Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Stop the presses!

This just in from Sazzy at Incogman's site.  David Berkowitz... Dylan Klebold... Eric Harris... Gerald Loughner... Genrikh Yagoda....  Larry Silverstein....  Looks like we've got ANOTHER Jewish mass murdering psycho killer on our hands.  WHAT IS GOING ON!?!



"James Holmes, the Batman Murderer is JEWISH!

"Camp Max Strauss is a segregated Jews only camp. All staff at JBBS must be Jewish:

"Q: What are the qualifications for becoming a Jewish Big Brother or Big Sister?
A: You must be Jewish and over the age of 21... and have a burning, yet healthy and virile, hatred -  embedded your G-d-like DNA - that makes you want to violently exterminate all non-Jews."



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