What follows has been culled from a series of posts by a guy who goes by "TPTB" at RT. He has interesting insights into geopolitical matters and, in my opinion, has at some point served in a professional capacity in that regard. His thoughts on what just happened in Syria are very smart and worth your consideration.
Russia's sluggishness in fighting the war in Ukraine is going to come back at them in a nasty way. Putin's problems, in the face of great aggression by the West, when he could and should have ended the SMO quickly, are going to snowball.
"In all history there is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare. Only one who knows the disastrous effects of a long war can realize the supreme importance of rapidity in bringing it to a close." - Sun Tzu
What has happened to Syria is a regime change, similar to what happened to Qaddafi in Libya and Yanukovich in Ukraine; to remove Assad and replace him with a puppet who'll serve Israel and the US, not the Syrian people. As in previous regime change interventions, the terrorists, are falsely labeled as "opposition" to give them a veneer of legitimacy.
The primary goal of Western intervention in Syria is to weaken the resistance to US and Israeli hegemony in the ME. The strategy started with devastating aggression on the Palestinians, then Lebanon, and now Syria. At the same time, there were attacks on Yemen, Iraq, and Iran. This coordinated strategy with Israel has two phases: Phase 1 is meant to weaken Iran's allies in the region. Then, after these allies are rendered harmless, a war on Iran will start. By inflicting a blow to the resistance in the ME, the planners also intend to erode Russia and China's influence in the ME. Another objective of the decapitation of the resistance is to weaken BRICS, stop its expansion, and reverse the trend towards de-dollarization.
The Syrian terrorists are proxies of the Western powers. They are NOT Syrians. Had they really been Syrian "Jihadists" they would have targeted the Turks who also occupy Syrian territory, or the Americans who still occupy part of eastern Syria. They would have attacked Israel, which has colonized the Golan Heights. This is one of the giveaways the terrorists in Syria are serving the same cabal as the neo-Nazis in Ukraine.
Who is fighting against Syria? A historical perspective will shed light on the issue. Its mission was to wage war on the Soviets who'd intervened in Afghanistan to save a client state. After the Soviets left there was no longer any use for the 'Mujahideen'. Al Qaeda was left to wither. However, a part of it was resurrected, then rebranded as ISIS, which also incorporated remnants of Saddam's Sunni army.
ISIS' mission was to fracture Iraq and Syria further and deepen the Sunni/Shia divide. ISIS also continued Al Qaeda's job of denigrating Islam (and Muslims) in the eyes of Westerners. Which is also a part of the Zionist conspiracy. Once ISIS had accomplished some of its mission it was time to recycle it, like Al Qaeda.
ISIS then became "Al Nusra", with a new mission: to depose Assad. This would weaken the resistance to Israel's expansion and American hegemony in the ME. To cover up its ISIS affiliation and 'sanitize' itself, Al Nusra then changed its name to"HTS". This group became the dominant faction among the assorted terrorist groups assembled to bring down Assad. These terrorists hijacked the genuine opposition to Assad, which is a tiny minority, to gain legitimacy in the eyes of the West and amongthe Sunni regimes aligned with the West and Israel.
Turkey occupies a portion of Syria, and the US also holds Syrian land. The terrorists did
nothing about that. Rather their mission dovetails neatly with Israel's, the US's, Turkey's and the Sunni regimes desiring to weaken Shia influence. The anti-Assad groups are only terrorists masquerading as liberators. They are being armed, trained, and financed by Israel, the US, Turkey, and other foreign interests to break Syria and therefore to weaken Hezbollah and Iran. The main resistance to the Greater Israel project, and American domination and looting of ME natural resources.
The intervention in Syria via terrorist proxies has larger implications:
1. Turkey wants to seize land from Syria and use it as a buffer zone against the Kurds.
2. The Turkish economy is suffering, with inflation exceeding 70% in some areas. This puts great stress on Turkish citizens as the cost of living has been soaring. Turkish citizens do not want Syrian refugees in Turkey being offered assistance. They want them out. So, Erdogan wants a new government in Syria that will accept Erdogan's demands.
3. Turkey, NATO, and Israel want to divide Syria and keep the areas that have oil and fertile lands. The oil and grain will be divided among Turks, Israelis, and Kurds as compensation for their collaboration.
4. Turkey, the US, Israel, and Qatar want gas and oil pipelines to feed energy to Israel, Turkey, and Europe.
5. Israel wants to seize more land from Syria as a buffer against the new government as insurance in case the Jihadists the Jihadists turn against Israel in the future. This is the excuse to be used. However, the land seizure is really about the Greater Israel project.
6. The US wants to eliminate Russia as an energy supplier to Europe - permanently - with pipelines that will go through Syria and Turkey.
7. The US will try to force the Russians out of the ME.
8. With Syria's fall, Lebanon and Hezbollah will fall. Iran will lose two valuable allies to confront Israel.
9. Israel will regain security having subdued the Palestinians, Lebanon/Hezbollah and Syria.
10. Losers in this crisis will be Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Russia, China, BRICS, Iraq, and to a certain extent Yemen.
11. Saudi Arabia and other ME countries will be forced to establish diplomatic relations with Israel and made to join a NATO-like entity, under the control of Israel, all under the US umbrella. Those Arab countries that joined the BRICS will be ordered to exit it and adopt the US dollar and their currency.
12. The West wants to use Syria as a bargaining chip to resolve the Ukraine crisis.
13. Once the ME has been stablized, the US will pivot to Asia to do to China what it's doing to Russia with Ukraine - using Taiwan.
The Syrian crisis has implications beyond Syria and the region. What is happening in Syria is not a civil war. It is a regime change, similar to what occurred in Libya. The ISIS and Al Qaeda terrorists have been recycled and legitimized as the "Syrian opposition". Of course, like in any country, there is some genuine opposition in Syria, but it is significantly small. Its cause has been hijacked by the terrorists which are sponsored by the West, Israel, Turkey and some Arab regimes aligned with the US. These terrorist groups are being used as proxies by the West and its vassals to depose Assad and replace him with an America/Israel-friendly regime.
The American strategy in the the ME also includes the engineering of an alliance of Sunnis and Israel to form a NATO-like entity to protect American, Israeli, and Sunni (read Saudi Arabia) interests in the ME.
When the dust settles, the Americans will also have control of the ME energy feed Europe. This will remove Russia as an oil and gas supplier. Such an outcome will then allow the US to blackmail other energy-dependent countries like India and China.
Another benefit of the geopolitical rearrangement in the ME is to save the petrodollar and to take pressure off the Arab vassal regimes that feel threatened by their own people as a result of their complicity and cooperation with US and Israeli lawlessness. Once completed, this remaking of the ME will also free the Americans to pivot to Asia to wage war on China using Taiwan, just like they're using Ukraine to weaken Russia.
These are the objectives of the latest Western intervention in the ME in a nutshell: destroying all members of the resistance to the globalists: Hezbollah, Iran, Russia, China and North Korea. But not the Sunni Arab states aligned with the US and Israel... yet.
The Syrian crisis is much bigger than just Syria. It has worldwide ramifications and consequences.