Tuesday, June 4, 2024


At RT: “NATO senses defeat in Ukraine. This will have devastating geopolitical ramifications such as the breakup of NATO and the dissolution of the EU, the main pillars of American hegemony over Europe.

“Such an outcome will lead to the collapse of the American empire, especially if the BRICS accelerates expansion and de-dollarization. Thus, the Western military alliance, under the order of the US, is preparing to enter the war directly using a false flag.

“Russia has no interest in a war with NATO, but the US is progressively laying the ground for WW3 to prevent its unavoidable collapse.” - TPTB

The child raping, child murdering satanists running the so called "liberal democracies" (which are neither) have led us down a dark alley - only to discover Russia is blocking the exit to their "Rules Based International Order".

Rather than admit defeat they're pushing for another big one: building their doomsday bunkers deep, amping up the war propaganda in their media and shoveling a slew of shekels into the pockets of their political puppets.

Their plan? A war that'll reduce the planet's human population by 90% - give or take - with themselves emerging from their burrows (once it's safe) into a brave new world order. That's the plan.



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