to be deployed to the Southwestern US Border to machine gun Mexicans or any other invaders.


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