Thursday, October 17, 2024

Propaganda and Clouded Minds

                                        This shit worked!

Say what you will, the Jews have long known the value of propaganda and the mass media.

Years ago I knew an ancient German-American woman. Her family had come over a few years before WW1. She told me how their friends and neighbors turned on them “almost overnight” after the Lusitania was sunk.

They were given the cold shoulder, or verbally harrassed, sometimes angrily, by people who just a few weeks before had been friendly towards them.

Lots of German-Americans at the time changed their names to something less German, more “British”, sounding (e.g., Jantzen to Johnson or Kohl to Cole) or they would say they were from Denmark, to avoid the stigma associated with being German. Why the sudden sea change? Propaganda, my ni**as.

So yeah, propaganda is a very useful tool for changing people’s mental gears. I blogged once about girls before and after college. The makeover there can be dramatic. Inquiring minds know how women in particular have been zeroed in on by the media. Another victory for the propagandists.

Organized Jewry and all its battalions have been activated to serve Satan. And there's no denying they have been very successful. Especially the propaganda branch.

There’s a saying that’ll be familiar to Catholics here: “Sin clouds the intellect.” The Jews know this too, which is why they've taken it to the next level. And which is why you can always find them close at hand whenever anything sinful is going down... like porn. Not to mention rigged scales, counterfeiting, false advertising, the lying mass media, election fraud, etc.…

However, allow me to repeat something I hope will become axiomatic: the real problem isn’t all the bad Jews... it’s all the bad Christians.

The Synagogue of Satan (SoS) would never have achieved its great success if Christians had been doing the little that God asks of them. Sadly today, prayer has taken a back seat to porn. And the Bible to Babylon. Due to our frantic and chronic sinning our intellects have become clouded indeed. Socked in really.

And it’s looking more and more like a Category 6 reality storm is coming our way – in some haste.

It's prayer and fasting time, folks. For yourselves, your families, your friends and your neighbors. Those of you who've somehow found your way here should know that better than most.

“For where there is no prayer and fasting there are the demons.” – St. Theophan the Recluse


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Cackling Kamala Kills It!

It isn't enough for the deranged woman to go after innocent human beings... nope, she also gots a thrill to kill endangered species:

Between Asian herbalists and demented women there aren't many Black Rhinos left in the known universe:

But Kamala belongs to a highly protected species herself. She's Black too... sort of.

Not to mention being a woman and a politician.

She hits the trifecta in America's politically protected species sweepstakes!

However, there's a danger in it for her too: because some billionaire might decide her mounted head would look good above the mantle at his hunting lodge.

I have to disagree with the people who think that if the story gets traction, it'll doom her politically.

Nope, it won’t hurt her at all. How do I know this?

Because her constituency is too far gone, too brainwashed, for it to dissuade them from voting for her. In fact, they’ll find in it even more reason for supporting her. When her ni**as read the headline: “Kamala saved a rhino from dying a slow, painful death due to climate change and habitat loss!” they'll get onboard with it.



Saturday, October 12, 2024

You Will...

Sometimes hear people who should know better say: "God doesn't send anyone to hell. People send themselves to hell." Well... not so fast there, bucky!

God certainly does send people to hell: "Fear Him, who can destroy body and soul in hell." - Matt 10:28. And: "As for these enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them, bring them here and kill them in front of me." - Luke 19:27

Any ambiguousness there?

Then there are all the stories of people who suffered NDE's and got the bad news from the Almighty Himself.

Ultimately people go to hell because that's what they choose. It's what they lived... and God simply delivers their sentences. And the sentences are final. Eternity. No early release. No probation.

There are only two finalities: Heaven and hell.

Those who reject one must necessarily have the other.


Saturday, October 5, 2024

Is Russia "Bogged Down" in Ukraine?

                                    Battle lines, Fall 2022
                                 Battle lines, August 2024

I don’t believe Russia is bogged down. I believe it’s deliberate. Things could have ended in Ukraine in a few weeks, if Putin wanted that, by doing two simple things:

1. Wrecking Kiev’s power grid.

2. Taking out the bridges over the Dniepr carrying men and weapons to the front.

End of problem.

Instead, two years seven months later and there’s still no end in sight; and the front when, it has moved, has usually moved in Ukraine's favor. And in an action NO ONE SAW COMING, Ukraine invaded and occupied nearly 500 sq/mi of Russia. And two months later shows little inclination to leave; or of being made to leave.

I think the “bog” is Putin. The Tribe got to him in some way. That or he has a mental disorder… and sees himself as some grandiose god of war, who can win while doing the exact opposite of the one thing warfare demands, and has always demanded: speed of movement.

Personally, I believe the Tribe got to him.


Monday, September 23, 2024

Nothing New Under the Sun

For some reason I've been accused of being "antisemitic". I don't know why. I have nothing at all against a family of Middle Eastern languages. Am I an "anti-Jewite" then? Nope. I'm not an "anti-Jewite" either. A better term for my position would be to say I'm "anti-kike".

I have nothing against Jews. I've known quite a few in my time and as a rule got along well with them. I appreciate not having to dumb things down for them. Maybe they feel the same way.

And there've been times when Jews helped me out, even though there was absolutely nothing in it for them.

Plus, though they don't like to forget or forgive, on the flip side, if you go out of your way to help a Jew, they will notice it. And they'll remember it too. Better than we do.

Talking about "The Day of the Rope" for Jews, or anyone else, is foolishness. God clearly still wants them around - even though they've gone off the reservation. At the end of the World Jews have an important role to play in Satan's final defeat. There are Christian prophecies regarding this.

The real problem is Satan's sidekicks: the kikes. Running around and stirring up s*** among the goyim. Same as always. Then running back to the other Jews, screaming "See how they hate us!" and getting them all worked up. Eventually, the Jew killers show up to say "Hi!" Of course by then, the guilty kikes have long since skedaddled. Leaving the inoffensive Jews to face the wrath of the mob.

Apparently if there were only two Jews left in the whole wide world, one of them would have to be a kike. Some kind of unwritten law I think. Bad for us. Bad for Jews. So, for now at least, we're stuck with the kikes. A punishment decreed from on high for our many sins.

Looking ahead to what is coming our way, my humble advice dear reader, is to pray and fast a lot. For yourselves, your families, your friends.... And even for Jews.

Some do come over to Christ. Look at Brother Nathanael Kapner. Look at Dr. Bernard Nathanson (that one came out of the clear blue!). Look at Bobby Fisher. Look at Dr. James Tour. Look at Dr. Mortimer Adler... Edith Stein... Felix Mendelssohn... Shia Leboeuf... Cardinal Lustiger... Siegfried Sassoon... Gustave Mahler... Dutch Schultz... Robert Novak... Boris Pasternak... Fr. Alphonse Ratisbonne... Rabbi Israel Zolli... and on and on.

I can promise that in every one of those conversion stories, a Christian... someone... somewhere... had prayed for that individual.

We too should remember to pray for Jews. In an unexpected way it secretly gladdens them to think that someone out there is praying on their behalf. Anyway, pick a Jew you like, surely there is someone, and pray for them. Even if just fifteen seconds a day.

You'll get a lot of credit for it at the Resurrection.


Thursday, September 19, 2024

This Just In...

Based guy publicly spanks some FBI goons when they come calling:

Mr. Kaufmann was needlessly rude and profane to the two FBI agents. Still, they are the lackey's of what is now an illegitimate DC regime. Anyway, remember to record your interactions with law enforcement.


Facebook Police

                                 Big brother is watching....

I recently got an interesting strike at Facebook.

Fourteen years ago my son was in Afghanistan with the Army, and he sent me a pic, or I sent him one, of some Afghani guy kissing a boy. They’re a bunch of weirdo pedo homos over there. He or I used FB to send it.

Anyway… fourteen years later!... FB sends me a notice that my account has been suspended for a week – for “inappropriate sexual content”. They included the pic of the man and kid as the evidence.

I really don’t care as I rarely use FB for anything more than checking Marketplace for things.

My main point is that FB is now combing through data, even many years old, looking for stuff they can throw at people. Just be aware.
