Friday, May 17, 2024

The Bing of Death

Not that long ago the internet used to be a galaxy of diverse ideas, dreams and perspectives. Now? Not so much. There are exceptions of course, but it's definitely not the gold rush it once was. You get the impression that our internet searches are now being monitored, weighed, collated, filtered, and stored in the NSA's new Quantum Super Computer. Same with the stories we're being fed - there's a sameness to them.

Some of you may remember Nicky Hayden. He was a MotoGP world champion in the mid-2000's but he died in a tragic bicycle! accident in Italy in 2017. He played a part in the good old days of the internet. His nervy riding style was impressive to behold. One hundred mile an hour wheelies and all.

But Bing doesn't seem to understand there was more to Nicky Hayden's life than his death: &sc=1113&sk=&cvid=EDC2985C739E4CC2A1B03A6611DDA8A3&ghsh =0&ghacc=0&ghpl=

And were all those drearily repetitious articles listed in Bing's "Nicky Hayden" page cut and pasted from the same article?

"What about Michael Schumacher?" you might ask."Michael Schumacher was more famous than Nicky Hayden, wasn't he?" Yes he was. And as Bing's page about him obsessively reminds us, he liked collecting watches: schumacher&qs=n&form=QBNT&sp=-1&ghc=1&lq=0&pq= michael+schumacher&sc=10-18&sk=&cvid=F8C56785F9D54B2CBF434071AFA85C46 &ghsh=0&ghacc=0&ghpl=

And how about that latter day reincarnation of the Der Sturmer - "The Daily Stormer"?: stormer&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&lq=0&pq=the+daily+stormer&sc=11-17&sk=&cvid=167E9C671CBE4A839B64985D71A2C4A0&ghsh =0&ghacc=0&ghpl=

Be it Nicky Hayden's death, Michael Schumacher's watches or Andrew Anglin's "Far right, antisemitic, homophobic, neo-Nazi, misogynistic, Islamophobic, anti-puppy hate mongering - and pretty much everything else at Bing - the reader is going to be barraged from one direction: the left front. With only a few, approved and "safe" articles available on the initial search pages. And, increasingly, ALL the pages.

I could go on a long while here, but time is valuable and I'm not getting a cent for any of this. I'm confident you guys are smart enough to look into it yourselves and see the picture without me going into greater detail: Bing is an obsessive-compulsive propaganda machine. It's usually, if not always, a left-leaning barf-fest.

Well, in truth all the MSM media outlets are leftist barf-fests anymore. Even Fox News... which only adds further punishments to their damnation because they're doubly phony.

However, for unexplained reasons, the past year has seen Bing begin to include some pro-Second Amendment (and other conservative values) articles in their news pages. Some kind of psy-op I suspect.

Google is somewhat better than Bing. Somewhat... in that this blog hasn't been completely memory-holed by them. Still not nearly as good as they used to be. As far as censorship goes, Yandex is better, but Yandex still relies on Google for much of it's news and assorted articles. Something of an echo-chamber there at Yandex.

Back in the mid-2000's Yahoo was big, and ran lively comments sections to their news articles. I had a good time there. But TPTB soon realized that lefties were taking a drubbing and decided to implement a purge of the conservative commenters. I was banned numerous times. But back then you could come back five minutes later with a new ID and continue to throw shade at dummies.

Sadly... eventually... inevitably... Yahoo implemented a program that recognized IP addresses - which effectively ended my reign of terror.

But, in what may have been an act of divine judgement: in 2012 Yahoo appointed a female CEO. In just five years she managed to successfully drive it into irrelevancy. Yes Robespierre, there is a God.



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