Friday, July 26, 2024

A Call to My Congressman

How is the Congressman doing? I heard that Bibi Netanyahu got fifty three (or was it fifty eight?) standing ovations the other day. I figured after such a rousing reception his hands might be in rough shape. Maybe even bloody stumps!

I can understand how in the euphoria of the moment people could lose count of all the standing ovations. Well, that sometimes happened with Stalin too when he was speaking before the Supreme Soviet. Though I kinda' doubt if even Stalin got that many standing ovations.

Well, Congress WAS in the presence of one of the great mass murderers of our time. So I can understand their awe.

Anyway, when he recovers the use of his hands is he going to sign away even more of our Constitutional rights on behalf of the Israel lobbies? And will he sign on with sending our sons and daughters off to fight, and die, in yet more wars that benefit Israel - though not Americans?


Friday, July 19, 2024


For my part, I'm not going to waste valuable, and dwindling, time by voting this year. Convinced as I am that the electoral process is unfixably broken.

The following article by Padraig Martin at Identity Dixie gives us an interesting view of what another Trump presidency is likely to bring us. Trump is after all, more blow than go. But the real enemy for the Cabal isn't Trump, it's his followers.

Unfortunately, we're covertly being pumped full of chemicals that among other things, clouds the minds of the masses; rendering us incapable of seeing the perfectly obvious. Even hard experience teaches us little.

Welcome to America, 2024! Fake news. Fake money. Fake elections. Fake country.


"Those of you who have followed me over the past several years know that I am no fan of Donald Trump. As a president, Trump was probably the most consequentially disastrous president for the South in the post-Reconstruction Era of American history. More Southern monuments were torn down under Trump than any every other president since Garfield combined. He could have used the National Historic Register to preserve those monuments, but Trump wanted black votes and White anger. His apologists like to claim those monuments are protected under the state, not the federal government. That is not true. The federal government enjoys the power to protect monuments or architecture of historical significance when the state fails to do so. This is a precedent set by the detestable President Ulysses S. Grant when he established the National Park Service. His inaction is inexcusable.

"Additionally, Donald Trump sent more so-called White Nationalists to prison then George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden combined. I still remember the martyrs of R.A.M. His open warfare against White interests and White people knows no limits. Trump did nothing to stop the extraordinary violence of leftist protesters, black rioters, or other anti-White activists in the 2020 “Summer of Love.” He went off the charts in his hatred for those of us who marched at Charlottesville. Many men – including myself – were sent to prison on a myriad of charges, while Trump and his acolytes made excuses for the man.

"Trump’s most important constituency does not reside in Cullman, Alabama, or New Braunfels, Texas. They reside in Tel Aviv. No president loved Israel more and it makes sense: almost all of his grandchildren are Jewish. While Trump, who purportedly “loves the whole Bible,” praised Israel, he ignored punitive taxes levied on Christian churches and institutions by the Jewish state while he was president. He could have easily stopped the double tax that is singularly charged against Christians (not Muslims). He ignored it. While Christian pastors sat in Israeli prisons, Trump freed a black rapper named A$AP Rocky.

"With the exception of record low gas prices (which is a staple of most Republican administrations) and an application of amnesty laws that slowed illegal migration (note – he fired and publicly humiliated the woman who drafted that policy), Trump was a Category-5 Hurricane on America’s White population – especially the South. He expanded the North African and Middle Eastern migrant program for four straight years – most of whom were relocated to Southern cities, especially in Florida and Tennessee. He never banned transgender freaks from military service – he expanded their entry and oversaw their promotions. Trump simply limited their ability to deploy. Finally, if this was not enough, he was the one who chose DEI-advocate General Mark Miley for Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and J6-Hunter FBI Director Christopher Wray. Trump’s hatred of his own constituency is on full display for anyone who actually takes the time to look at his record.

"Yet, White people love the man. For some reason, a South devastated by the policies and intentional inaction of Trump, overwhelmingly vote for him. The billionaire New Yorker with bad hair is adored by millions of White Americans who have been directly and negatively impacted by the former Charlatan-in-Chief. Therein lies the problem.

"The fact that Trump is a de facto enemy of my people will not stop my people from wanting more Trump. His rhetoric does not match his actions. But that is the problem for a Bolshevik movement that has gained speed and momentum since the inaugural ascendency of George H. Bush in 1989. Trump’s message and the hope those words imbue are the problem.

"The American political “Left” – if such a thing exists in a uniparty world – needs to kill White hope. It needs to destroy the potential of Trump’s message actually making its way into law. The global anti-White cabal does not want Trump’s rhetoric to become Florida’s functional policies. Yes, DeSantis kissed a wall (they all do) and signed an antisemitism bill in Israel (a contrived stunt by two FL representatives), but the vast majority of his Florida policies have been overwhelmingly pro-White and pro-Christian. The primary fear of our adversaries is that an articulate and competent leader may arise and work toward pro-White positions. DeSantis did not have the charisma to take on a juggernaut like Trump, but it is simply a matter of time before someone comes along who not only has the rhetorical capacity to articulate those positions, but the acumen to make them a reality.

"Thus, the need for the Left to kill Trump. More specifically, it is their need to kill “the” Trump – the next emerging leader who is quietly learning how to govern and perfecting Trump’s communications ability. The inspiration of Trump is a threat to the system – not the man himself, who actually strengthened the anti-White system from 2017 to 2021.

"Killing the Trump means killing the potential for a movement that realistically helps our people. In 2016, many of us, including myself, fell for Trump’s act. He disappointed us greatly. In 2020, I did not vote for Trump. I saw enough.

"Just because I did not support Trump in 2020, and will not vote for him in 2024, does not mean I support Biden. It means I voted my conscience which directs me toward my people. I do not want talk. I want action. Short term cheaper gas does not make up for the eventual death of my nation. Policies that help my future generations thrive in a homeland that their forefathers built is my goal. Our enemies want the heart of that dream to be torn to shreds. Therefore, they must kill the Trump idea, even if – by his own actions – he does not believe in the ideals himself.

"Whether that is by killing Trump physically (as they attempted on July 13th), politically (as they did in 2020), legally (as they did in a New York courtroom), or by means of internal subversion (such as the selection of a fraud named J.D. Vance), they must kill the Trump. Trump is useless and may himself be a plant to undermine pro-White policies with White lemming support. Regardless, his words have meaning within the hearts of many of my countrymen and correspondingly, our enemies cannot let that hope survive long enough for a more competent and committed leader to emerge."

Padraig Martin - Identity Dixie, July 19, 2024

Monday, July 15, 2024


Some goofy kid, who probably had trouble tying his own shoelaces, just waltzes past layers of security to within 150 yards of a presidential candidate, climbs up on a roof, in broad daylight, and takes a potshot at him?


My developing belief is that Trump's alleged would-be assassin, Thomas Crooks, wasn't the real shooter. Like Oswald, he was the surreal shooter. The patsy.

I have a theory: the REAL shooter(s) was/were positioned directly behind Crooks at some distance. Maybe a hundred feet. Maybe a quarter mile distant. He/they were expert snipers and shouldn't have missed... except for one thing: if Trump hadn’t turned just when he did, it would have marked the end of his presidential run.

A famous sniping team sniper isn't buying "the crazy kid on the roof" story:


Sunday, July 14, 2024


Questions: How was the would-be assassin of Donald Trump able to get within 150 yards of the ex-president... perched on a roof... clearly holding a rifle... in broad daylight... and with multiple people pointing it out to the police?

Was he really "outside the perimeter" as the authorities are now saying? And were there no surveillance drones overflying the area... searching for people with rifles on roofs, in broad daylight, overlooking the stage?


This wasn't a "lone crazy", a la John Hinckley, on a mission to rid humanity of Evil Orange Man. This one goes way up the food chain, folks.

Expectation: We will be serenaded by speeches about the need for "reconciliation and forgiveness". Even from the Trump camp.

Prediction: The media is going to turn the shooter into a "right wing gun nut conspiracy theorist" and "anti-Semite" who was "angry at Trump for coming out in support of Israel."

Guarantee: We're going to be deluged by a tsunami of lies and obfuscations from the MSM in the coming weeks.


Monday, July 8, 2024

Another One of Those "When Diversity Hiring Goes Wrong" Stories

There seem to be more than a few "diversity hiring gone wrong" stories in the media lately. And that's with the MSM trying to hush things up!

About ten years ago the FAA implemented an "off the streets" program to improve the percentages of Blacks working in the aviation industry (read "air traffic controllers"). People who'd actually gone to school and studied to become air traffic controllers were having their applications round filed in favor of Ja'juan from the projects, who had no experience whatsoever at guiding big-ass jets back to de hood.

It's all quite insane. Well, America is insane. At least the people running things in DC are insane. But plenty of folks out here are too:

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Random Meme Wednesday