Monday, August 19, 2024

Where There Is No Prayer and Fasting There Are the Demons

                                   Theophan the Recluse

If you are reading this it's likely you know of Brother Nathanael Kapner's website, Real Jew News.

Brother Nathanael's observations regarding the "Jewish Problem" are intelligent and insightful. And the comments section is a gold mine of great information.

I usually find myself agreeing with Brother Nathanael. In fact I almost always find myself agreeing with him. His most recent post however, is one of the few times where we disagree: "Episode 20: 6 Point Plan To End Jewish Power":

Not in the substance of his posting - which is based on a proper understanding of the World we see around us. But in the impossibility of its realization. Impossible because it doesn't take into account the necessity of Christ in overcoming Satan.

With all respect to Brother Nathanael, I have an even better plan for ending Jewish hegemony in America… and the World.

As you may have gathered by now, Satan is an extremely formidable adversary. Though not supremely.

Having taken him for its liege lord, Jewry has, through his agency, become very powerful. But Christ is more powerful still.

The Synagogue of Satan CAN be overcome - but ONLY by the Church of Christ.

Hence my simple, Christian prescription for ending Satan’s World domination:

1. Prayer. Fasting. Almsgiving.

Think of it this way: even if you are the only one in the whole World doing it (which you might be) then you will be the only one in the whole World to get the blessing it confers.



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