Thursday, September 28, 2023

Tales From the Inquisition

In the days of the (Spanish) Inquisition (1478-1834) a man was denounced as a suspected heretic. He was summoned to appear before the tribunal. On the appointed day he actually showed up. However, as he was being questioned it became apparent he wasn't a heretic at all. Nor a blasphemer, a Satanist, a bigamist, a Muslim revert or even a crypto-Jew. He was an atheist.

BTW, regardless of all you've been told, the Inquisition had no authority to investigate or incarcerate *Jews qua Jews*. None. Only Jews who had been baptized and were suspected of an ecclesial crime, such as secretly reverting to Judaism while still presenting themselves as Christians, i.e. "crypto-Jews". Christians, and ONLY Christians, were subject to the Inquisition.

The inquisitor asked the man why he'd become an atheist - and was told: "In my youth I went to mass and said my prayers - and it did me no good. For the past twenty years I've not gone to mass nor have I prayed - and it's done me no harm."

What did the Inquisition do? Hand him over to the state to be sent the galleys? Or to be burnt at the stake?

Nope. He wasn't causing anyone any trouble so they released him.

The Inquisition's jurisdiction was limited to rooting out that which was subversive of Christianity and Christian social order. Atheism from the Church's viewpoint was a somewhat separate case. Heresy was seen as the greater evil.

During the various Inquisitions, provided they weren't blaspheming or otherwise making a nuisance of themselves, atheists usually got off with a warning - and little or no punishment.

A no less important concern of the Inquisition was to restore the good name of those who'd been falsely accused of some ecclesial crime. There was a problem with people denouncing those they held grudges against, or owed money, to the Inquisitors. An early example of "working the system".

Consequently, and Torquemada had a lot to do with it, laws were enacted whereby those who falsely accused others of ecclesial crimes were held liable for the punishments the accused would have gotten if they were true.

Whatever its failings, and all legal systems have failings, all human systems have failings, the Inquisition in Spain was more concerned with arriving at judgements based on *the facts* than probably any other judicial system in the World, before or since. If you were a heretic, an occultist, a Muslim revert, bigamist, blasphemer or crypto-Jew you had a problem. But the Inquisition also went out of its way to exhonerate the innocent and ensure their good name was publicly restored. In any event, at least after Torquemada's reforms, whatever the accusation was, you got a fair hearing. You wouldn't have wanted to be standing in the dock when the sentence was handed down, but you got a fair hearing.

In America the claimed principal used to be, "Better ten guilty men go free than one innocent man be jailed!" Unfortunately, somewhere down the line that turned into, "Free the guilty and jail the innocent!" However, at the time of the Inquisition, NOT punishing the guilty was considered as perverse as punishing the innocent.

The aforementioned atheist thus walked out of the Inquisitorial court, and off the pages of history, as a free man. Though no doubt the inquisitor admonished him to show more care for his soul. Which is good advice given the precarious nature of things.

Perhaps, when life turned sour on him (doesn't it always?) the atheist finally repented - and repeated the ancient formula: "Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner." I for one hope so.

An interesting take on the Spanish Inquisition from a retired history professor: Spanish Jewry Through the Ages, Episode 10: Prof. Richard Kagan – Autobiographical tales from the Inquisition:


Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Thoughts on a Brother Nathanael Article

For those who aren't familiar with him, Brother Nathanael operates a website called Real Jew News. In it he examines things going on in the World from the perspective of a Jew who's converted to Orthodox Christianity and become a monk. His commentaries are prescient. Treasure maps of a sort - for those searching for truth amidst the detritus. He has a unique vision.


Infectious diseases attack bodies in stages: infection... incubation... prodromal... illness... decline... convalescence.

However, this model doesn't address how many infectious diseases result in permanent damage or even death: infection... incubation... prodromal... illness... crisis... recovery... or death.

As Brother Nathanael points out above concerning the so-called "Human Rights Society", America's disease(s) aren't a recent development. "The Human Rights Society" dates back to the Roaring 20's. Our diseases have been incubating for decades (centuries really because America was founded on certain philosophical fallacies) and have now passed into the crisis phase; probably to be followed by death (though I guess some kind of recovery is possible in theory).

Whatever happens... the America we knew won't be coming back.

If there was no virulent "Jewish contagion" with all its perversities, infecting us, some other nasty organism would come along. After all there were no Jews in England at the time of Henry VIII. And the French Revolution(s) were not a Jewish invention.

Jewry's latter-day role in Satan's kingdom, or at least it seems so to me, is to serve as his catalyst. Speeding up reactions for things cooked up in the mad, infernal laboratory. That said, I hold to a special theory: Not all Jews are bad.

Believe it or not, once upon a time the Jews served as God's emissaries (sort of, because it was always a fight there) and brought His Words into a gross World. But the Jews decided they wanted to go their own way; before finally going off the reservation altogether. Subsequently God took the Faith from them and gave it over to the Gentiles - Matthew 21:43. Now, the Gentiles in their turn have become unworthy.

Same as it ever was.

Anyway, the moral disease now ravaging America and much of the World was ultimately contracted back in the Garden of Eden; with sporadic eruptions, herpes-like, ever since.

Two thousand years ago, Jesus effected a partial healing - and prescribed us medicine. But as with any disease the patient has to cooperate with the treatment plan. This we've only half done.

IF Christians had been doing their jobs none of the foolishness we're seeing now would be happening. And frankly our jobs don't demand much of us: love God and one another, obey the Commandments, refrain from sinning.... But it's all too much for the modern mind.

Looking around you can tell how America and the rest of the West are psychologically very, very ill. Child raping/murdering sociopaths occupy the high places; while down here there are myriads who believe men can get pregnant. How could *anyone* believe that?!? Easy! Because sins of the flesh soon find their way into the mind.

There's not much you and I can do about things... except steel ourselves for what's coming. In that vein I suggest a therapeutic regimen of prayer AND fasting. Read the Bible... penance... patience. And give alms to those in LEGITIMATE need.

I'm sure Brother Nathanael would be grateful there.


Sunday, September 24, 2023

Why the West Was Lost

Friends, why will NATO lose the next one? Because Putin is a brilliant strategist? Because of Russia's superior weapons? Not necessarily.

It will lose because of the West's moral degeneracy. Because moral degeneracy always precedes the fall of empires. Always. Russia and China need only wait. The West will defeat itself. All they'll need to do is march in.

Sin clouds the mind. I'll give an example of that at the end of this effort. In any event, ponder something interesting: in spite of all its fighter jets, helicopters, tanks, APC's, artillery, advanced electronics... the US was chased from Afghanistan by guys armed with AK-47's. Yep, think about that.

The writing is on the wall for anyone who has eyes to see.

All of them?

A few words on that last one. The memer celebrated their winning goal a bit too too early. Do you see it?

Liberals very often base their Weltanschauung on *appearances*, not realities. We could just as easily say wife beaters are among those soldiers, then ask: "Can you tell which one is a wife beater? Didn't think so. Nyahhh!" But that never occurred to the memer. He-she was too busy thinking they'd won the big one.

The judgements of dissolutes are often flawed (and the more dissolute the more flawed) - because they base them on intellectual fallacies - drawn on the bank of moral failings. America is a dissolute country; and as things now stand it's beyond hope. It's only a matter of time before the boom drops.

"And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it."


Saturday, September 23, 2023

Random Meme Saturday

Friday, September 22, 2023

What the Media...

Shows us

Won't show us


Monday, September 18, 2023

Random Meme Tuesday

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Boycott Dat Sheeiitt....

          "If you find me unattractive it's because you're a racist."

Dove Soap, in a stunt designed to pander to White-hating Blacks and self-hating Whites, has enlisted some shamefully fat movie monster of a woman(?) named Zyahna Bryant to endorse their product. Although it may be hard to believe when seeing her, Bryant probably flies under your radar.

But you might recall an incident from three years ago, when BLM protestors were blocking a main thoroughfare in Charlottesville, Virginia. One of the blocked drivers was a University of Virginia student named Morgan Bettinger, who was trying to get home after a long day at her job. Bettinger got out to talk with a city of Charlottesville employee, sitting in a City of Charlottesville dumptruck parked crosswise in the street. PROTECTING THE PROTESTORS. Bettinger told the dumptruck driver it was probably good he was there or the protestors blocking the street could become "speed bumps".

Some of the BLM maniacs overheard this and immediately set upon Bettinger. Accusing her of threatening them... while they were threatening her.

One of the chief culprits in the affair was Bryant, a BLM fanatic, who sounded the initial alarm, then led the charge to get Bettinger expelled from the UVA, demanding: "EMAIL these UVA deans now to demand that Morgan face consequences for her actions and that UVA stop graduating racists."

The rest of the story is entirely predictable: The media soon showed up, taking the BLM story as gospel and broadcasting it to a gullible public. Bettinger was publicly smeared as a racist, a nazi "Karen", she was stalked, harrassed and summoned to appear before the university judiciary committee, where of course she was expelled (though in abeyance). She was ordered to do 50 hours of community service, write a formal apology to Bryant, and received a permanent academic demerit in her file.

For those who don't know how these things work in America, it was all a lie. In America, Blacks often make damaging, unsubstantiated or outright false, accusations against Whites. Tawana Brawley or the Lacrosse Rape Case, anyone? What about Sarah Comrie?

They often get away with it.

But as the saying goes: the truth can be slowed but it can't be stopped. Eventually the real story came out. Several investigations were conducted, and none of them found proof of Bettinger having ever said that the protesters would make “good f–king speed bumps", as Bryant claimed.

“A student-run investigation agreed with Bettinger’s, not Bryant’s, version of what transpired. A separate investigation by the school’s civil rights office concluded that none of Bryant’s allegations had sufficient evidence to support them.

“Bryant’s most damning claim—that Bettinger had told protesters they would make ‘good f–king speed bumps’—had no corroborating witnesses, even though it allegedly occurred in front of a crowd of more than 30 people,” - Reason Magazine.

Bryant was finally forced to eat crow and admit: "I may have mis-heard her":

No apology for trying to wreck Bettinger's life and seriously undermining her reputation and safety. Just a blubbery lipped self-excuse.

Bettinger, for her part is drawing up a lawsuit against UVA. However, Bryant hasn't *yet* been named as a defendant. Hopefully that will change:

Now, in another example of wokeness, proving again how libs learn little or nothing from their mistakes, Dove Soap (a subsidiary of Unilever) decided, a la Bud Light, to enlist Bryant as their brand "ambassador". The backlash was immediate:

The campaign clearly targeted big fat liberal women, whom Dove was no doubt hoping they could farkoyfn their soap to by the freight train load.

Here let's stop and briefly touch upon "Stupid White Women Syndrome". As just one manifestation of their self contempt and self-doubt, White women often imprint on Black women... Oprah-like. You see them everywhere, sucking up to Black women like calves to an udder. It's a bizarre spectacle to put it bluntly. If you've ever been around White and Black women working together, in any setting, you know what I mean.

They also often kitten up to Black guys. Perhaps believing they'll be the one who doesn't get beaten, raped or murdered. It's a manifestation of the self-loathing that haunts women. White women especially. It has from the start. Most women ARE liberals - whether they want to believe it or not - because liberalism springs forth from the philosophy of immanence: the belief that truth and reality are interior not exterior concepts. As narcissistic, emotion fueled beings, women tend to gravitate towards such an "I, me, my" worldview. You don't believe me? Then go talk with a woman, any woman, about something. Anything. Then count how many seconds it takes her to turn the conversation back to herself. Go ahead... do it.

Bryant has since "gone dark". The uproar over her lies about Morgan Bettinger and her disastrous partnership with Dove may have exacerbated her Black fragility. Recently she called the police, the same police whose defunding she'd previously demanded, on The Daily Mail when they approached her for an interview:

With any luck the Law of Consequences will force Bryant to flee to Africa... where she can enjoy however much life is left in her morbidly obese body... amongst her people.

In short my friends, BOYCOTT Dove Soap AND Unilever. Like Anheuser-Busch they're a woke corporation that hates YOU... "Whitey!" But they sure ch'amad for your money.

Dove, Lifebuoy, Ben&Jerry's, AXE, Hellman's, LUX Bath and Beauty, Knorr, Vaseline... and others:


Thursday, September 14, 2023

Random Meme Friday

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

More Catholic Than the Pope? Well, Who Isn't?

                                 Papamama Francis in action

The Catholic Church has beyond all doubt been infiltrated, subverted and perverted by the enemies of Christ: homos, pedophiles, feminists, luxury lovers, pagans, communists, schismatics, heretics... who have burst out of the closets they've been hiding in for so many years... free at last!

Well, millenia really, because the rot we're witnessing in the Church today didn't all happen one Summer's eve.

Notorious "Pope", "Don" Francis Bergoglio, is the Vatican's Capo dei Capi - Boss of Bosses. He may be the *de facto* Pope. But is he the de jure Pope? How can he be Pope if he isn't even Catholic?

Fr. Altman was suspended from his ministry as a diocesan priest by his bishop for speaking thusly. But to the best of my knowledge few really deny his claims. They just say he's being "divisive". He's become too strident in my view, but let his arguments stand or fall on their merits, not their tone.

Don Francis, for his part, has no particular problem with this:

Or this:

Or this:

Or this:

And then there's this:

Bishop Strickland is often described as a "conservative firebrand". He is indeed a conservative minded man, but hardly a "firebrand". More a cool, calm, collected and reflective bishop (with some conservative values) who has been causing the heretics in the Vatican some problems.

And yet in the midst of our sufferings there is hope, dear friends. There are STILL Catholics out there giving the Beast the finger. "Beast" not being the Catholic Church but the perverse entity that has penetrated, demon-like, and taken possession of the Vatican. Skip ahead to 3:20 for the good part:

Those of you here who are Catholics should give the Beast the finger too. Call your parishes and diocese' and tell them you're unhappy with the course Francis is charting for the Church, and you're thinking of reducing or even withholding your tithes to the Church, until he repents of ALL his heresies or is replaced by a bona fide, Catholic Pope.

"If there is only one Catholic left in the entire World, then they will be the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church." - Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich


Monday, September 11, 2023

Random Meme Monday