Saturday, October 12, 2024

You Will...

Sometimes hear people who should know better say: "God doesn't send anyone to hell. People send themselves to hell." Well... not so fast there, bucky!

God certainly does send people to hell: "Fear Him, who can destroy body and soul in hell." - Matt 10:28. And: "As for these enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them, bring them here and kill them in front of me." - Luke 19:27

Any ambiguousness there?

Then there are all the stories of people who suffered NDE's and got the bad news from the Almighty Himself.

Ultimately people go to hell because that's what they choose. It's what they lived... and God simply delivers their sentences.

There are only two finalities: Heaven and hell.

Those who reject one must necessarily have the other.


Saturday, October 5, 2024

Is Russia "Bogged Down" in Ukraine?

                                    Battle lines, Fall 2022
                                 Battle lines, August 2024

I don’t believe Russia is bogged down. I believe it’s deliberate. Things could have ended in Ukraine in a few weeks, if Putin wanted that, by doing two simple things:

1. Wrecking Kiev’s power grid.

2. Taking out the bridges over the Dniepr carrying men and weapons to the front.

End of problem.

Instead, two years seven months later and there’s still no end in sight; and the front when, it has moved, has usually moved in Ukraine's favor. And in an action NO ONE SAW COMING, Ukraine invaded and occupied nearly 500 sq/mi of Russia. And two months later shows little inclination to leave; or of being made to leave.

I think the “bog” is Putin. The Tribe got to him in some way. That or he has a mental disorder… and sees himself as some grandiose god of war, who can win while doing the exact opposite of the one thing warfare demands, and has always demanded: speed of movement.

Personally, I believe the Tribe got to him.
