Friday, July 26, 2024

A Call to My Congressman

How is the Congressman doing? I heard that Bibi Netanyahu got fifty three (or was it fifty eight?) standing ovations the other day. I figured after such a rousing reception his hands might be in rough shape. Maybe even bloody stumps!

I can understand how in the euphoria of the moment people could lose count of all the standing ovations. Well, that sometimes happened with Stalin too when he was speaking before the Supreme Soviet. Though I kinda' doubt if even Stalin got that many standing ovations.

Well, Congress WAS in the presence of one of the great mass murderers of our time. So I can understand their awe.

Anyway, when he recovers the use of his hands is he going to sign away even more of our Constitutional rights on behalf of the Israel lobbies? And will he sign on with sending our sons and daughters off to fight, and die, in yet more wars that benefit Israel - though not Americans?



Blogger said...

The Global Synagogue identifies categories in order to target men for mass extermination.
Whiteness is a Jew-identified category.
Identifying with whiteness targets men for mass extermination.

All human conflict is reducible to conflict between religions, the true against the false.
The Global Synagogue's greatest conflict is against the Catholic Church.
All human conflict is reducible to conflict between the Global Synagogue and the Catholic Church.

Only the singular Religion of virtue can vanquish the global Jewish religion of villainy.
Roman Catholicism is the singular religion of Virtue.
Only Roman Catholicism can vanquish the global Jewish religion of villainy.

July 27, 2024 at 7:18 PM  
Blogger said...

The above was intended for the post below:

My bad.

July 27, 2024 at 7:22 PM  
Blogger Citizenfitz said...

I agree.

July 28, 2024 at 8:57 AM  

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