Sunday, February 7, 2021

A Bad Imitation of Christ

In Dec. 2002, Popular Mechanics started some buzz when they ran an article speculating how Jesus "may" have looked. Rather than the tall, light skinned, fine featured Jesus depicted throughout history, the PM story depicted Him as short, swarthy and squat - with a prominent nose. For those not in on the game they added a picture of their version of Jesus:
Looking more like a befuddled Arab peasant than the Son of God, internal disclaimers notwithstanding, the REAL point of the article was the picture. A laughable, low wage Christ who'd have difficulty saving a dinar let alone the World. Well, one picture IS worth a thousand words. But that's how satan rolls.

The world's media are very selective about the depictions they put out. Those who serve the system are honored with flattering headlines, articles and photographs. Those who don't... get "the treatment". Think of Donald Trump. How many times was he ridiculed in the msm - bad photographs and all? After a while it becomes almost too apparent. Unfortunately, half the World is, by definition, below average and find it hard to see satan's tricks. While most of those who do see them find them amusing.

In August 1987 a Catholic nun from Kenya, Sister Anna Ali (1966-2012) of the Daughters of Jesus, the Good Shepherd reported a vision of Jesus. In the vision He allowed, or told, her to take a photograph of Him. Then He gave her messages, some apocalyptic. The visions continued for four years - from 1987 to 1991. It's stated that Sister Anna cried tears of blood on Wednesday/Thursday for the rest of her life. During the four years she reported being visited by Christ she recorded nearly 200 messages from Him. The Church has found her testimony credible and the case for her beatification has since been forwarded to the Vatican. Here's the photograph Sister Anna took of Jesus:
You be the judge.



Blogger Jim West said...

CitizenFitz .... I asked you on CFT if you knew of a Catholic Congregation that recognizes our (White race) Heritage as Adamic men and women. And as a bonus, it would be nice to find a Congregation that exposes Jewish Perfidy, but I would settle for a room full of White men and women. Do you know of any in the United States?

September 15, 2021 at 5:21 PM  
Blogger Citizenfitz said...

There's nothing I know of Along that line, Jim. For the most parts Catholics too have been drinking the media Kook-Aid.

Lots of Catholics though as individuals are waking up to satan's pets. Just not enough to become a force. Yet.

For the most part conservative Catholics are divided into quarreling factions. Even amongst them few are willing to say the J word.

September 17, 2021 at 8:55 PM  
Blogger Jim West said...

Ok. So you do not physically attend a Roman Catholic Church? Good.

Curious ..... how can you still be a Roman Catholic?

September 18, 2021 at 6:41 AM  
Blogger Citizenfitz said...

I DO go to church. I'm an anomaly in that I actually follow the teachings of the Church. Most Catholics are de facto protestants.

Difficult days indeed.

September 21, 2021 at 12:07 PM  

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