Sunday, April 30, 2023

The Chutzpah of the Irish

Back in 2010-13, 1000 hits in a day wasn't all that unusual here at Citizenfitz. It's much less now.

Some years back yootoob gassed my channel there.  I think I was getting some crossover traffic. But YT wouldn't allow it to go above 100 subscribers.  Oh, it might creep up to 100-103 some evenings, then it'd be back down to 95 the very next morning. Oh well....

Then, something went awry at Blogger and I couldn't access my own blog. I figured out a work around a while later and have been here sporadically ever since. More so the past year and a half than in a long while. The reason being that other things were going on here at Fitz Manor that took up time. Mainly I was in a band that gigged around town. It was fun and I learned some things. Notably how much work goes into being in a band. It's a lot. But the band has gone its separate ways so here I am again.

On the one hand Blogger/Google are privately owned businesses and have a right to set their rules. OK. The problem I see is that no one there really knows what the rules are. That and the rules no one understands can change arbitrarily. 

Me being a White, Christian man I know that the Machine has no love for me. But it hates others even more. Tucker Carlson is one. Some, like Irish Savant have had their blogs nuked. Years of time and effort gone in the blink of an eye. Citizenfitz has only been gassed. Tear gassed, so to speak. Google has shadow banned it and Blogger makes it difficult to subscribe to... but it's still here.

It's easier to find on Yandex. A search engine based in Russia. I'm more sympathetic to Russia than many other bloggers so maybe that plays into it.

But, fourteen years on, I'm still here - though that could change at any time.


Thursday, April 27, 2023

The Late, Great Jerry Springer

Jerry Springer has a lot to answer for concerning the trashformation of America. But it must be admitted,  he certainly  understood the mind of the goyishe kopf very well - and gave them what they craved: trash. 

To his credit Springer was an unbigoted, equal opportunity trashman; unbothered by questions of race or intelligence. If you were human dregs... White, Black, Brown, Yellow or Calico, there was a place for you on The Jerry Springer Show. 

The show was a kind of bellwether for Scumerica, and its hoofprints are seen everywhere today: legions of childish demi-humans, who grew to adult size on a daily diet of TJSS. Dreaming of their own dramatic debut on that stage... and of spilling the story of their own misspent lives into countless living rooms.

Yet wasn't Springer just holding up a mirror to his audience? Showing them what they really wanted to see: their own deplorable inner selves? Consider the multitudes who said they disliked the crassness of it, yet always made time to sneak off and watch. Jerry knew.

Springer reportedly died with a net worth of $60 million, which is a paltry sum for someone with the reach and impact he had on America... and the World. For much of the World closely binoculars America to get its cues. 

IMHO at least, given his footprint Springer should have been worth much more than that lousy $60 million would indicate. Then again he probably was worth more. A LOT more. Well, he was a clever man and was likely as good at hiding his wealth as he was at playing the goys like toys.

Was he wrong for spewing garbage at people who asked for it? Objectively it's a case that could be made. After all, pushers are held responsible for the damage they cause. And Jerry too was a pusher, but of a special sort, a socially acceptable sort.  

The damage his show wrought is less obvious than outright opioid addiction, yet it WAS addictive to millions, being that it was a kind of pornography - which is always easier to let into the mind than to kick out.  

His audience, if it wasn't debased before watching The Jerry Springer Show, certainly left the worse for it. The human flotsam and jetsam paraded before the show's rapt viewers for over three decades have evolved into ever more violent and depraved species. 

The World has become a gigantic Jerry Springer Show.


Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Random Meme Wednesday


Sunday, April 23, 2023

An Inconvenient Goy

Some here may remember Curt Maynard. He wrote a famous article titled “It’s The Jews, Stupid!”

On April 21, thirteen years ago, he went berserk and killed his ex-wife… and himself. He also tried to kill his ex’s daughter by her first husband.

Maynard was a very smart man. He had multiple degrees, two of them were masters. He was also an RN and licensed electrician. Not to forget his activity as a famous blogger. His most memorable site was called, “Politically Incorrect Apostate”.

He came up on Jewry’s radar and subsequently found his troubles mounting. His various attempts at blogs kept getting shut down as fast he started them. His (in)famous name made it hard for him to find work. And I suppose his monomania regarding jews and Blacks made him hard to live with; so his wife, who he put through college, filed for divorce… shortly after getting her degree.

He didn’t care much for Mexicans either, so it is puzzling that he married one. Then to top things off, during his divorce he used a Hispanic lawyer.

He apparently got screwed in court. He then took to his blog and posted nasty nudies of his ex, but got in more trouble for that. His blog, and subsequent blogs all got nuked, and he went dark.

Before long the news hit the internet, “Curt Maynard dies in murder-suicide rampage!”

He’d gone to his ex’s house and shot her and her daughter (she survived), then took off. But someone called the cops and after a brief chase Maynard killed himself.

The Curt Maynard of April 21, 2010 wasn’t the Curt Maynard of 2000. That Curt Maynard would have planned and carried out his revenge on the judge, his lawyer, his ex’s lawyer as well as his ex and her daughter.

It was a sad and deplorable end for an otherwise highly smart man - and good writer. Though in his defense I’ll say I’m pretty sure I remember him once mentioning something about all the cell phone towers in his neighborhood. So, who knows?

Read Maynard’s article and see if what he said nearly twenty years ago doesn’t ring even more true today:

Curt Maynard – It’s The Jews Stupid | (

And spare a prayer for his troubled soul.


Thursday, April 13, 2023

Some Good Advice

The ruling clique are looking to impose a digital currency on America - and other countries too. The stated reason for this is that it will greatly streamline banking and the economy; removing the need for the production, transportation and hands on work that physical currency demands.

They've also tried to sell us on the hygenic benefits that not having filthy, germ laden currency brings:

Of course the REAL reason they're pushing for digital currency is that going digital will streamline things *for the bankers*. Less work for them and greater profits. For example they won't need to pay the salaries of and shuffle through the reams of paperwork of countless employees - because most of them won't be needed any longer.

Maybe even more importantly, they can also keep a closer eye on *who* has money and *what* they're doing with it. And let's not forget how it will give them - and the State - a degree of direct control over your life they do not yet have. But would like very much to have.

Yes, my friends, there are good reasons for suspecting that those pushing for digital currency have ulterior motives. We all remember what happened during the Canadian trucker's protest.... How at the behest of the Marxist Canadian regime their bank accounts were frozen. Think of that writ a hundredfold.

And let's not neglect an obvious question: "What do we do when the inevitable happens and computers freeze up and/or the internet goes down?"

There is something important we can do though. And if enough people start doing it the ruling clique will be forced to back off or even stand down, à la the Covid vaccine debacle.

It's a simple tactic: USE CASH WHENEVER YOU CAN!

Cash, like other necessities, obeys the law of supply and demand. An increased demand for cash will necessitate an increased production of cash.

As always, for us to win a round against the globalists requires the enlistment of many millions to the cause. But they took a beating when they tried to force through their "Equal Rights Amendment" back in the 70's and never brought it up again. They also took a beating with their Covid hoax. And they can be beaten in their digital currency scheme.

Senator Ted Cruz and Governor Ron DeSantis are trying to implement legislation that will stifle the creation of digital money. Even if they're not wholly sincere we should still thank them. Because word does get around.


Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Satan's Servants - and America's Colossal Coming Collapse

“At 50, everyone has the face he deserves.”- George Orwell

A tip of the hat to Eric - who recently posted this well written summary at Real Jew News:

"Wealthy Jewish Wall Street lawyer Samuel Untermeyer issued world Jewry’s declaration of war against Germany on March 24,1933 right after an enabling act was passed by the German parliament (Reichstag) that allowed the recently elected chancellor Adolf Hitler to bypass parliament and rule by decree (March 23,1933).

"Hitler immediately suspended normal due process and arrested communists, many of whom were Jews. Among other things, these communists were blamed for setting the Reichstag on fire.

"This was all the culmination of a 25-year-long attempt by communists to take over Germany.

"Shortly after the end of WW I in 1918, communists tried to take over Berlin and Munich, succeeding for a time in Munich. During the intervening years between 1918 and 1933, communists had taken over Russia and murdered Christians. Hitler did not want the same thing to take place in Germany. He correctly identified the Jews as the main group behind communism.

"This Jewish threat was magically transformed by Untermeyer into a threat TO the Jews - personified by Adolf Hitler.

"Untermeyer is perhaps the most destructive Jew in history apart from Karl Marx. He is alleged by a fellow Jew turned Christian, Benjamin Freedman, to have blackmailed President Woodrow Wilson by claiming that he had a client who possessed Wilson’s love letters to a mistress (Wilson was married).

"For $50,000 he could get those letters and give them back to Wilson. But Wilson did not have the money. So, instead, Wilson agreed to do what the Jew Untermeyer wanted. In return, Untermeyer himself would pay the money.

"The result was that Wilson became a Jewish puppet, surrounded by the Jews who controlled him and who therefore largely controlled the United States: Bernard Baruch, Paul Warburg, Henry Morgenthau, Sr., Felix Frankfurter, Louis Marshall, etc.

"What did Wilson do to please the Jews? He signed off on the creation of the Federal Reserve and the U.S. income tax. He fulfilled a promise made by international Jews to England that they would get America to enter WW I on Britain’s side against Germany if Britain agreed to create a homeland for the Jews in Palestine.

"Of course, Americans at the time were completely unaware of this Jewish influence on their own president (as they are to this day).

"Last, Untermeyer financed the publication of the Scofield Reference Bible, which transformed American evangelical Christians into Zionists."

PS: Though few today know his name let alone remember him, Samuel Untermyer was a very powerful man, and behind-the-scenes "fixer", in the first half of Century XX. Like Sidney Korshak who followed him (and who is also largely unremembered today) he had his fingers in everything. Getting the US into WW1 AND WW2 being one measure of his formidability. He was also said to be a member of the Order of the Golden Dawn - an assemblage of top tier Freemasons and other influencers of the late 1800's onwards. And about whom rumors of child sacrifice persist.

Woodrow Wilson for his part was a somewhat obscure academician, the president of Princeton University, and briefly Governor of New Jersey who, to his considerable surprise, found himself in the running for the White House. The aforementioned love letters were of course known to the Jews well before Wilson was selected for the Presidency. He was the Democratic nominee when the letters "suddenly" surfaced. And he was THE useful idiot the Jews used to gain their throat hold on America. Which has only tightened over time.
