Sunday, December 24, 2023

What Goes Around...

...comes around:

The Houthis in Yemen have attacked another Israel-linked vessel in the Indian Ocean. This time a tanker named the Chem Pluto:

The Chem Pluto is a smallish tanker, about 500 feet in length. And though we out here are not being told much, these attacks by the Houthis are definitely disrupting World trade. Europe in particular will feel the pinch. Prices are going up for all seaborne trade between Asia and Europe, as ships that would normally have transited the Suez Canal are now being forced to travel all the way around Africa to avoid the risk of being attacked in the Arabian Sea... and now the Indian Ocean. This adds another 3,800 miles and 10-14 days to the voyage. And another $200,000 - $500,000 to the operating costs... depending on the ship:
Naturally, this greatly increases the cost of shipping goods between Asia and Europe:

The Houthis are saying they are only attacking ships affiliated with Israel - in support of the Palestinians being attacked in their homes in Gaza by the Israeli military. But they might have been mistaken a few times:

Although partisan in its view of all things Israel, Haaretz will sometimes honestly cover stories you don't hear a peep about in Western MSM sources.

Iran is, as usual, being blamed for the attacks, as they support their fellow Shiites in Yemen, and the Houthis are a Shiite group.

Some of you will recall how the US once had a very staunch ally in Iran... The Shah. But he was overthown in a coup that, if not orchestrated in DC definitely had its support. Particularly President Jimmy Carter.

The newspapers of the time all overflowed with stories about what a monster the Shah was. That fact alone tells you that Jews were involved. As always, the fools in DC cannot think any further ahead than their next cocaine fix. In betraying the Shah 44 years ago they created an arch-nemesis for the next generation of DC fools to have to deal with.

And so... once again... we see The Law of Unintended Consequences vindicated:

After the coup, in a TV interview, the Shah said something like this: "The US decided to reduce global oil production by "X" amount. This was to prop up the petro-dollar, as well as the Saudi monarchy. And they decided that Iran would be the sacrificial victim."

The history books tell us that the Shah was empowered by a CIA assisted coup in 1953. This part is true. But they go on to try and paint the overthrow of the Shah in 1979 as a singular, internal event. This is false. In truth there was much support for it in the West. There can be little doubt that the Iranian revolutionaries were being assisted in their coup attempt by Western intelligence if not Western money. Our history books are full of lies.

Why the revolutionaries turned on the US is a subject for another day.



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