Tuesday, January 9, 2024

An Evening in Israel

Yehuda Yisrael:
First of all, your false messiah/god aka jesus never prophesied that the Levitical priesthood would disappear. So you might want to study a little of your own false messiah's words before making yourself look even more stupid than you already have... Second of all, the Tanach or the "old testament" as you callously call it, speaks of the Levitical priesthood as an eternal priesthood, just as the throne of David is eternal. Jeremiah 33:17-18 makes this abundantly clear: Jeremiah 33:17 For so said the Lord: There shall not be cut off from David a man sitting on the throne of the house of Israel. Jeremiah 33:18 And of the Levitic priests, there shall not be cut off from before Me a man offering up a burnt offering, or burning a meal-offering or performing a sacrifice for all time. So there you have it. Not only is the throne of David an eternal throne of kingship, but also the Levitical priesthood is an eternal priesthood! This is precisely why Malachi 3:3-4 and Ezekiel 44:9-17 explain that the Levitical priesthood will be restored to its former glory when the true Messiah comes in the future. And maybe you were unaware, but there was a 70 year exile in which the Levitical priests did not assume their proper roles as priests since the Temple was destroyed. However, the Temple was rebuilt after the 70 year exile and the Levites resumed their proper roles as priests. Malachi 3:3-4 and Ezekiel 44:9-17 are just a couple places which describe the reestablishment of the Levitical priesthood during the future Messianic age. So you'd best learn your Bible...Because you have no idea what you are talking about. Your jeezer is a false god and false messiah. Shalom

You dodged the question, dummy.
Where's the Levitic priesthood NOW?
Where are the genealogies NOW?
Where's The Temple NOW?
Where's the Holy of Holies NOW?
Where's the Daily Sacrifice NOW?
I can help... NOWHERE.
Looks like the Jews' house has been "left desolate".

Just as Jesus prophesied.



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