Friday, May 26, 2023

Vax the Jews!

Neo-Nazis hang ‘Vax the Jews’ banner near Texas JCC, synagogues | The Times of Israel

??? One would think Jews would appreciate others' coming out to support them in the midst of the global Covid holocaust, right? No!!! They call them "Nazis"! Kinda' odd. Why wouldn't they want to take the vaccine they've worked so hard on?

And why do they get angry if someone says that fewer than six million Jews died during WW2? Do they really think that more dead Jews = better? You will be denounced as an "antisemite"... for arguing for fewer holocausted Jews. Very strange how Jews are the ones calling for more dead Jews.

And can someone answer why it's acceptable to complain about "White privilege", but it becomes " hate speech"  if someone points out "Jewish privilege"? They're White too after all, right? Well, for the most part.... 

What Jewish Privilege Really Looks Like | Articles | AskDrBrown | Your voice for Moral Sanity and Spiritual Clarity | AskDrBrown

Dr. Brown "The voice of moral sanity" wouldn't be lying through his teeth, would he? After all, Jews never lie. And if you don't believe that then just go ask the Jews! No Jew... anywhere... at any time... has *ever* done *anything* wrong, right?  Except those who convert to Christianity and/or spill the beans on the Jews.... 

And how is it the MSM starts screaming, "White nationalist!!! Hater!!! Rayyyciiisssttt!!!" if someone suggests disarming Blacks? Aren't Blacks greatly over-represented in pretty much every crime metric - especially violent crimes? Do the MSM outlets, and the people who own them, really want *more* dead Black people? Why do they call you a racist for citing the DOJ's own numbers on Black crime?  I ask: couldn't a large percentage of violent crime in the Western world be eliminated by the simple expedient of disarming Blacks? 

Violent Black Crime up to 30 Times Higher Than White: Murder, Gang Rape and Other Statistics (

The Color of Crime - American Renaissance (

Anyway, the "goyimtv" guys who hung the "Vax the Jews" banner from the overpass are without a doubt a false flag operation. The Hitlergruss gives them away. Jews today love Nazi symbology - and splash it front and center in every MSM outlet they control, which is pretty much all: "Nazis... are... EVERYWHERE!"  Oh well, what would they and all the gulls of the World do if there were no Nazis?  They would be lost without them.

Finally: logically you cannot speak of "antisemitism" without *first* speaking of *semitism*. Remember that.



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