Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Face of Jesus Through the Centuries

The depictions of Jesus, from earliest times to now, almost always show a slender, bearded, long haired man; with a slender nose and refined features. The features of the man in the Shroud of Turin closely match those representations. Recently, AI has been entrained to recreate how He likely looked.

                                           Sixth century
                                     Sixth-seventh century
                                      Seventeenth century
             1920's: "Ecce Homo" and the 2012 bungled restoration
          Popular Mechanics, 2002: "The Real Face of Jesus" farce
           Sister Faustina's vision of the "Divine Mercy" Jesus: 1931
Akiane Kramarik claims to have had a vision of Jesus, and painted this portrait of him in 2002 - when she was 8 yers old
This is said to have mysteriously popped up in the middle of a roll of photographs taken in The Holy Land in 1982
This picture is said to have been taken during mass in a Church that had recently been retaken and reconsecrated by Catholic forces during the Spanish Civil War, ca. 1938
A photograph said to have been taken by Sister Anna Ali in Rome in 1987. Sister Anna had received a visit from Jesus and asked if she could take His picture to prove she wasn't making it up
A computer enhanced version of the above picture taken by sister Anna
                                  The Shroud of Turin, 33AD
                           Painting based on the Shroud of Turin
An AI recreation of Jesus' face based upon the Shroud of Turin image


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