Tuesday, February 27, 2024

The Day of the Dope

Years ago I took my car to the shop to get some new tires. When the guy at the counter saw my name he stopped and said, "Norman, huh? Those bastards were worse than the Vikings."

Leaving aside the authority of his claim, it is indisputable that neither the Vikings or the Normans were Jews. If there *were* any Jews among them the number would have been small - with none in leadership roles.

The same could be said about the Mongols, the Muslims, the British, etc, etc, etc.

My point is that were there no Jews in the World it would still be a playground for demons. Things have been crappy ever since the Garden of Eden. Jews just seem to catalyze matters.

Unfortunately for us, and for Jews too, they collectively went off the reservation 2000 years ago - and have since become The Society of Satan. Not that they're all demoniacs, far from it. But collectively Jewry has become a subsidiary of Satan Inc. Satan has many vassals but The Synagogue of Satan™ is especially useful. Witness Communism, socialism, abortion,feminism, homosexualism, racialism, anti-Whiteism....

The more thoughtful Jews must suspect it. The even more thoughtful Jews must know it. The most thoughtful Jews reject it and become Christians. Usually Catholics.

They should also know that when their liege lord gets what he wants from them, he gleefully throws the Jews under the bus. Every single time.

Same as it ever was.

Believe it or not though, the problem isn't really the Jews, it's bad Christians. The mother of whom is always pregnant. Though baptized, they give little thought to Jesus' great gift. Oh, when they find themselves in difficulties they become prayerful (though only for themselves). But once their difficulties lift they revert to form.

Same as it ever was.

In the story of Saint Macarius (d. 391) and the Skull, the great man puts bad Christians in the hottest parts of Hell:

"St. Macarius was living among some ruins when one day he found a skull. Turning it over with his staff, he wondered who had it belonged to.
"I was the high priest of the pagans of this place." it answered.
"And where are you now?"
"In Hell!" came the reply. St. Macarius then asked the skull if its place was very deep in Hell.
"As far below the Earth as the Earth is below Heaven."
"Are there any souls lower in Hell than you?"
"Yes, the souls of the Jews."
"And are there any souls lower than the Jews?"
"Yes, the souls of bad Christians, who were redeemed by the blood of Christ but valued their salvation cheaply."

Jews are nothing if not pragmatic. They take careful note of our vices and seek out ways to profit from them. They always have. But the sad fact is, were Christians not so lacking in the virtues, there'd be little for the SoS to grab hold of.

As Corneliu Codreanu wisely noted: "The Jews are our punishment for our sins." Here's one example: Soviet Bolshevism. Though led, funded and organized by Jews, Bolshevism had lots of support among the common Russian folk. Even so, countless millions of their bleached bones would soon be found dotting the woods, fields and steppe of the Soviet Union. Bolshevism could not have taken root in Russia were not the Russians so sinful.

Certainly Jews will have a lot to answer for on the Big Day. But then we all will. The Christian's advantage in the matter is that he can appeal to the mercy of Christ. But the Jews reject Christ - whereas the OT focuses almost exclusively on the ferocity of God's justice. What a comforting thought that must be.

Lastly, regarding the "Day of the Rope" dopes.... I'm going to uncork a mystery: *You won't go to Hell for someone else's sins!* And, like it or not, for some end God obviously still wants Jews around. So, IMHO the annoying DOTR knuckleheads would do better to worry less about the sins of the Jews - and worry more about their own.


Thursday, February 22, 2024

Hell Freezes Over!

Cenk Uygur gets something right: https://twitter.com/Kahlissee/status/1758246969808502786

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Random Meme Thursday

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Super Ba'al LVIII

For you reading this: if you watched the so-called "Super Bowl" did you see the cringey, "He Gets Us" commercial?

Or maybe you missed it because, in a familiar American rite, you get up to go to the kitchen to grab some more beer and potato chips; or maybe to the bathroom to take a pee, during commercial breaks?

If for whatever reason you didn't see it, I can help: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=94BqlDQ-Ppo&pp=ygUWaGUgZ2V0cyB1cyBjb21tZXJjaWFscw%3D%3D

Observant minds will notice some things: the ad is irredeemably "woke". The music is god-awful. And in all but one of the 12 images shown, the footwashers are White people. And the sole Black person found washing feet is washing the feet of a Hispanic woman.

The putative point of the ad is that Jesus didn't hate anyone. He'd wash anyone's feet. And in fact that was the main focus of his ministry - going around and washing the feet of random strangers on the street. Especially the non-White ones.

But the real point of the ad is to spread woke nonsense in a world of gullibles. The mother of whom is always pregnant.

What makes the affair even stranger is how libs too have turned on it. Though for the wrong reasons... as is common with them. Here's a good example: https://www.salon.com/2024/02/13/hobby-lobby-funded-jesus-super-bowl-ads-cant-hide-the-hate-that-fuels-the-christian-right/

The author, a female named Amanda Marcotte, launches into a demented, estrogen-fueled rant. I won't go into her logical fallacies or falsehoods, other than to say it's a good example of why our forefathers denied women the right to vote.

Anyway, the commercial was funded, in part, by the family that owns Hobby Lobby and Mardel.

Of course I called the nearby Hobby Lobby and voiced my concerns about them going "woke". And that I might need to reconsider giving them my business. I asked the guy I talked to to tell his boss about it. I'm confident he did and that it went up the chain.

Unfortunately, there aren't enough of us on our side out here doing things like that.

Say what you will about libs, but one of their strengths is that they actually get off their butts and do stuff. And that's one reason why they've been winning.


Citizenfitz... Refusenik

To my credit I was one of the first to buck the mask mandate in my city of a million or so. Early on, I went grocery shopping at Reasor's one day without my mask. There were about 120 of us in the store and everyone except me was wearing a face diaper. However, no one said anything.

Next week there were five or six of us refuseniks at Reasor's. The week afterwards even more. In a couple of months most of us, at Reasor's, and elsewhere, weren't wearing our masks. If anyone tried to rebuke me for it I had an answer ready: "You might as well put up a chain link fence to keep flies out of your yard." The virus is so tiny, and masks so leaky that their only practical value was as a virtue signaling flag. That and they gave the big guys a quick accounting of how effective their psyop was.

Our best hope to mitigate what's coming (yep, it's coming, and it's too late to stop it) is with prayer and fasting. Same as always.


Monday, February 12, 2024

Some Thoughts on Super Bowl LVIII

One team won. One team lost. Net zero.

There are thirty-two teams in the NFL. Thirty-one of them finished the year as losers.

In the game of life you'll probably have as many losses as you have wins.

We all lose in the end.

Accept your losses. Learn how to lose. Losing is an edict of Heaven.


Sunday, February 11, 2024

Liars Will Lie

"When we asked the liars why they lied to us, the liars assured us they weren't lying."

Friends, look at the following article from MSNBC, then watch the video. Where did Senator Kennedy say, or imply, that he knows more about the southern border than "Border Chief" Jason Owens?


I can help here: In case you didn't notice, Owens himself was hardly overjoyed by the profferred "border deal". Furthermore, he was tapped by *the Biden administation*; which wants to squeeze as many brownies as it can down America's craw. Owens is going to do and say whatever it takes to preserve his retirement. He knows very well what can happen when you step out of line in DC.

It's simply a case of pattern recognition, folks: whatever is worse for White, middle-class America is exactly what the big guys are gonna' choose. Every! Single! Time! You can bet on it.

You might say, "But what about White liberals? Many of them voted for Biden.... Are you saying they're voting against their own best interests?"

That's exactly what I'm saying. A bad conscience is always accompanied by self contempt. Always.

Liberalism is more than just a political POV. It's a mental disorder - with a strong demonic element to it. Not to say liberals are all demon possessed (though many are) but that they're people under some type of demonic *oppression*.

My theory is it's because they're sex addicts/chronic masturbators; and rather than make the effort to overcome this vice, they decide it's THE WORLD that needs to be fixed! Hence, they come together in a great dysfunctional swarm, seeking to confuse and deceive humanity in such a way that their vices can't be easily spotlighted.

Because they're a prideful lot, libs generally won't repent and ask God for forgiveness. But in their hearts they know they deserve punishment for their many sins. So, they do self-destructive things - like voting for other liberals. They also swear a lot, drink a lot and use drugs, in an attempt to momentarily escape the burden of self.

But misery loves company. And so libs seek to drag everyone else down with them. Even their own children. Which is why they can almost always be found supporting - abortion for example - the greater evil.

Am I being "extreme"?

Well, think about it. As just one example I could give: even in the age of AIDS libs ALWAYS push for greater sexual license. But only up to a line. A line that Satan himself draws. Why would Satan draw a line regarding things when he'd definitely prefer not to? Because he knows that if he pushes things too far people might notice. But he also knows that with libs, their minds clouded by unabsolved sins, he can push things very far.

The lie imputed to Senator Kennedy is a standard propaganda psyop. The MSM's paymasters know that most people don't read past the headline. And those who do can be manipulated using carefully chosen slants and buzzwords, e.g. "conspiracy theorist"... "racist". Look up articles on "neuro-linguistic programming". There's some interesting stuff going on there.

But now, the same psychologists pushing neuro-linguistic programming, because they know to some degree it works, are telling us it's a "pseudo-science": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuro-linguistic_programming#:~:text=There%20is%20no%20scientific%20evidence, NLP%20contains%20numerous% 20factual%20errors.

The controlled mockingbird media (which includes all of the MSM outlets) simply regurgitate whatever their paymasters feed them. And the populace, to a significant degree, laps it up: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Mockingbird

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - William J. Casey, CIA Director.

PS, I'd never recommend Wikipedia as an authoritative source, but it is a good place to start a line of inquiry.


Friday, February 9, 2024

Random Meme Friday

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Tucker and Vladimir Vladimirovich


In your wildest dreams can you imagine Biden or any of the other Rothschild puppets taking unvetted questions and giving unscripted answers? No Earth-shaking revelations here, but it's still an interesting interview. Perhaps more for what Putin didn't say than for what he did say.

Ever the diplomat, when listening to what Putin says, we need to understand that he knows much more than he's letting on. He's a man who keeps his cards very close to his vest. Of particular interest are the parts of the interview where he digresses, or gives oblique - even evasive - answers. As when he dodged Carlson's question about whom he thinks controls the West. He knows very well who controls the West.

Unfortunately Carlson dropped the ball bigly when he didn't ask him the million dollar question: why is Russia still in Ukraine... when it could end things in a few days simply by taking out the power grid - and the bridges over the Dniepr?

What comes through clearly is that Putin is someone who cares more about Russia and its people than any of the NATOstan dancing puppets care about their countries and people. That and he puts more value on diplomatic solutions than military/coercive solutions.

These and other insights into his thoughts and views make this an important video. You can be certain that the diplomatic and intelligence agencies of the World will be studying it very, very closely.


Tuesday, February 6, 2024

The Wages of Protestantism

The following exchange took place at YouTube, where some ex-Catholic guy named Mike Gendron has made a name for himself with his channel, which purports to expose "THE DARK SECRETS OF CATHOLICISM!" to his gullible audience.

It's mostly lies and distortions - mixed with some truth. But it resonates with many people - because Gendron tells them what they want to hear: "You don't need to clean up your sinful lives to get into Heaven! Just believe in Christ's atoning death and be saved! Whoopeeee!" Of course Satan too believes in Christ's atoning death, for all the good it does him.

And, of course, Jesus says the exact opposite: "Be ye therefore PERFECT, even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect." - Matt 5:48.

In spite of this significant commandment, Protestants misread it as Jesus advising his disciples to TRY to be perfect. Which seems to me to be the same as to "work" at being perfect. Oh well....
Anyway, I thought this colloquy might be of some interest to some of you.


Me: So which of the 30,000+ Protestant sects gets it right?

Someone going by "eireannemerald" then offered the following witty observation: The ones who have the best light shows and acoustic guitar music and can make people clap and sway to the music. Those are REAL churches. 😁

Here our Protestant friend "Chad" decided to jump in:

TheChadPad: All of them, because none of them disagree on the cause of salvation, which is faith alone by the grace of God. If any one disagrees on this point, they are not Protestant.

Me: Really? What about those who say Jesus only had one nature? Or who say one must have faith AND works? Or those that say, Once saved, always saved." Or those who say, "Once saved NOT always saved"? Or those that say, "Sola scriptura"? Or those who say, "not-Sola Scriptura"? One could go on almost forever. Do you see the problem?

TheChadPad: Those who would say something contradictory to the doctrine of “sola fide” as described by Martin Luther should not be classified as Protestant.

Me: So, "All Protestants agree... unless they disagree. Then they're not Protestants." Do I understand you right?

TheChadPad: If they agree with the doctrine of sola fide.

Me: What if they agree with Sola Fide but disagree with Sola Scriptura?

The ChadPad: Such as who?

Me: When I show you who, will you admit you were wrong?

TheChadPad: I never said they should not be Protestant if they didn’t believe in sola scriptura. Go ahead and show me who.

Me: You used a double negative there, amigo. So what is your meaning?

TheChadPad: I mean I never claimed that sola scriptura is a necessary doctrine to consider someone Protestant. I make the distinction at sola fide. So if you are trying to prove there are Protestants who don’t claim sola scriptura, therefore disproving my claim, I am telling you I never claimed that and you’re attacking a straw man.

Me: Ok. Well it's hard to tell what Protestants teach and believe, because they all disagree, not only with Catholicism, but with one another. And their beliefs change from year to year too. For example: in his 95 theses Luther argued FOR purgatory. Later on he denied it. What are we to make of a system like that?

TheChadPad: I just googled it, and I am finding here that Luther challenged the belief in purgatory in theses 14-29, and in 17-24, he argues that nothing can be definitely said about the spiritual state of people in purgatory. I think we have different information here. This comes from Wikipedia. Where is your information from?

Me: He challenged the efficacy of *indulgences* - not purgatory. In fact he spoke a lot about purgatory in the theses. Fifteen times. Indulgences are mentioned 45 times. His gripe (at the time) was with the selling of indulgences, as Tetzel was accused of doing... not purgatory. Later on he had a change of heart about that too. The individual theses discussing purgatory are roughly theses 15-26. But there are some others. The entire 95 Theses can be found at: https://www.luther.de/en/95thesen.html

TheChadPad: I’m going to try to post my reply in two sections, as my comment is not showing up in long form.

TheChadPad: The critiques Luther levels show the absurdity of purgatory itself. I am reading them now. It is true there is no outright dismissal of the idea, but because these theses were meant to be presented as grounds for debate, it seems appropriate that he would entertain the position. That’s what you do when you want to attack an opponent’s argument, try out their position and see what kinds of absurdities it leads to. There are plenty here. I’d say, if he really believed in purgatory while writing this, he would have to be rather dense or suffering from the catholic indoctrination. As Luther was no stupid man, I would assume the latter.

TheChadPad: It could also be assumed that, no matter what reservations he may have had, he would not have wanted to come right out swinging at that doctrine. I would say Thesis 82 damns the concept of purgatory writ large. “Why does not the Pope deliver all souls at the same time out of Purgatory for the sake of most holy love and on account of the bitterest distress of those souls - this being the most imperative of all motives, - while he saves an infinite number of souls for the sake of that most miserable thing money, to be spent on St. Peter's Minster: - this being the very slightest of motives?” Purgatory should be empty. Not to mention he absolutely rails against the absurdity of granting any remission for sins to those in purgatory in the theses that follow, and those before. I have to conclude that this is a man who didn’t believe in it at all.

Me: I've often wondered about guys like you... Protestants who don't understand clear, expository writing - such as Luther EXPLICITLY affirming purgatory in the Ninety-five Theses, for example: "Hell, purgatory, and heaven seem to differ the same as despair, fear, and assurance of salvation." As mentioned, there are numerous other examples of him proclaiming it.

Then there's your error concerning Sola Fide - a heresy concocted by Luther when he added "alone" to Romans 3:28.

The only place in the Bible where you'll see "faith alone" is in James: "As you can see, a man is justified by his deeds and not by faith alone."

Or these, also from James:

"So, faith also, if it hath not works, is dead in itself."

"And in like manner also Rahab the harlot, was not she justified by works, receiving the messengers and sending them out another way?"

"For even as the body without the spirit is dead: so also, faith without works is dead." "Shew me thy faith without works; and I will shew thee, by works, my faith."

"What shall it profit, my brethren, if a man say he hath faith, but hath not works? Shall faith be able to save him?"

Evidently St, James had to deal with "faith alone" heretics in his day too.

These are some of the reasons Luther tried to remove James' epistle from his "bible". But he failed. The outcry was too great.

He might as well have tried to remove the whole Bible from the Bible. Because from first to last it screams out loud how works are a necessary corollary to *righteousness*.

You come across as a decent guy, and you're not stupid but it amazes me how you cannot see what's before your very eyes.

But that's what Protestantism does to people. It clouds their minds. You need to come become a Catholic. You'll be glad you did.


Friday, February 2, 2024

Random Meme Friday