Monday, July 15, 2024


Some goofy kid, who probably had trouble tying his own shoelaces, just waltzes past layers of security to within 150 yards of a presidential candidate, climbs up on a roof, in broad daylight, and takes a potshot at him?


My developing belief is that Trump's alleged would-be assassin, Thomas Crooks, wasn't the real shooter. Like Oswald, he was the surreal shooter. The patsy.

I have a theory: the REAL shooter(s) was/were positioned directly behind Crooks at some distance. Maybe a hundred feet. Maybe a quarter mile distant. He/they were expert snipers and shouldn't have missed... except for one thing: if Trump hadn’t turned just when he did, it would have marked the end of his presidential run.

A famous sniping team sniper isn't buying "the crazy kid on the roof" story:



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