Sunday, June 30, 2024

The REAL Drug Lords

The following article was posted by a pal of mine at RT who goes by the nom de plume "Galaktik". Galaktik has a good memory and mind for history - and he can see the perfectly obvious. A rare gift indeed in our confused times.

Reading his article below we're reminded of the great effort the US put into tracking down Pablo Escobar and destroying the Medellin Cartel. "He's a DRUG LORD for crying out loud!" we were told. Still, no serious reflection on the US government's role in creating a drug-crazed America has ever been given.

With Pablo's death the Medellin Cartel was effectively shut down (taken over actually, by interests more congenial to the US, France and Israel). Meanwhile, the Cali Cartel, themselves international cocaine traffickers somehow, for a while at least, escaped the attention of the US government.


"Remember the UK was doing this (wrecking China) back in the early 1800s using Indian Opium (the UK had invaded and conquered India). This was ruining so many Chinese citizens but the UK did NOT care (not then, NOT NOW)! When China tried to put a stop to this, many countries including the US joined to help the UK stomp on China (this eventually led to the Boxer Rebellion). Back then China was too weak and got defeated... UK then forced it to give a port in Shanghai and also to surrender Hong Kong on a 100 year lease. Their goal was to use those 100 years to prepare to invade and take over Hong Kong permanently, as 100 years would have been plenty of time to indoctrinate the Hong Kong citizenry to love Western Style culture... thus into wanting to join in any UK initiated/ sponsored insurrection (to permanently severed Hong Kong too as they have been trying to do with Taiwan). Remember 2014 Maidan Uprising and the Minsk agreement, the West used it as STALLING tactics to GAIN SOME TIME to funnel in plenty of weapons, train the Ukrainian military, and try to indoctrinate the Ukrainian people to hate Russia!

"So 3 wars with China, the last one in the 1890s! Back in the 1890s, the UK did not forsee that within 100 years it was going to be a decrepit has-been imperialist shithole - while China was going to be a world superpower! By the way, the US also made a 100 year lease with Panama surrounding the Panama Canal. When the lease was about to expire (about 10 years before), the US conducted "Operation Just Cause" to regain new favorable conditions to militarily coerce Panama into letting the US own/control the Canal once more! They wanted to start a revolution with Panama and install a new puppet government.

"Anyway this is what the CIA did in the 80's: To create uprisings against Daniel Ortega's Sandinista government. (Remember Clear and Present Danger?) The US cut deals with Columbian drug dealers, brought over 12 tons of cocaine into the Continental US via Panama, with the knowledge of President Manual Noreiga. (Which the US later used as an excuse to put him into prison).

"This was shipped to California with cover provided by the CIA, which made deals, and sold the drugs to US drug dealers to finance the Contras against the Sandinista government. This was the major issue behind the Colonel Oliver North Iran-Contra fiasco.

"North was getting black project money and used it to start a CIA sponsored drug operation! He was running his own drug cultivation, harvesting, processing, trafficking, etc. business! They were taking the millions of dollars given by Congress, then invested it into drugs - to get higher profits (doubling... tripling... quadrupling their money!) to buy Soviet weapons from Iran to give to the Contras to finance their terrorist operations.

"The military and CIA did NOT want US citizens (even those in Congress) to know they'd fomented civil wars in all those Central American countries; which would have been evident if US military weapons were found in the hands of the Central American "freedom fighters" (CIA sponsored military terrorist units).

"Furthermore Noreiga had a falling out with President Bush, Sr., and was threatening to expose everything. Thus, the US used this as a second reason to invade Panama, reclaim the Panama Canal, arrest Noreiga on fabricated drug charges and imprison him.

"After serving his term in an American prison, but before he was released, the US government pulled another stunt and made a deal with the French, who re-arrested Noriega (again on fabricated charges of drug dealing) and sent him off to a French prison where he died." - Galaktik

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

It's Not Machine Gunning Innocent Civilians...

That gets you into trouble in Amerika.

It's releasing the video of innocent civilians getting machine gunned that gets you into trouble. Just ask Julian Assange:

And as far as the "we're fighting insurgents" story goes... well, I have a question: were the "insurgents" over here - or were we over there?

Maybe we're all insurgents now?


Monday, June 24, 2024

Random Meme Monday

Monday, June 17, 2024

Revenge of the Houthis - Part Two

Well, another ship is going down in the Gulf of Aden:

Add these to the M/V Rubymar, which the Houthis sank in early March:

Not to mention the M/V Galaxy Leader which was taken by a Houthi air assault back in November:

Plus all the other merchant (and military?) vessels struck by Houthi drones and missiles:

Then there’s the fact that insurance for shipping has gone up since the Houthis began their attacks:

And the added costs incurred because a great deal of shipping traffic must now take the long way around Africa:–the-red-sea-shipping-crisis-and-its-

Egypt too is feeling the pain – as they received upwards of nine billion$$$ in 2023 charging ships to transit the Suez Canal:

Lastly, the Houthis have been designated as “terrorists” for the ecological damage the ships they’ve damaged/sunk are causing

And the GLOBAL WARMING! being caused by all the ships which must now take the long way from Asia to Europe:

When you think about it, it's amazing how many of the world's problems can be traced back to one very small nation in the Middle East.... Thanks Israel!


Friday, June 14, 2024

Revenge of the Houthis

The Houthis are tearing things up over there. Another ship hit within a few days of the last one:

The 44,000-ton M/V Tutor was struck a few days ago and is in serious trouble. It's been abandoned by its crew and appears to be sinking:
Yup, the Houthis are causing Israel all.kinds.of.trouble.

So wrapped up in massacring Palestinians, the Israelis didn't notice how much their economy depends on maritime traffic that passes through the Babd-el-Mandeb. With that bottleneck square in the sights of hostile Muslims.

Muslims who haven't been bought off by America, e.g. Jordan and Egypt; and who're in a position to do something about Israel's viciousness towards the Palestinians.

Then there's the still open question about whether the Houthis put one into the USS Eisenhower. Which for some unknown reason quickly departed its patrol area, along with it's carrier strike group... without a replacement.

And let's not forget the story of the British warship The Guardian recently reported on as having been struck in a Houthi attack... which quickly exited the Internet.

One problem for the NATO coalition force is how the Houthis are sending out fake $2,000 missiles on bogus attacks - which cause NATO (though not Israel of course) a great deal of $$$ to shoot down:

Pretty smart of them if you ask me.

Thanks, Israel for all you're doing for us!


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Farewell, Irish Savant

Up until a year ago there was a great blog at WordPress called The Irish Savant.

The author was a snarky Irishman who could write like a boss, and who had interesting thoughts on many things. At least I found them interesting. The comments section was a blast too. I loved it.

In early June of last year The Savant said he was taking a week or two off to move but would be back. That was the last we heard from him.

Even the Wayback Machine has purged the site from its archives. Though his old Blogspot articles can still be found there. Some at least.

The Savant was a contrarian. Too much so for a certain demographic. His Blogspot site got gassed back in about 2010 and he had to start all over again at WordPress – but his numbers never recovered to near what they’d been at Blogspot.

Given his long history of blogging and his sudden disappearance, I'm concerned that The Savant may have done more than just left the blogosphere, he may have left the planet.

I suppose it’s possible WordPress holocausted him too and he decided, “Screw it, I’m done.” There was a strange message from WordPress when you tried to log on at the site for a few months after he took his leave. Then… poof!

Those of us who have contrarian blogs of our own may have sensed, like I have, that forces in the background are working to suppress them. Which makes sense given that with jewry everything is a numbers game.

Oh well... vita brevis est, et omnia bona esse desinunt.

Wherever you are Sav, here’s hoping you’re doing alright. You are missed.


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

"Freedom and Democracy"

Yesterday, I read an article about how the Dutch had lodged a complaint... Chinese fighter jets had “harassed” one of their warships:

Inquiring minds might want to know what a Dutch warship was doing so very, very far from its own native coasts. Well my friends, North Korea doesn’t have a central bank… owned by the “you-know-who”:

Casus solvitur!

And regarding America’s tireless urgency to impose “freedom and democracy” on an ignorant and superstitious world, the following might be of some help:


Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Face of Jesus Through the Centuries

The depictions of Jesus, from earliest times to now, almost always show a slender, bearded, long haired man; with a slender nose and refined features. The features of the man in the Shroud of Turin closely match those representations. Recently, AI has been entrained to recreate how He likely looked.

                                           Sixth century
                                     Sixth-seventh century
                                      Seventeenth century
             1920's: "Ecce Homo" and the 2012 bungled restoration
          Popular Mechanics, 2002: "The Real Face of Jesus" farce
           Sister Faustina's vision of the "Divine Mercy" Jesus: 1931
Akiane Kramarik claims to have had a vision of Jesus, and painted this portrait of him in 2002 - when she was 8 yers old
This is said to have mysteriously popped up in the middle of a roll of photographs taken in The Holy Land in 1982
This picture is said to have been taken during mass in a Church that had recently been retaken and reconsecrated by Catholic forces during the Spanish Civil War, ca. 1938
A photograph said to have been taken by Sister Anna Ali in Rome in 1987. Sister Anna had received a visit from Jesus and asked if she could take His picture to prove she wasn't making it up
A computer enhanced version of the above picture taken by sister Anna
                                  The Shroud of Turin, 33AD
                           Painting based on the Shroud of Turin
An AI recreation of Jesus' face based upon the Shroud of Turin image

Tuesday, June 4, 2024


At RT: “NATO senses defeat in Ukraine. This will have devastating geopolitical ramifications such as the breakup of NATO and the dissolution of the EU, the main pillars of American hegemony over Europe.

“Such an outcome will lead to the collapse of the American empire, especially if the BRICS accelerates expansion and de-dollarization. Thus, the Western military alliance, under the order of the US, is preparing to enter the war directly using a false flag.

“Russia has no interest in a war with NATO, but the US is progressively laying the ground for WW3 to prevent its unavoidable collapse.” - TPTB

The child raping, child murdering satanists running the so called "liberal democracies" (which are neither) have led us down a dark alley - only to discover Russia is blocking the exit to their "Rules Based International Order".

Rather than admit defeat they're pushing for another big one: building their doomsday bunkers deep, amping up the war propaganda in their media and shoveling a slew of shekels into the pockets of their political puppets.

Their plan? A war that'll reduce the planet's human population by 90% - give or take - with themselves emerging from their burrows (once it's safe) into a brave new world order. That's the plan.


Monday, June 3, 2024

Ignorance is Our Strength!

If you're reading this it's probably because you've become somewhat skeptical of the narrative being imposed by the-powers-that-be. This is good... because the-powers-that-be today are definitely of a bad sort.

Seventy-five years ago, the British novelist George Orwell coined the term "newspeak" in referencing the perversion of language he saw taking place in the communist world.

Being demoniacs, the communists understood then and still do that words can play a powerful role in forming/reforming a society. The hegelian dialectic in action. And while Orwell was a card carrying socialist himself, he was much opposed to communism, having tasted it first hand as a soldier in the Spanish Civil War. He was in his way prophetic.

One of the ways we can know this is by looking around us today and noticing the distortion of language that's taking place in the so-called liberal democracies. Old, long accepted understandings of words and language are being twisted to mean things quite different from what they once did. A demonic sleight-of-hand.

This is to confound the dumbbells of the World, the mother of whom is always pregnant, and turn them towards useful, demonic ends. Chasing after chimeras in their minds that were implanted by beings who know them better than they know themselves.

Dictionaries too have been conscripted to impart new meanings to old words. If you want to know the true, original meaning of a word I advise you to get an older dictionary. One at least thirty years old - if not more. The new ones are garbage. Especially the online versions.

Yes my friends, we live in dubious times when language can no longer be counted on to reflect reality. Here are a few examples I've come up with. Orwell called it "newspeak". I call it "libspeak", i.e., what libs say vs what they're actually saying. And often without knowing what they're talking about. No doubt you can add some of your own.

"Lies" = truth
"Truth" = lies
"Peace" = war
"War" = peace
"Freedom" = slavery
"Democracy" = plutocratic oligarchy
"Diversity" = uniformity
"Equity" = iniquity
"Inclusion" = exclusion
"Conspiracy theory" = factual reality
"Election" = vote fraud
"Transsexualism" = derangement
"Fascist" = racist
"Racist" = fascist
"Fascist" = a word collegians are at a loss to define
"Equality" = inequality
"Justice" = injustice
"Hate speech" = fact speech
"Anti-semitism" = anti-gentilism
"Trust the science" = believe the pseudo-science
"Rules Based Order" = New World Order
"New World Order" = master/slave state
"Vaccination" = death jab
"Holocaust" = give us all your money.
