Thursday, March 28, 2024

Boring Jeremy

                                          The "god-king"

For some months I've been following the developing kerfuffle between the "conservative" website The Daily Wire and Candace Owens - who is one of their regular contributors. I like Candace. She's a smart woman and a superlative public speaker. Even better, she is married to a devout Catholic and has imbibed some of his vibe.

She's also become Jew-wise. And for that reason she was forced out from her position at The Daily Wire. As one news outlet put it: "for embracing antisemitism".

Translation: she raised questions that Jews Inc. doesn't want raised: e.g., Israel's indiscriminate viciousness towards the Gazans.

You have to understand something about "antisemitism". As it's defined today if you don't care for Ben & Jerry's ice cream then you are an "antisemite". That's how very tender Jewish feelings have gotten.

I'm not exaggerating here. Well maybe a little, but even saying "George Soros" can now get you banned/smeared for "antisemitism". And soon enough, getting you arrested. Never to be seen again.

Happily, Candace won't be hurting too much (financially) though, The Daily Wire bought out the remainder of her contract, which will likely be counted well into the $millions. You go, girl!

"God-king" Jeremy Boreing is the other key figure in this squabble (Ben Shapiro is another but he's keeping far offstage for now). Boreing is the CEO of The Daily Wire. And after proclaiming The Wire's commitment to free speech and Candace and her right to speak her mind there... as well as mom and apple pie... and after assuring everyone Candace wouldn't be forced out, he forced her out.

He caved to the lobbies that were pressuring him to force her out.

I can understand his reasons though. And in his defense he did kind of stand by Candace for a few months or so. But as with Pilate, and many others, the howling of the Tribe became too menacing. She did say, "Christ is King!" after all. Unforgivable! Crucify her!

Before the dust had time to settle, someone at Boreing's Twitter/X page asked him how saying "Christ is King!" can be considered antisemitic. Boreing's reply was interesting. At least to me. After re-reading it a few times I realized he was speaking in a code. A code that needed a translator. Boreing put a lot of thought into the reply and naturally I thought of how you, my readers, might want to know what he was really saying... in his code-speak way.

What follows is Jason Whitlock's question for Boreing. Boreing's reply, and my translations of his reply:

Jason Whitlock@WhitlockJason.Mar 24

"I'm asking this sincerely. I'm a student of life. I'm not that smart. There are many things I do not know. This is a sincere question without snark or sarcasm or trolling. How is saying "Christ is King" anti-semetic? When did this become true? Is it true?"

Jeremy Boreing
8:27 AM · Mar 25, 2024

"How is saying “Christ is King” antisemitic?"

>Logically, you cannot talk about "antisemitism" without first talking about "semitism" - QED.

"The same way anything becomes antisemitic - when it is used for the purpose of expressing antisemitism."

>Something becomes antisemitic when it becomes antisemitic.

"It’s like asking “how does a shovel become a murder weapon?” When it is used to murder someone. This isn’t hard. A shovel is not innately a murder weapon."

>Shovels can be antisemitic.

"Saying “Christ is King” is not innately antisemitic."

>But it is implicitly antisemitic.

"It’s all about how a thing is used. Saying “Eat some cornbread” is not racist if I say it to my three-year-old when she is refusing her dinner. If I start saying it as a response to X posts by black commentators I don’t like, it has taken on a meaning beyond what is innate. In other words, it is connotatively racist, not denotatively racist."

>Cornbread is racist. So are watermelons. And they're antisemitic too.

"So too “Christ is King” may be antisemitic in connotation while not in denotation when it is being used to express antisemitism."

>Christianity is connatatively antisemitic.

"When did this become so? It has always been so."

>Christianity has always been antisemitic.

"Additionally, saying “Christ is King” for an evil purpose - like using it as a weapon to express your hatred or disdain for the Jews - is a grave sin. It plainly violates the Third Commandment “Thou shall not carry forth the Name of the Lord thy God in vain."

>Jesus isn't God... but He is God. And saying He is, or isn't, is evil. Yet you mustn't use his name in vain.

"Surely if I rape and murder someone - like Hamas did on 10/7!"

>(Actually, more Israelis were killed by the IDF than by Hamas. Apparently a lot more. Those poor unfortunates just got a dose of what the IDF has been dishing out to the Palestinians for the last 76 years)

"and all the while I shout at them “Christ is King,” - or “God is Great!” - we would agree that I have committed three grievous crimes, not two. Rape? Yes. Murder? Yes. But also the great crime of implicating God in the first two crimes."

>Saying "Christ is King" is akin to rape and murder, not to mention antisemitic.

"So one must be cautious how one uses the Name of God. God will not be mocked. Invoking Him in vain self-promotion, or to troll Jews, or to attack your political rivals is to carry forth His Name in vain."

>The "god-king" hath spoken! True enough... until you substitute "Christian" for "Jew", at which point, for mysterious reasons, the attacks suddenly become permissible.

"Jesus Christ is King, sure enough. King of Heaven and of Earth. King of Jew and Gentile alike. Yet a bruised reed He will not break, and a faintly burning wick he will not smother. So don’t use His Name as a cudgel to bash those in whom the Light of God yet flickers."

>Telling a Jew "Christ is King" makes you a cudgel wielding, flickering Jew bashing antisemite.

"If you do, you are a blasphemer and an antisemite and a piece of crap generally, and the fear of the Lord is clearly not in you. It will be, though."

>With regards to Jews at least, if you don't keep your mouth shut about Christ you're going to hell. Or jail.

Boreing is a smart but confused man - as any sober analysis of his reply shows. He speaks as if he's a Christian. Well maybe he is. If he's a Catholic though, he's a very confused Catholic. If he's an Orthodox, same thing. But if he's a Protestant then what he said is fairly in touch with Protestant theologizing.

Anyway, in your spare moments, send some up for Candace - who's in for a rough time these next several months. And spare one for Boreing too; that he might learn how to reason his way from A to B without falling on his ass.



Blogger Brian said...

According to historic anthropogists Semites are from Asyrian bloodline. So,
in real fact "their" very first word that they spit at us is a lie. Nothing
new really, they were doing that long before they adopted the word Jew.

March 29, 2024 at 4:33 PM  
Blogger Citizenfitz said...

Thanks for that input.

March 29, 2024 at 10:22 PM  

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