Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Farewell, Irish Savant

Up until a year ago there was a great blog at WordPress called The Irish Savant.

The author was a snarky Irishman who could write like a boss, and who had interesting thoughts on many things. At least I found them interesting. The comments section was a blast too. I loved it.

In early June of last year The Savant said he was taking a week or two off to move but would be back. That was the last we heard from him.

Even the Wayback Machine has purged the site from its archives. Though his old Blogspot articles can still be found there. Some at least.

The Savant was a contrarian. Too much so for a certain demographic. His Blogspot site got gassed back in about 2010 and he had to start all over again at WordPress – but his numbers never recovered to near what they’d been at Blogspot.

Given his long history of blogging and his sudden disappearance, I'm concerned that The Savant may have done more than just left the blogosphere, he may have left the planet.

I suppose it’s possible WordPress holocausted him too and he decided, “Screw it, I’m done.” There was a strange message from WordPress when you tried to log on at the site for a few months after he took his leave. Then… poof!

Those of us who have contrarian blogs of our own may have sensed, like I have, that forces in the background are working to suppress them. Which makes sense given that with jewry everything is a numbers game.

Oh well... vita brevis est, et omnia bona esse desinunt.

Wherever you are Sav, here’s hoping you’re doing alright. You are missed.



Blogger Brian said...

You can bet that The Sav was 'chosen' by the chosen people, as have so many free bloggers before him. None of us rib-rattlers are safe from the cloven hoof.

June 13, 2024 at 2:54 AM  

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