Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Satan Hates You

If you're like everyone else who's ever lived you probably often wonder, "Who did I piss off?"

It's a fair question. Somebody, somewhere seems to have it in for you. I can guarantee Bill Gates asks himself the same thing. We all do. "Why me? What have I done that's so bad?"

You might not have done all that much - or maybe you have. Serial killers too give reasons why they're "not so bad". Well, if you're here you're probably not a serial killer. Or so I hope.

Unfortunately for us, Adam and Eve signed all their descendants up on a cruise to Hell. And you're on it! Maybe you're even onboard with it? A little...?

Christian evangelicals like to say, "Jesus loves you!" Maybe He does. He certainly chose a hard end for Himself if He didn't. However, if you're uncertain whether Jesus loves you, you CAN be certain of one thing: Satan HATES you. Yes, dear friends, he definitely hates YOU with a burning passion. It's one reason, a big reason, why things often go wrong in your life.

You might be thinking, "WTH? Why would HE hate ME? What have I ever done to him?" In truth you probably haven't done much to get his ire up. It doesn't matter. Even if you give yourself wholeheartedly to him... even if you "sell your soul" to him... he's still going to hate you.

When I say Satan hates you that isn't to say he knows you from a pile of rocks. He no doubt knows who the big shots of the World are. Those he can use to mislead and destroy others, body and soul. And he knows, or knows of, those of who give him real trouble, i.e. saints.

The greater part of humanity gives him no trouble at all; and few of us are bigshots so it's very unlikely your name has ever come up before him; any more than the CEO of some Ozark chicken farm knows the names of any of the chickens at his facility. Still, Satan hates you. Why? Because you're a human being - made in the image of God. And he's one furiously bitter demon with an axe to grind, and he wants you damned, just like he is. It's as simple as that.

Does Satan hate his fellow demons too? He certainly doesn't love them. Being an egomaniacal fallen Seraph he's contemptuous of everyone and everything (except for God) as being far beneath his magnificent self. And though he's no doubt a vicious boss, misery definitely loves company. He and the other demons are all in the same miserable boat so there's a fraternity of sorts among them.

The demonic hierarchy for its part is a "top down" organization and mirrors the angelic hierarchy:

And while we're at it, let's correct a common misconception: Satan isn't God's "opposite". God has no opposites. Or equals. Or remote equals. Strictly speaking Satan is St. Michael's opposite. And he lost there. St. Michael is an archangel. In the divine hierarchy St. Michael is the equivalent of a senior NCO or junior grade officer. But he chased Satan, the equivalent of a FIVE STAR GENERAL, from Heaven. That musta' smarted.

Exorcists tell us that demons are acutely conscious of their status. The greater demons lord it over the lesser demons and sometimes treat them with great cruelty. And the lesser demons lord it over lesser demons, and so on. If there is anything approaching friendship among them it can be guaranteed that whenever a demon runs afoul of a superior his peers never come to his defense. Why would they? He wouldn't come to theirs. However Satan, in a pretense of magnanimity, may sometimes "pardon" an offender. But it's all fake.

C.S. Lewis understood these things and wrote a classic book about it. Hell is a lot like an insane, tyrannical corporation. With a mad, vicious and mercurial CEO. Under him are middle management toadies, fawning and scraping, and so on down to the lowliest peon demon. It's merciless as hell in hell. The punishments are capricious and severe. Greater demons blame subordinate demons for their own failures and the "unchangeable" laws of hell in fact change from minute to minute.

OK. But why specifically do Satan and the demonic multitudes hate YOU.

There are a number of reasons. For one, demons are spirits. They look at matter as the detritus of creation. Vastly inferior to spirit. And we are *spirit-matter composites*. Bodies and souls. A compound they regard as repugnant. Yes, they still see themselves as angels. And to correct another misconception, we don't become "angels" when we die. We become disembodied spirits. However, on Judgment Day we get our bodies back, and thus recomposed go to meet God Almighty, face to face. Same with the demons.

Demons are much smarter than we are and they're contemptuous of us for that too. To them we're akin to grunting beasts. Things to mess around with and trick into assenting to our own damnation. Leading us to perdition is the only joy left to them. Well, maybe not "joy". Malicious glee really. Schadenfreude. Whenever a demon succeeds in luring someone into hell it gains status. Something greatly sought after in their world. Demons CAN rise in hell. And fall.

We all have a personal demon. Maybe several. It studies us and thinks of ways to ambush and trick us. Colluding with other demons in cooking up schemes to make us as miserable as they are; and alternately tempting, cajoling, pushing and whipping us down the highway to hell. And laughing at our stupidity all the while. It's how they roll.

Eventually they get us so habituated to our sins they don't need to do much anymore. Just sit around and laugh as we spiral down into the great abyss. And to make sure we DO NOT go off the highway.

Those times when someone does go off the highway, i.e., turn to Christ, it goes bad for the demons(s) involved. They are held strictly accountable and will answer for it. To Satan himself perhaps but more likely one of his lieutenants. Think of a show trial in Maoist China. Accusations... beatings... forced confessions... self denunciations... public humiliation... then off to a miserable prison.
Another reason they hate us is because God shows us mercy. Mercy is denied them. Of course if they'd repent and ask God for forgiveness He would take them back. But they won't... because they can't. Being fully intellectual beings they understood the consequences of their disobedience in a way Adam and Eve could not.

One exorcist told of having broken a demon down to the point where it finally cried, "I'm a liar, and I've been a liar from the beginning! But I'm telling the truth now: I would trade a thousand years in hell to see God for just five minutes!" Somewhat moved, the exorcist replied: "Then why not repent? He'll take you back." At this the demon began ranting: "Repent?!? NO! I will NOT repent! I will spend eternity in hell but I will NEVER repent!!!"

Another exorcist told of questioning a demon he was working on:

"So, you rebelled against God?"
"And you were damned?"
"And you're suffering now - and you will suffer in hell for all eternity?"
"Pretty stupid of you wasn't it?"
"Would you do it again?"

Does that sound like someone you'd want to spend eternity with?

One of the saints told of being shown hell by Christ. Across a chasm satan was seated on a throne. He cried out angrily:
"I sinned only once - and for that I was damned eternally! He has sinned countless times, yet him you bless!?!"
Jesus answered: "He's repented of his sins. What about you?"
"No! Never! I will NEVER repent! NEVER!!!" the great demon screamed.

Psychologically the demons are very, very messed up. Their smarts they kept but everything else about them is twisted into parodies of their once beautiful and perfect selves. They're well aware of it too - and how badly they screwed up. They hate their lives and want to return to God but they can't, and it drives them mad. Instead they must kiss up to their vicious bosses. Telling them how wonderful and beautiful they are even though it's a grotesque, sycophantic lie - and everyone knows it.

Satan and the demons hate us because in spite of our sins, for some reason God still loves us and offers us grace, mercy and forgiveness. If He didn't He'd allow the demons to have their way with us. Given your many sins how do you suppose that'd go?

They also hate us because they know that those who are saved will inherit their former places in heaven. Some greater, some lesser, depending on their virtues. During exorcisms demons are often anxious to find out who might be getting their old positions.

Finally, for the point of this exposition, The demons blame US for their fall. Their rebellion was about US. About YOU. There were things about us they would not assent to. If the theologians and exorcists are correct, God put the angels to a test - showing them that lowly men would attain Heaven too. Many even excelling them! Some angels refused to accept it.

In conclusion:

The angels were put to the test. A third of them failed, went rogue, and morphed into demons

Angels, demons too, are purely intellectual spirits whereas men are spirit+matter. They view us as inferiors for that. But we're also made in God's image and they envy us for that.

They're embittered that some among us will be taking their former positions in the celestial hierarchy.

They are tormented by their fall from holiness. And while there's hope and forgiveness for us there's none for them. They resent God for that. Men too.

Finally, like the angels, we too are being put to the test. Do we love God... or ourselves? Some will pass. Many won't. Be one of the few. Stay holy, my friends.

Deus misericors est, sed iustitiam Eius est furoris.


Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Once Great Britain.... "A long farewell to all my greatness!"
(Perceptive thoughts on the news of the World - as well as some great writing.)
(Yandex is an acceptable alternative to other search engines. Lots of results that are not found elsewhere.)
(Buzzfeed is of course lying. But you probably already know that.)

It’s hard to work up sympathy for the Brits. A mostly Godless people now. Indifferent to truth. Money grubbers. Emotional, psychological and moral vacuity. One could go on a while. But this smallish island at the foggy margins of Europe once strode the globe like a colossus. The largest empire in history. Now?

"How the mighty have fallen!"

It must be said though, they’ve brought their present misfortunes on themselves.

With worse to come still. Cannibalism worse? Maybe they’ll wake up then:

Still, we can feel for the dwindling numbers of the once great British who are suffering through the painful twilight of their nation. For a long time probably the smartest, ablest people on Earth.

But sadly, Britain deserves what’s happening to it, and what’s going to happen to it. It whored itself out to the JWO and is now reaping the consequences of that foolishness; becoming a mire of lies, hypocrisy and self loathing: (RJN is the most informative site in the known universe on things concerning the synagogue of satan.)

Of course the same could be said of most of Europe - and much of the World also - but for the present we’re speaking of Once Great Britain:

In an interview some years ago, Vladimir Putin expressed his opinion that like people, countries have distinctive personalities. I think he’s 100% right there. In that case Britain can be seen as a one-time duchess turned streetwalker - who gets off on being pimp slapped.

After posting links to this article I was asked by one of the correspondents at the Irish Savant's blog whether it was fair to speak of Britain "whoring itself out" when in fact most Brits had little to nothing to do with it. This is correct. To a point. However....

My response: Thanks for your kind assessment, Hector.

In general I agree with Maitre’s view that people get the government they deserve. The Scepter’d Isle has forgotten its God and is now paying the price. Satan whispered into Britain’s leadership’s ears (he usually, though not always, targets the leaders first) but the Joe Blokes of Britain neither paid attention or cared as this once great nation sank into the mire of "multi-culturalism". Patriots only of their beer, football clubs, potato chips and internet porn….

The leadership of the nation are a distillation of the nation’s spirit.

I fully expect things to turn ugly in the US too (though in a different way than in Britain). Here there are hundreds of millions of guns in private hands. Those guns create a real conundrum for tptb: how do they negotiate our collapse, given that? They will surely stomp down hard on any uprising. But will they be able to maintain it?


Thursday, July 7, 2022

The Curse of the Neo-Conservative

Boris Johnson is another iteration of the curse of modern politics: the pseudo-conservative.

AKA, the “neo-conservative,” or more exactly the “zio-conservative”.

Because no matter what they say when running for political office, as Boris has shown, once the neo-con is tooled into place they rapidly become indistinguishable from liberals.

With Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin offered the US Republican Party a golden moment: the chance to have Joe Biden’s, and perhaps the entire Democratic Party’s, heads on a silver platter. At the very least they could have beaten them unconscious with it.

But no, being a den of pseudo-cons, Congressional Republicans immediately linked arms with the professional Marxists to hurl verbal, economic and military broadsides at Russia.

Johnson’s case is another example of the expanding disconnect between the political class and its alleged base. He apparently imagined he could keep lying ever onwards and without consequence. But in the end his base, his true base - the City of London, not British voters - grew weary of his incessant lying and decided to dispose of him.

“Putin must lose! And Putin will lose!” - BJ

Somewhere, Vladimir Vladimirovich is quietly chuckling.

Anyway, the Brits will be, if they're not already, conditioned to passively accept the nutritional value of bugs (Nicole Kidman thinks they’re tasty!) and to passively accept the next boss, whoever or whatever they may be, and to continue passively accepting their passive descent into total passivity.

In my mind, the neo-con politician is worse than the liberal politician. The liberal politician is just a basic fraudster: pretending to care about society’s have nots… whilst living in luxuriant, all White neighborhoods. Especially black liberal politicians.

But the neo-con commits a triple fraud: fraudulently pretending to care about traditional values, then fraudulently twisting these to merge with the frauds of the liberals.
