Sunday, July 14, 2024


Questions: How was the would-be assassin of Donald Trump able to get within 150 yards of the ex-president... perched on a roof... clearly holding a rifle... in broad daylight... and with multiple people pointing it out to the police?

Was he really "outside the perimeter" as the authorities are now saying? And were there no surveillance drones overflying the area... searching for people with rifles on roofs, in broad daylight, overlooking the stage?


This wasn't a "lone crazy", a la John Hinckley, on a mission to rid humanity of Evil Orange Man. This one goes way up the food chain, folks.

Expectation: We will be serenaded by speeches about the need for "reconciliation and forgiveness". Even from the Trump camp.

Prediction: The media is going to turn the shooter into a "right wing gun nut conspiracy theorist" and "anti-Semite" who was "angry at Trump for coming out in support of Israel."

Guarantee: We're going to be deluged by a tsunami of lies and obfuscations from the MSM in the coming weeks.



Blogger said...

For a while, these fake shootings were good for a laugh. I mean, can't the DOD's Psy-op Group, with all the shekels that are stolen from Americans, just hire some qualified actors for once? These staged, hoax shootings are just getting a little bit sad. SMH.

July 15, 2024 at 9:34 AM  

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