Sunday, September 24, 2023

Why the West Was Lost

Friends, why will NATO lose the next one? Because Putin is a brilliant strategist? Because of Russia's superior weapons? Not necessarily.

It will lose because of the West's moral degeneracy. Because moral degeneracy always precedes the fall of empires. Always. Russia and China need only wait. The West will defeat itself. All they'll need to do is march in.

Sin clouds the mind. I'll give an example of that at the end of this effort. In any event, ponder something interesting: in spite of all its fighter jets, helicopters, tanks, APC's, artillery, advanced electronics... the US was chased from Afghanistan by guys armed with AK-47's. Yep, think about that.

The writing is on the wall for anyone who has eyes to see.

All of them?

A few words on that last one. The memer celebrated their winning goal a bit too too early. Do you see it?

Liberals very often base their Weltanschauung on *appearances*, not realities. We could just as easily say wife beaters are among those soldiers, then ask: "Can you tell which one is a wife beater? Didn't think so. Nyahhh!" But that never occurred to the memer. He-she was too busy thinking they'd won the big one.

The judgements of dissolutes are often flawed (and the more dissolute the more flawed) - because they base them on intellectual fallacies - drawn on the bank of moral failings. America is a dissolute country; and as things now stand it's beyond hope. It's only a matter of time before the boom drops.

"And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it."



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