Friday, October 13, 2023

My "Debate" with Crazy Dave

Some of you know of Matt Walsh. Walsh is an author, video producer, YouTube creator and public provocateur. Libs hate him with a passion because he goes after them like a pit bulldog after a pet poodle.

Walsh wrote a best seller called Johnny the Walrus: sprefix=johnny+the+walrus%2Cspecialty-aps%2C112&sr=8-1

He followed that up with a documentary called What is a Woman?:

In What is a Woman? Walsh asks people, some with multiple advanced degrees, to define their terms and propositions regarding women, transgenderism and child "sex re-assignment surgery". As expected, the liberals interviewed failed spectacularly. The traditionalists on the other hand had no problem explaining themselves coherently.

The point is that the liberals Walsh spoke with weren't anomalies. Libs are often incoherent when pressed to explain their premises and conclusions. I've known this forever. But Walsh is able to expose them in a way I can't. He has a huge platform and is able to project 3D images of their madness for all the World to see.

Well, as soldiers of Christ we must slog on.

Enter Dave Farina, an internet/YouTube personality going by the name, "Professor Dave". Professor Dave actually isn't a professor at all. He doesn't have a PhD. He doesn't have a MS either. Nope, Dave has... a BA! But he also has an electronic pulpit, from which he likes to expound on a great many things. In fact if you ask him about ANYTHING - Dave will expound on it! Whether he actually knows much about what he's expounding on is open to question. But he IS able to SOUND like he knows what he's talking about; and so has been able to acquire a large audience of people who like to listen to people who sound like they know what they're talking about.

Last year Dave did a YT episode in which he attempted, in his smug way to dismiss Walsh's What is a Woman? documentary and the arguments against "transgenderism" (more accurately "transvestitism" with a profoundly perverse twist). He failed:

Walsh then did an episode mocking Professor Dave's anorexic video. It is well worth a look:

Professor Dave then immediately released a counter-video of his own:

Tellingly, he soon disabled the comments sections in both of those videos. Walsh's comments section remains open to this day.

Then Dave engaged in a "debate" with a REAL Professor - Rice University's James Tour, PhD: - regarding the origins of life:

Both debaters performed poorly. Tour for letting Dave slip through his fingers and get away with his dodges, losing his cool, not questioning Dave's academic credentials, and not slamming him as a smug, pretentious weenie when he was handed the opportunity to do so.

And Dave for giving a tour de force performance of a dodgy, rude, know-it-all. And he definitely made use of his opportunity to insult Tour. Maybe the high point of the evening! BTW - when prodded by someone to say something nice about your leftist adversary, DON'T! Instead, INSULT them. But do it in a witty way.

Anyway, watch the video and observe how Dave never went anywhere near the problem Dr. Tour posed to him in the chemical formulae he wrote out on the chalkboard. Dave didn't because he couldn't. And he knew it! Instead he resorted to a gamut of dodges, ad hominems, false appeals to authority and ipse dixits. Unfortunately, Tour let him get away with it. Getting led down a blind alley when he should have been hammering Dave, mocking his inability to bridge the formulae; and for descending into ad hominems.

Professor Dave has since gone on to release a series of videos in which he practically declares himself the Heavyweight Debating Champion of the World:

But Professor Tour has defenders too:

After watching some of these I went to the "Professor Dave Explains" YouTube channel comments section and the following exchanges occurred - which you my friends might find interesting:

Me: They both won! Dave for his majestically supercilious ad hominems. And Tour for his unparalleled ability to let victory slip from his grasp.

PD: Slip from his grasp? When was his grasp anywhere near victory, kiddo? He's a lying fraud.

Me: Then you should have gone up to the chalkboard and completed his formula. ???

PD: What formula, dumbass? What did you want me to write with chalk? Be very specific or admit that you have absolutely no clue and fell for a dumb stunt because you're stupid.

Me: Dave... Dave... Dave.... I can understand why you're still smarting from the shellacking Professor Tour put on you. Just go to the chalkboard and put your PhD to work... and fill in the missing formula. Instant win!

PD: (crickets) As stated earlier Dave only has a BA.

New thread:

C'mon man! All Dave did was repeatedly appeal to authority, without actually explaining anything his authorities claimed; then repeatedly insulted Tour and the audience for not being as "smart" as he is. Tour for his part let Dave off the hook at the very start - then began bellowing angrily as Dave lured him down to his level of madness.

PD: Um, James is a walking appeal to authority, and referencing actual science in this field is not an appeal to authority, and I explained all the science immaculately, you're just fucking stupid. Stick to your echo chamber, dipshit.

Me: I really liked how "professor" Dave resorted to lashing out at the audience in the "debate". What more proof do we need that he won? And its "hamsters"... not "hampsters" as Dave stated. You're very welcome.

PD: Whining about how I shut down some brainwashed hecklers and harping on a spelling error, this is the best you dumb fucks can do 😂

Me - responding to another commenter: Unfortunately, Tour let Dave go, when he had him by his tiny balls.

PD: Yeah if by "let me go", you mean he shrieked like a toddler and shit his pants while playing with chalk for two hours 😂 how many papers has James written on origin of life you dumb cunt? Oh right, zero? Because he's clueless about the field and exclusively lies about it? Sit down and shut the fuck up you brainwashed moron.

Me: You're making a habit of dodging, Dave! Now put your PhD to work (you do have a doctorate in biochem, right?) get your little self to the blackboard and fill in the blanks Tour left you. And you never thanked me for telling you how to spell "hamster" correctly.

PD then blocked me and removed all my comments - as well as all the responses from his silly fan club.

Dave blocks people and resorts to ad hominems not because he's winning, but because he soon runs out of bluster. Along with his intellectual conceits you probably noticed the coarse, angry person that violently surfaced when I tickled him. Hardly the genial atheist!

But atheists usually become coarse, angry and violent when confronted about their inanities. Not all, but enough, so that this ugly personality trait can be used as a handy way to ID them.

It's actually a point of pride for me to be cursed at, blocked, even threatened by people like Crazy Dave. A reverse benediction of a sort. But in truth people like him are easy to beat in debates: because their positions are often extremely irrational. Just wait for them to say something stupid, illogical or self-contradictory - because they will. Then, pit bull-like, attack them and don't let go until they cry uncle or run off.

Like Dave ran off from me. And all the others who've called his bluff.



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