Saturday, September 16, 2023

Boycott Dat Sheeiitt....

          "If you find me unattractive it's because you're a racist."

Dove Soap, in a stunt designed to pander to White-hating Blacks and self-hating Whites, has enlisted some shamefully fat movie monster of a woman(?) named Zyahna Bryant to endorse their product. Although it may be hard to believe when seeing her, Bryant probably flies under your radar.

But you might recall an incident from three years ago, when BLM protestors were blocking a main thoroughfare in Charlottesville, Virginia. One of the blocked drivers was a University of Virginia student named Morgan Bettinger, who was trying to get home after a long day at her job. Bettinger got out to talk with a city of Charlottesville employee, sitting in a City of Charlottesville dumptruck parked crosswise in the street. PROTECTING THE PROTESTORS. Bettinger told the dumptruck driver it was probably good he was there or the protestors blocking the street could become "speed bumps".

Some of the BLM maniacs overheard this and immediately set upon Bettinger. Accusing her of threatening them... while they were threatening her.

One of the chief culprits in the affair was Bryant, a BLM fanatic, who sounded the initial alarm, then led the charge to get Bettinger expelled from the UVA, demanding: "EMAIL these UVA deans now to demand that Morgan face consequences for her actions and that UVA stop graduating racists."

The rest of the story is entirely predictable: The media soon showed up, taking the BLM story as gospel and broadcasting it to a gullible public. Bettinger was publicly smeared as a racist, a nazi "Karen", she was stalked, harrassed and summoned to appear before the university judiciary committee, where of course she was expelled (though in abeyance). She was ordered to do 50 hours of community service, write a formal apology to Bryant, and received a permanent academic demerit in her file.

For those who don't know how these things work in America, it was all a lie. In America, Blacks often make damaging, unsubstantiated or outright false, accusations against Whites. Tawana Brawley or the Lacrosse Rape Case, anyone? What about Sarah Comrie?

They often get away with it.

But as the saying goes: the truth can be slowed but it can't be stopped. Eventually the real story came out. Several investigations were conducted, and none of them found proof of Bettinger having ever said that the protesters would make “good f–king speed bumps", as Bryant claimed.

“A student-run investigation agreed with Bettinger’s, not Bryant’s, version of what transpired. A separate investigation by the school’s civil rights office concluded that none of Bryant’s allegations had sufficient evidence to support them.

“Bryant’s most damning claim—that Bettinger had told protesters they would make ‘good f–king speed bumps’—had no corroborating witnesses, even though it allegedly occurred in front of a crowd of more than 30 people,” - Reason Magazine.

Bryant was finally forced to eat crow and admit: "I may have mis-heard her":

No apology for trying to wreck Bettinger's life and seriously undermining her reputation and safety. Just a blubbery lipped self-excuse.

Bettinger, for her part is drawing up a lawsuit against UVA. However, Bryant hasn't *yet* been named as a defendant. Hopefully that will change:

Now, in another example of wokeness, proving again how libs learn little or nothing from their mistakes, Dove Soap (a subsidiary of Unilever) decided, a la Bud Light, to enlist Bryant as their brand "ambassador". The backlash was immediate:

The campaign clearly targeted big fat liberal women, whom Dove was no doubt hoping they could farkoyfn their soap to by the freight train load.

Here let's stop and briefly touch upon "Stupid White Women Syndrome". As just one manifestation of their self contempt and self-doubt, White women often imprint on Black women... Oprah-like. You see them everywhere, sucking up to Black women like calves to an udder. It's a bizarre spectacle to put it bluntly. If you've ever been around White and Black women working together, in any setting, you know what I mean.

They also often kitten up to Black guys. Perhaps believing they'll be the one who doesn't get beaten, raped or murdered. It's a manifestation of the self-loathing that haunts women. White women especially. It has from the start. Most women ARE liberals - whether they want to believe it or not - because liberalism springs forth from the philosophy of immanence: the belief that truth and reality are interior not exterior concepts. As narcissistic, emotion fueled beings, women tend to gravitate towards such an "I, me, my" worldview. You don't believe me? Then go talk with a woman, any woman, about something. Anything. Then count how many seconds it takes her to turn the conversation back to herself. Go ahead... do it.

Bryant has since "gone dark". The uproar over her lies about Morgan Bettinger and her disastrous partnership with Dove may have exacerbated her Black fragility. Recently she called the police, the same police whose defunding she'd previously demanded, on The Daily Mail when they approached her for an interview:

With any luck the Law of Consequences will force Bryant to flee to Africa... where she can enjoy however much life is left in her morbidly obese body... amongst her people.

In short my friends, BOYCOTT Dove Soap AND Unilever. Like Anheuser-Busch they're a woke corporation that hates YOU... "Whitey!" But they sure ch'amad for your money.

Dove, Lifebuoy, Ben&Jerry's, AXE, Hellman's, LUX Bath and Beauty, Knorr, Vaseline... and others:



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