Tuesday, February 27, 2024

The Day of the Dope

Years ago I took my car to the shop to get some new tires. When the guy at the counter saw my name he stopped and said, "Norman, huh? Those bastards were worse than the Vikings."

Leaving aside the authority of his claim, it is indisputable that neither the Vikings or the Normans were Jews. If there *were* any Jews among them the number would have been small - with none in leadership roles.

The same could be said about the Mongols, the Muslims, the British, etc, etc, etc.

My point is that were there no Jews in the World it would still be a playground for demons. Things have been crappy ever since the Garden of Eden. Jews just seem to catalyze matters.

Unfortunately for us, and for Jews too, they collectively went off the reservation 2000 years ago - and have since become The Society of Satan. Not that they're all demoniacs, far from it. But collectively Jewry has become a subsidiary of Satan Inc. Satan has many vassals but The Synagogue of Satan™ is especially useful. Witness Communism, socialism, abortion,feminism, homosexualism, racialism, anti-Whiteism....

The more thoughtful Jews must suspect it. The even more thoughtful Jews must know it. The most thoughtful Jews reject it and become Christians. Usually Catholics.

They should also know that when their liege lord gets what he wants from them, he gleefully throws the Jews under the bus. Every single time.

Same as it ever was.

Believe it or not though, the problem isn't really the Jews, it's bad Christians. The mother of whom is always pregnant. Though baptized, they give little thought to Jesus' great gift. Oh, when they find themselves in difficulties they become prayerful (though only for themselves). But once their difficulties lift they revert to form.

Same as it ever was.

In the story of Saint Macarius (d. 391) and the Skull, the great man puts bad Christians in the hottest parts of Hell:

"St. Macarius was living among some ruins when one day he found a skull. Turning it over with his staff, he wondered who had it belonged to.
"I was the high priest of the pagans of this place." it answered.
"And where are you now?"
"In Hell!" came the reply. St. Macarius then asked the skull if its place was very deep in Hell.
"As far below the Earth as the Earth is below Heaven."
"Are there any souls lower in Hell than you?"
"Yes, the souls of the Jews."
"And are there any souls lower than the Jews?"
"Yes, the souls of bad Christians, who were redeemed by the blood of Christ but valued their salvation cheaply."

Jews are nothing if not pragmatic. They take careful note of our vices and seek out ways to profit from them. They always have. But the sad fact is, were Christians not so lacking in the virtues, there'd be little for the SoS to grab hold of.

As Corneliu Codreanu wisely noted: "The Jews are our punishment for our sins." Here's one example: Soviet Bolshevism. Though led, funded and organized by Jews, Bolshevism had lots of support among the common Russian folk. Even so, countless millions of their bleached bones would soon be found dotting the woods, fields and steppe of the Soviet Union. Bolshevism could not have taken root in Russia were not the Russians so sinful.

Certainly Jews will have a lot to answer for on the Big Day. But then we all will. The Christian's advantage in the matter is that he can appeal to the mercy of Christ. But the Jews reject Christ - whereas the OT focuses almost exclusively on the ferocity of God's justice. What a comforting thought that must be.

Lastly, regarding the "Day of the Rope" dopes.... I'm going to uncork a mystery: *You won't go to Hell for someone else's sins!* And, like it or not, for some end God obviously still wants Jews around. So, IMHO the annoying DOTR knuckleheads would do better to worry less about the sins of the Jews - and worry more about their own.



Blogger U did not know that did u ? said...

Ireland, & Scotland are the most renowned countries, globally, for "red" hair..

There was no red hair in Ireland until the Vikings came
The Vikings who attacked, & invaded, & settled in, Ireland were mainly from:

Denmark ( the Danes" )
Norway ( "the Norsemen" / "the Norse" )

The "Norse" Vikings who settled in North-East of France gave rise to the new term "Normans", & subsequently part of that region being called Normandy

Name in use fo Ireland when Vikings first started attacking was Scotia Major
Scotia Minor being name for Scotland because of settlements from Scotia ( immediately prior name for Ireland prior to Scotia Major ).
The settlements were chiefly on Western side of Scotland

The name Scotia is derived from a Pharaoh -- Egypt -- daughter who arrived with Milesian conquest of South-Western Ireland
But the island was ahead of that invasion known as Hibernia ;
Because, major portion of South-Western Ireland was inhabited by Hebrews.

February 29, 2024 at 5:06 AM  
Blogger U did not know that did u ? said...

Silly me ;
North East of France
North Western France

February 29, 2024 at 7:41 AM  
Blogger Citizenfitz said...

I hadn't heard about the Egyptian invasion of Ireland before. Did an ancestry DNA profile and learned I was about three percent Danish.

I was hoping it'd be more.

February 29, 2024 at 9:41 AM  
Blogger U did not know that did u ? said...

Some collection of evidence for above claims
Although, some of my other evidence has different nuance.
Given that Eustace Mullins is trying to give a comprehensive history from creation of Adam until the modern age, his treatment of a particular Hebrew conquest & settlement in Banba / Falda / Eiriu --> Hibernia --> Scotia --> Scotia Major ----> Eire -- Ireland --> is impressively elegant



It was not only the Canaanites who spread across the earth.
The descendants of Shem also
multiplied and journeyed to find greater opportunities for their families. They moved from country to country, founding great kingdoms and dynasties, which have survived to the present day.
There are many people who can agree that the kings and leaders of the Western nations are descended from the tribe of Judah, but they fail to recognize an important fact, which is entirely omitted in the King James version of the Bible, that there were three branches of the tribe of
Those who lump all the descendants of the tribe of Judah together do not realize that there was a tainted branch. There were the families of Pharez and Zarah, Judah's pure bred sons out of Tamar, and there was a third branch, Judah's descendants from a Canaanite mother, Shuah, who were known ever afterwards as "the cursed Shelanites." Tamar was the daughter of Aram, the youngest son of Shem.
Shuah called Tamar's sons bastards because they had been born out of wedlock, while the twins claimed to be the rightful heirs of Judah because they were of pure-blooded stock, the Adamite strain.
From the Shelanites descended thirty-one cursed tribes of Canaanites of Judea and Samaria, including the Sepharvaims, a name which the
Canaanites had adopted for deceptive purposes.
At the birth of Pharez and Zarah, the midwife, seeing that there were twins in the womb, realized that it would be necessary to mark the firstborn, who would have primogeniture.
She quickly wrapped a red thread around the wrist of Zarah, but it was Pharez who came out first from "the breach."
The Messiah was descended from Pharez, and he was said to have been sent by God to heal "the breach" which had existed since the birth of Pharez and Zarah.
Tamar, mother of Pharez and Zarah, had a descendant named Tamar Tephi, known in Irish legend as "the daughter of Pharaoh."
She married Eochaidh, king of Ireland, who was known as the Prince of the Scarlet Thread.
Thus the two lines of Pharez and Zarah were again reunited.
The Scarlet Thread subsequently became an integral part of British history.
A red thread is symbolically woven into every rope which is used by the Royal Navy; and every British monarch has delivered to him official documents which are wrapped with a red cord. The term also survives in "red tape," that is, the official red cord which must be unwound before any state business is transacted.
There is also the red carpet which tradition required to be unrolled before
royalty walks in.
Before he would give Tamar in marriage, Heremon, the father of Tamar, demanded that serpent
worship and the rites of Bel, which were then practiced in Ireland, be renounced.
The serpents then disappeared from Ireland, and there are no poisonous serpents there today.
A later legend is that St. Patrick expelled the serpents from Ireland. Both legends call attention to the demonic practices of the Canaanites, as well as their descent from the serpent; its banishment established Ireland as a land of the true religion of YHWH, or the descendants of Shem.
The disappearance of the serpents also signified that the evil powers of the Canaanites had vanished from Ireland.

March 1, 2024 at 12:03 AM  
Blogger U did not know that did u ? said...

Both Spain and Ireland show their direct connection to the descendants of Shem in their names.
Spain occupies the Iberian Peninsula, from Iber, or Hebrew; Ireland is known as Hibernia, the land of the Hebrews, as are the Hebrides Islands.

In his History of Ireland, Roger Chauvire says that Ireland is the last remaining part of Atlantis which is still above the surface of the sea.

In his History of Ireland, A. M. Sullivan writes of the legendary origin of the present Irish race.
"The Milesian colony reached Ireland from Spain, but they were not Spanish. They were an eastern people who had tarried in that country on their way westward, seeking, they said, an
island promised to the posterity of their ancestor Gadelius.
Gadelius was the son of Niul, who
was the youngest son of the King of Scythia.
As a child, Gadelius had been bitten by a poisonous serpent.
He was near death when his father persuaded Moses to use his rod to cure him.
From that day, the Milesians carried westward their banner, which was emblazoned with a dead serpent and the rod of Moses, until they found an island which had no poisonous snakes."
The sons of Milesius, Gadelius' descendants, who sailed from Spain to Ireland were Heber the Fair, Amergin, Colpa, Heber the Brown, Ir, and Heremon.
Their descendants ruled Ireland for
one thousand years, the dynasty being established by Niall (Niul), who ruled at Tara from 310 to 405.
He is described by Sullivan as "a splendid hero of the Gaelic blood, tall, fair-haired and blue-eyed, a great and noble-minded warrior, 'kind in hall and fierce in fray'; from him descended the kings of Ireland, the Neills."
These conquerors of Ireland, the Milesians, derived their name from Milesius, the soldier (from the Latin miles, from which we get the word militia).
Gadelius, the founder of the line, derived his name from the Hebrew "gadil," meaning to become great, or in plural the exalted, the fortune-seekers, or the fortunate ones.
Because of their great pride and their natural abilities, the Irish were later referred to as being from "the Land of Kings."
Of almost any Irishman, it could
be boastfully said,
"Sure, and he's the descendant of kings."
From earliest records, the Irish and the Britons are shown to be historic enemies.
Apuleius wrote in 296 A.D. of the "two races, the Britons and Ibernia." Eumenius always wrote of Hibernia as the enemy of Briton.
Caesar's Notes on the Gallic Wars, 58-50 B.C., wrote of "Hibernia, west of

March 1, 2024 at 12:05 AM  
Blogger U did not know that did u ? said...

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March 1, 2024 at 12:07 AM  
Blogger U did not know that did u ? said...

The world was now swept by two diametrically opposed tides of history. On the one hand were the highly creative and productive descendants of Shem, who have since become known as Semites, and on the opposing side were the "cursed Canaanites," who historically were the anti￾Semites, the foes of the tall, fair-haired, and blue eyed descendants of Shem.
Because the Semites were always known as great warriors, they handily defeated the Canaanites in every
military encounter, and in many cases obeyed God's command to drive them out and to destroy them utterly.
But the anti Semites seemed to have great staying power; when driven out of one country, they appeared in another to continue their same type of corruption and betrayal.
While the Semites were busily establishing one great empire after another, Asshur's building the Assyrian Empire, Cyrus the Great building the Persian Empire, and Shem himself creating the great Egyptian civilization, the anti-Semites were developing their own talents.
These included a talent for trade and commerce, for travel, for making themselves at home in any country, and among any race of people.
Generally they established their trading colonies along the seacoasts, for they lacked the courage to venture into the great wildernesses of Europe, where the Semites always made themselves at home.
The Canaanites always remained true to the precepts of the Will of Canaan; they were true to each other, regardless of the circumstances; they were constant



March 1, 2024 at 12:10 AM  

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