Friday, May 17, 2024

The Bing of Death

Not that long ago the internet used to be a galaxy of diverse ideas, dreams and perspectives. Now? Not so much. There are exceptions of course, but it's definitely not the gold rush it once was. You get the impression that our internet searches are now being monitored, weighed, collated, filtered, and stored in the NSA's new Quantum Super Computer. Same with the stories we're being fed - there's a sameness to them.

Some of you may remember Nicky Hayden. He was a MotoGP world champion in the mid-2000's but he died in a tragic bicycle! accident in Italy in 2017. He played a part in the good old days of the internet. His nervy riding style was impressive to behold. One hundred mile an hour wheelies and all.

But Bing doesn't seem to understand there was more to Nicky Hayden's life than his death: &sc=1113&sk=&cvid=EDC2985C739E4CC2A1B03A6611DDA8A3&ghsh =0&ghacc=0&ghpl=

And were all those drearily repetitious articles listed in Bing's "Nicky Hayden" page cut and pasted from the same article?

"What about Michael Schumacher?" you might ask."Michael Schumacher was more famous than Nicky Hayden, wasn't he?" Yes he was. And as Bing's page about him obsessively reminds us, he liked collecting watches: schumacher&qs=n&form=QBNT&sp=-1&ghc=1&lq=0&pq= michael+schumacher&sc=10-18&sk=&cvid=F8C56785F9D54B2CBF434071AFA85C46 &ghsh=0&ghacc=0&ghpl=

And how about that latter day reincarnation of the Der Sturmer - "The Daily Stormer"?: stormer&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&lq=0&pq=the+daily+stormer&sc=11-17&sk=&cvid=167E9C671CBE4A839B64985D71A2C4A0&ghsh =0&ghacc=0&ghpl=

Be it Nicky Hayden's death, Michael Schumacher's watches or Andrew Anglin's "Far right, antisemitic, homophobic, neo-Nazi, misogynistic, Islamophobic, anti-puppy hate mongering - and pretty much everything else at Bing - the reader is going to be barraged from one direction: the left front. With only a few, approved and "safe" articles available on the initial search pages. And, increasingly, ALL the pages.

I could go on a long while here, but time is valuable and I'm not getting a cent for any of this. I'm confident you guys are smart enough to look into it yourselves and see the picture without me going into greater detail: Bing is an obsessive-compulsive propaganda machine. It's usually, if not always, a left-leaning barf-fest.

Well, in truth all the MSM media outlets are leftist barf-fests anymore. Even Fox News... which only adds further punishments to their damnation because they're doubly phony.

However, for unexplained reasons, the past year has seen Bing begin to include some pro-Second Amendment (and other conservative values) articles in their news pages. Some kind of psy-op I suspect.

Google is somewhat better than Bing. Somewhat... in that this blog hasn't been completely memory-holed by them. Still not nearly as good as they used to be. As far as censorship goes, Yandex is better, but Yandex still relies on Google for much of it's news and assorted articles. Something of an echo-chamber there at Yandex.

Back in the mid-2000's Yahoo was big, and ran lively comments sections to their news articles. I had a good time there. But TPTB soon realized that lefties were taking a drubbing and decided to implement a purge of the conservative commenters. I was banned numerous times. But back then you could come back five minutes later with a new ID and continue to throw shade at dummies.

Sadly... eventually... inevitably... Yahoo implemented a program that recognized IP addresses - which effectively ended my reign of terror.

But, in what may have been an act of divine judgement: in 2012 Yahoo appointed a female CEO. In just five years she managed to successfully drive it into irrelevancy. Yes Robespierre, there is a God.


Sunday, May 12, 2024

Confession Hogs

I finally did it. After being stuck in the confession ("reconciliation" for those of you in California) line one time too many, behind some confession hog, I said something to the hog as they were exiting the confessional: "Excuse me. Did you not see the line behind you? You were in there for fifteen minutes."

The confession hog, a woman this time (they usually are women... by a factor of about two to one) gaped at me with an incredulous look on her face, then hurried off. No doubt the first time anyone's ever called her on it.

But I had my say and I have to say I'm glad I said it.

The confessional time was limited to an hour. And with ten or eleven people in the queue, she took up one quarter of it for herself. There are far too many Catholics like that. Hogging valuable confessional time - and burdening the poor priest with the sins of everyone but themselves... women being women after all.

At most Catholic churches confession times are usually an hour, once or twice a week. But this can change depending on the parish and the pastor. The church I frequent has quite generous confession times. Even given this, unless you get there early and are at or near the front of the line, it's almost a given that at least one confession hog will be ahead of you - and perhaps your confession won't get heard because of them.

Maybe you've experienced it too?

I'm old now, but happily my capital sins have largely deserted me in favor of more profitable markets. And I no longer have any mortal sins on my conscience. I can be in and out of the confessional in a minute - or two - depending on how chatty the priest is. The way I see it two minutes, four at most, is plenty of time to get whatever you need to off your chest.

The woman today was no anomaly. In fact there've been instances where I couldn't get shriven because confession hogs had gobbled up most of the hour.

Here's a useful admonition regarding confession: "Be brief. Be blunt. Begone."

How long it's been since your last confession... what kind of sins you have committed... and how many. That's it. No need to carry on for half an hour about every mean thing ever said or done to you throughout your entire life.

There is a difference between the sacrament of confession and spiritual direction. If you can't get in and out of the confessional within four minutes then what you're needing is spiritual direction. Make an appointment with the priest for that.

And, as always, thank you for your cooperation in this grave matter.


Friday, May 10, 2024

According to Exorcists, Some Things Demons Especially Love and Hate

                                        Know your enemy

People who've died and gone to Hell, then come back to life, say demons are not cookie cutter cut-outs. They're very different from one another. Still, many of them do look like this.


Us - They hate us, people, with an incredible level of malice. Every one of us. They blame us for their fall from grace. And God shows us the mercy he refuses them.

Humility - Because the humble stand as an infuriating contradiction to their unGodly pride.

Purity and chastity - Because they hate all that is good and Godly.

Christianity - Christianity causes them problems. Other religions... not so much.

The One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church - Because it was founded by Christ and still remains a huge obstacle to their infernal plans.

Holy Confession - Confession makes it difficult for them to lasso and corral us.

The Holy Eucharist - Holy things cause them pain. Especially the Holy Eucharist.

Devotion to the Virgin Mary - They're terrified of the BVM. Saint Joseph too.

Praying the Rosary - The Rosary connects us to the BVM in a personal and powerful way.

Marian Apparitions - Her apparitions thwart their evil plans.

Obedience to the Pope - Catholic unity poses a threat to the Demonic Kingdom.

Contemplative prayer - It brings us closer to God.

Catholic exorcism - Once cast out the demons are humiliated - and ferociously ridiculed by the other demons.

Catholic exorcists (in general) - Because they have authority over them.

Christian chants: The demons have put a lot of stock into corrupting music; and because they hate beauty they also hate beautiful music.

Speaking out against evil - Like roaches, demons cannot stand the light.


Hatred - They draw power from hatred. And from all evils. They're like nourishment to them.

Pride - If they can get someone wrapped up in themselves the rest is easy.

Profanation of consecrated hosts - The demons rejoice and draw much power from this sacrilege.

Killing of children e.g., abortion - They draw power from the profanation of life and innocence.

Sexually abusing children - They revel in malice and draw great power from this perversion.

Holy objects/water - Holy things serve as unwelcome reminders of their own filthy sinfulness.

Divorce - It disrupts the family, and therefore a good and healthy social order.

Indecent women - Because they drag many others to Hell with them.

Witchcraft - The witch/psychic is giving homage to the demons, which they crave.

Television - Television enables them to broadcast their diabolical messages easily.

Yoga - It often serves as an entry point for the demonic.

Priests and bishops who are Freemasons - Because they're subverting the Church from within.

Priests wearing secular clothes - In this they're denying the Lord.


Monday, April 29, 2024

Scott the Ripper

Scott Ritter goes on a tear on Judging Freedom. The entire segment is worth watching but Judge Napolitano segues from Russia's successes into the American anti-Israel protests at 14:15:

Things are changing, guys. Some high-profile people are now raising their heads above the parapets regarding Israeli war crimes. And Anti-Israel protests are spreading on college campuses around the nation:

After investing so much effort into turning the kiddies into godless communists, now this:

Oy vey!

The Synagogue of Satan responds just as their Chief Rabbi does: lying, dodging, projecting, playing the victim:

Someone... Iran... finally gave Israel a taste of its own medicine. The next few years should prove exciting for them.


Saturday, April 27, 2024

Randy Andy - A World Class Cad?

Watching the linked YT video a few questions arose in me: Is Prince Andrew really the creep some are saying he is?
How reliable is the testimony of Paul Page, the former Royal Security Officer making the claims?
What to think of the many commenters denouncing Andrew as a cad and supplying unflattering anecdotes to bolster their case?
And what about all the recs the negative comments quickly accrue?

To be fair, some of the comments portray Andrew in a favorable light. Most however... not so much.

The former police officer is an interesting study. He comes across as an intelligent, informed and believable man. Which apparently is how he came across to the people he swindled, and those he attempted to swindle, in a real-estate ponzi scheme he ran for a few years back in the early 2000's. And for which he was remanded to one of her majesty's prisons for six years:

So, I'd say a reasonable person can discount most everything a sociopath like that might say.

As for the plethora of Andrew shaming comments.... Well, no doubt some of them are... approximately... true.

The point of this exertion isn't to defend Prince Andrew. Not at all. If only ten percent of those throwing shade at him are telling the truth, then it seems he often comports himself as a jerk.

No, my friends, my real intention here is to reveal a secret. A stunning secret! Which it seems few have figured out....


Not everyone is a liar of course. Probably only eighty-ninety percent. But there are a great many liars out there and you have to be aware of it.

As one example I could give: the #MeToo movement.

Most of the women testifying about how they were sexually abused decades ago were lying... or exaggerating. How do I know this? It's simple: Honest women wouldn't wait decades to come forward with their tales of rape and debauchement. Honest women would have have refused the advances made towards them by hoary old perverts. If they'd been assaulted by Harvey Weinstein honest women would have slapped him in the jowls and told him to piss off. Period.

That's what honest women would have done. But the #MeToo crowd didn't. Nope, they're not honest. They waited years to screw up their great bravery. And then, only when others started mentioning things, did they come out from the shadows.

Every #MeToo actress knew what they were getting into when they first went to Hollywood. It's been known for a hundred years for crying out loud!

In Hollywood you put out or you get out.

Everyone knows that. Everyone knows it's a degenerate s*** hole. What everyone doesn't know is that it's even more of degenerate s*** hole than we know.

Someone asked the actor James Woods, "How evil is Hollywood?” Woods responded, “Multiply your worst fears by 100.”

Here's what happened to the #MeToo actresses: those women whored around to get parts in movies. Then years later, after their wrinkles became stubborn, and God know how many abortions, their consciences started troubling them. Then, being women, they realized they'd done nothing wrong and began looking for men to blame for their misspent lives.

It's that simple.

Harvey Weinstein appears to have been a bona fide sexual predator. But to his credit, after he had sex with an actress he'd actually give her a part in one of his movies.

So, as with the piling on Prince Andrew gets in the comments section at that YT video, whenever you see the piling on phenomenon, like we saw with the #MeToo movement... disregard it. It's mostly lies.


Monday, April 22, 2024

Kudos to Candace!

As you may know by now, online celebrity Candace Owens has just converted to Catholicism. This is welcome news. Candace is a smart woman, a very good public speaker and has interesting and sometimes unexpected thoughts on our struggling world.

Liberals and phony conservatives hate her - which is a good sign you're on the Devil's s*** list; i.e., God has taken a shine to you.

The Catholic World is of course all a-flutter over this, and it is good news. Candace has taken a brave leap of faith. Brave because she stands to lose much, maybe more, than she gains.

This is because she has set a good example. The kind of example that Satan recognizes as dangerous to the status quo; and he's not happy. He's going to target her in a special way.

He let's others get by without too much of a fuss just because they are small fish. His strategy has always been to concentrate on the big fish. It's less work for him. He can get a lot more bang for his buck. One high profile bad example can lead thousands, or even millions, to Hell with them.

Candace is a halfway large fish. She has millions of fans and has been in the news a lot recently for saying things that required courage and for which she paid a significant price.

By becoming a Catholic she joins some other recent high-profile converts: Rob Schneider and Shia LeBeouf.

There are others kind of on the way too. Russell Brand recently led his vast audience in a rosary; and it apparently went over pretty well. Jordan Peterson has spoken of how his wife recently experienced a miraculous cure from a diagnosis of terminal cancer and converted to Catholicism. So, perhaps he too will be climbing aboard the Barque of Saint Peter before long.

But we shouldn't get too euphoric at the spectacle of celebrities walking up the Catholic gangway. They're not doing anything millions of others before them haven't done... and they still have a ways to go to prove themselves able-bodied Catholics. Not that they won't, but the seabeds of the World are littered with the bones of failed Catholics.

Still, it's a sign that things are starting to change.

And Catholic exorcists are reporting that the demons are in a state of heightened anxiety. They're now saying things like: "He is getting ready to take away our power!" "He" being God.

The demons have been around for a very long time, they have perfect memories, and they're also extremely smart. They're seeing signs that preceded previous debacles God laid on them.

So, if you're a Catholic you should remember to pray for new Catholics like Candace, Rob, Shia... and all the folks headed towards the Faith, like Russell Brand. But don't over-invest in the hoopla attending it all.


Sunday, April 21, 2024

The Late, Irate Curt Maynard

Some here may remember Curt Maynard. Years ago he wrote a famous article titled “It’s The Jews, Stupid!”

On April 21, 2010, he went berserk and shot and killed his ex-wife. He also tried to kill his ex’s daughter by her first husband.

Maynard was a very smart guy. He had multiple degrees, two of them were masters. He was also an RN and a licensed electrician. Not to forget his activity as a famous blogger. His most memorable site was called, “Politically Incorrect Apostate”.

He soon showed up on jewry’s radar and subsequently found his troubles mounting. His various attempts at blogs kept getting shut down almost as fast he started them. His (in)famous name made it hard for him to find or keep work. And I suppose his monomania regarding jews and Blacks made him a hard man to live with. So his wife, whom he put through college, filed for divorce… shortly after getting her degree.

He didn’t care much for Mexicans either for that matter, so it is puzzling that he would marry one. Finally, to top things off, he hired a Hispanic lawyer to represent him during his divorce.

He felt he'd gotten screwed over in court and took to his blog. Posting nasty nudies of his ex, but got into even more trouble for that. His blog, and subsequent blogs, all got nuked, and Maynard went dark.

Before long the news hit the internet: “Curt Maynard dies in murder-suicide rampage!”

He’d gone to his ex’s house and shot her and her daughter (who survived), then took off. But someone called the cops and after a brief police chase Maynard killed himself in his car.

The Curt Maynard of April 21, 2010 wasn’t the Curt Maynard of 2000. That Curt Maynard would have planned and carried out his revenge on the judge, his lawyer, his ex’s lawyer as well as his ex and her daughter. Then disappeared off the radar.

It was a sad and deplorable end for an otherwise very smart man. He was a good writer too. In his defense I’ll say I’m pretty sure I remember him once saying something about all the cell phone towers in his neighborhood. So, who knows?

Read Maynard’s article and see if what he said nearly twenty years ago doesn’t ring (even more) true today:

Curt Maynard – It’s The Jews Stupid (

And spare a prayer for his troubled soul.
