Sunday, June 30, 2024

The REAL Drug Lords

The following article was posted by a pal of mine at RT who goes by the nom de plume "Galaktik". Galaktik has a good memory and mind for history - and he can see the perfectly obvious. A rare gift indeed in our confused times.

Reading his article below we're reminded of the great effort the US put into tracking down Pablo Escobar and destroying the Medellin Cartel. "He's a DRUG LORD for crying out loud!" we were told. Still, no serious reflection on the US government's role in creating a drug-crazed America has ever been given.

With Pablo's death the Medellin Cartel was effectively shut down (taken over actually, by interests more congenial to the US, France and Israel). Meanwhile, the Cali Cartel, themselves international cocaine traffickers somehow, for a while at least, escaped the attention of the US government.


"Remember the UK was doing this (wrecking China) back in the early 1800s using Indian Opium (the UK had invaded and conquered India). This was ruining so many Chinese citizens but the UK did NOT care (not then, NOT NOW)! When China tried to put a stop to this, many countries including the US joined to help the UK stomp on China (this eventually led to the Boxer Rebellion). Back then China was too weak and got defeated... UK then forced it to give a port in Shanghai and also to surrender Hong Kong on a 100 year lease. Their goal was to use those 100 years to prepare to invade and take over Hong Kong permanently, as 100 years would have been plenty of time to indoctrinate the Hong Kong citizenry to love Western Style culture... thus into wanting to join in any UK initiated/ sponsored insurrection (to permanently severed Hong Kong too as they have been trying to do with Taiwan). Remember 2014 Maidan Uprising and the Minsk agreement, the West used it as STALLING tactics to GAIN SOME TIME to funnel in plenty of weapons, train the Ukrainian military, and try to indoctrinate the Ukrainian people to hate Russia!

"So 3 wars with China, the last one in the 1890s! Back in the 1890s, the UK did not forsee that within 100 years it was going to be a decrepit has-been imperialist shithole - while China was going to be a world superpower! By the way, the US also made a 100 year lease with Panama surrounding the Panama Canal. When the lease was about to expire (about 10 years before), the US conducted "Operation Just Cause" to regain new favorable conditions to militarily coerce Panama into letting the US own/control the Canal once more! They wanted to start a revolution with Panama and install a new puppet government.

"Anyway this is what the CIA did in the 80's: To create uprisings against Daniel Ortega's Sandinista government. (Remember Clear and Present Danger?) The US cut deals with Columbian drug dealers, brought over 12 tons of cocaine into the Continental US via Panama, with the knowledge of President Manual Noreiga. (Which the US later used as an excuse to put him into prison).

"This was shipped to California with cover provided by the CIA, which made deals, and sold the drugs to US drug dealers to finance the Contras against the Sandinista government. This was the major issue behind the Colonel Oliver North Iran-Contra fiasco.

"North was getting black project money and used it to start a CIA sponsored drug operation! He was running his own drug cultivation, harvesting, processing, trafficking, etc. business! They were taking the millions of dollars given by Congress, then invested it into drugs - to get higher profits (doubling... tripling... quadrupling their money!) to buy Soviet weapons from Iran to give to the Contras to finance their terrorist operations.

"The military and CIA did NOT want US citizens (even those in Congress) to know they'd fomented civil wars in all those Central American countries; which would have been evident if US military weapons were found in the hands of the Central American "freedom fighters" (CIA sponsored military terrorist units).

"Furthermore Noreiga had a falling out with President Bush, Sr., and was threatening to expose everything. Thus, the US used this as a second reason to invade Panama, reclaim the Panama Canal, arrest Noreiga on fabricated drug charges and imprison him.

"After serving his term in an American prison, but before he was released, the US government pulled another stunt and made a deal with the French, who re-arrested Noriega (again on fabricated charges of drug dealing) and sent him off to a French prison where he died." - Galaktik


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